dafuq you on about by all means if there is an investigator or follower left check me out tonight, this pharo guy is clutching at strawsIf you're worried about me and my alignment, you're making a big mistake. Stannis/Didgi is able to recruit tonight, and his lackey Dario/9701 is going to kill tonight. I may be a lost cause, but I'm worth keeping around... I've got more.
But you're right, I am nub. Which is why it would be near impossible for me to make this up
You are Stannis Baratheon, House Baratheon Aligned One True King.
You?ve suffered almost as many setbacks as your nice person of a brother in your pursuit of the Iron Throne, but you?re a dogged man and you won?t rest until everybody bends the knee.
- Ser Davos Seaworth: You?re protected by your loyal Onion Knight. The first attempt against your life will kill him instead.
- Bend the Knee (or be destroyed: On every third night, you may PM me the name of a person to approach with a request of fealty. If they accept your offer, they?ll join your faction. If they refuse, they?ll die (they won?t be informed of this).
- Coup: If you learn the identity of the leader of a rival mafia faction, you may perform a coup. They?ll die regardless of protection and you?ll take control of their faction. You may only capture one faction this way. If you target the wrong person (not the leader), you?ll be unable to act the following night. A coup replaces all other actions, but can be done during the day.
- Warrior: As an accomplished warrior, you stand a fighting chance if targeted for a kill at night. Whether or not you survive will depend on the skill of the one attacking you.
Your fellow mafia member is BunniesMan.
You win when your faction outnumbers all other factions.
Be nice to nubs...
:lol: God you're dense. So Stannis and R'hllor are different entities... like I said. Which one am I? You've claimed I'm both and now seem to have fabricated a PM. For someone with supposed infinite knowledge you're doing a good job of looking like a fool.
I guess dead men walking will try anything.
lol read the last write up before your next story daario was one of the ones that multi killed PP (Daario is known as the smirking mercenary) you out smarted yourself there. If Daario killed last night and you say I am daario and can kill every second night how would I be killing this night? You dun f**ked up with your lies.If you're worried about me and my alignment, you're making a big mistake. Stannis/Didgi is able to recruit tonight, and his lackey Dario/9701 is going to kill tonight. I may be a lost cause, but I'm worth keeping around... I've got more.
Doesn't seem like a role pm mis would send out, he is a grammar nazi and there are spelling mistakes and an open bracket with no close bracket, good attempt but it seems you have changed your own role to the one you wish you got?
Read my post above which shows you are making stuff up on the go, you the fountain of knowledge on GOT never realised Daario is known as the smirking mercenary your ignorance has failed you.I'm the one grasping at straws?![]()
Read my post above which shows you are making stuff up on the go, you the fountain of knowledge on GOT never realised Daario is known as the smirking mercenary your ignorance has failed you.
Sorry, I come from a role-playing background. I didn't realize until I asked that I could actually post other people's write-ups as proof until I asked... I've also read the books and watch the show so let me clarify. R'hlorr is the Red God, worshipped by Melisandre who convinces Stannis Barathron (that's his last name btw) that he is the chosen of R'hlorr. Thus, as I've said since the beginning, Melisandre and her tool Stannis (that's you playa') are not town. If you are still confused I'll go into further detail, but I hope everyone is smart enough to realize my info > you alive.
Well done, you've read the books. Doesn't support your crazy theory though.
P.S. His surname is Baratheon.
I've presented 3 crazy theories in this game based on my knowledge of the source material. 1: Baelish would be a spy and not town (verified). 2: Melisandre was NOT town (nobody listened...). 3: Stannis (you) are presently a greater threat than I.
PPS. What's the difference between a last name and a surname?
i'm old, when I was a lad we called them Christian names
PPS. What's the difference between a last name and a surname?