A southern stand at the panthers can be added a decade down the line when future funding becomes available while money for Newcastle or Wollongong should be used now.The government should spend another 100m at Penrith to add the Southern stand and make it a decent 28k stadium, instead of using the money on Cronulla or Newcastle.
Why Wollongong?A southern stand at the panthers can be added a decade down the line when future funding becomes available while money for Newcastle or Wollongong should be used now.
Just to complete WIN stadium.Why Wollongong?
Newcastle for def.
Wouldn’t be about to upgrade Stadiums Queensland offices which is inside Suncorp Stadium if they were planning to upgrade the stadium. Seems like a wasted $15m.inside sources?
I think heritage laws might’ve gotten in the way for that to happen plus there’s bugger all parking and no rail near by so those issues combined might have prevented anyone from seriously considering any development - modest or otherwise, sadly.I think its too late now but Newtown's Henson Park should have been developed into the best grassed rectangular ground in the country decades ago.
For next to nothing they could have brought the hill forward 20 or 30 mtres and made it steeper and brought the hills on the ends in.
That would have been a good place to play women's rectangular sports etc.
Eyes on the great Auckland main-stadium debate.So back on topic, what’s in the possible pipeline?
1. New Penrith stadium $300mill 25k
2. upgraded Sunshine Coast stadium $148mill 11k +9k temp seats (Olympic decision pending)
3. upgraded cairns stadium $91mill 5k + 15k temp seats (Olympic decision pending)
4. HBF Park upgrade $350-400mill 27k (Perth expansion pending)
5. Possible PNG stadium upgrade
6. possible Suncorp upgrade (Olympic decision pending)
7. ONE NZ stadium $620mill 25k+5k temp
anything else?
I don’t get the point of leaving Eden Park oval, they don’t even play cricket there any more. Bizarre.Eyes on the great Auckland main-stadium debate.
It's down to two options - big upgrade to Eden Park OR a new stadium in the CBD by the waterfront.
Both proposals have been given till 4 Feb to get their final business case submitted to Auckland Council.
Stadium wars: Battle continues between Eden Park and waterfront proposals
Both stadium options face big hurdles – especially over who will foot the bill.www.nzherald.co.nz
Cause they are retaining most of the existing grand stands and a lot of the cost will be in the roof whilst the other stadium isn’t roofed (still has an expensive outside fascade)I don’t get the point of leaving Eden Park oval, they don’t even play cricket there any more. Bizarre.
Stick to Eden park for the simple reason that it offers a bigger capacity of 60k which could easily accommodate an NRL grandfinal, state of origin game and even the magic round.Eyes on the great Auckland main-stadium debate.
It's down to two options - big upgrade to Eden Park OR a new stadium in the CBD by the waterfront.
Both proposals have been given till 4 Feb to get their final business case submitted to Auckland Council.
Stadium wars: Battle continues between Eden Park and waterfront proposals
Both stadium options face big hurdles – especially over who will foot the bill.www.nzherald.co.nz
I’ve never been there.Stick to Eden park for the simple reason that it offers a bigger capacity of 60k which could easily accommodate an NRL grandfinal, state of origin game and even the magic round.
also easily accommodates NRL double headers too.
Eyes on the great Auckland main-stadium debate.
It's down to two options - big upgrade to Eden Park OR a new stadium in the CBD by the waterfront.
Both proposals have been given till 4 Feb to get their final business case submitted to Auckland Council.
Stadium wars: Battle continues between Eden Park and waterfront proposals
Both stadium options face big hurdles – especially over who will foot the bill.www.nzherald.co.nz
Kind of in between Stadium Australia and Suncorp from my expierence there in 2019. The seats on the sides have a nice gradient in between the two grounds as well. Not shallow but not steepI’ve never been there.
Are the seats / stands good (like that Perth oval) or more like Stadium Australia (horrible).?
It'll be insane if they don't build a Suncorp like Stadium by the CBD in Auckland after seeing the success Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth have had this century from new or rebuilt stadia by their respective CBDs as well as making Eden Park into a boutique cricket ground which I'm sure Cricket New Zealand wantsYou just know the wankers will pick Eden Park and a great opportunity to put Auckland on the map stadium and tourist wise missed forever and a crappy oval in the middle of suburbia(similar to our lipstick on a pig Olympic Stadium) will get the nod. They are just going through the formalities. A waterfront state of the art built for purpose jewel of a stadium is way to ambitious for this clown council. They have proven so on other occasions that similar proposals were put to them.
No doubt wil become a financial decision. If they can flog off the land to help cover costs of new stadium I suspect it’d be knocked down and cricket found a new home? Problem now is stadium construction costs have gone insane so a 50k $700 mill stadium a few years ago is now $1billion plus plus! Going to make new stadium needs in places like canberra, Auckland etc hard sells. Look at the severely compromised Penrith outcome for an example of how spiralling costs are causing short term sub standard thinking or Perth continuing to throw $350mill + at hbf rather than building new 30k at Burswood which is what ideally they should be doing.If the new waterfront stadium gets the nod does Eden park also stay or get demolished?
Meanwhile Barlow park is getting minor upgrades and Suncorp nothing
Ben ikin and the qrl need to pull the finger out
unless its in Sydney...I’d add V’Landys and the NRL to that last sentence. Lobbying for stadiums doesn’t seem to be their strongest suit currently.