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Game of Thrones Mafia IV (Game Over)


Staff member
Game of Thrones Mafia IV

With a twang, a grunt, and an unceremonious voiding of his bowels, Tywin Lannister was dead.

Before him, heart-racing and sweat beading on his brown, Tyrion Lannister lowered the crossbow.

"My Lord," Varys urged, his eyes never leaving the dead former Hand of the King, "We must leave now".

Tyrion allowed himself to be lead out of the Hand's chambers and into the warren of tunnels that would lead him to freedom.

Come morning, the kingdom would be further plunged into chaos.

Misanthrope is dead. He was Tywin Lannister, House Lannister Aligned Hand of the King



7. Dutchy. The Night's King, Others Aligned.

Surviving Losers

1. afinalsin666. Stannis Baratheon, House Baratheon Aligned.
5. Shaun Hewitt. Jorah Mormont, House Baratheon Aligned.
6. Hoggmaster. Daenerys Targaryen, House Targaryen Aligned.
8. DB. Petyr Baelish, House Baelish Aligned.
12. soc123_au. Arya Stark, House Stark Aligned.
15. roc107. Mance Rayder, House Rayder Aligned.
16. Parra Pride. Roose Bolton, House Bolton Aligned.
18. BunniesMan. Missandei, House Targaryen Aligned.
20. Brother Grimm. Tyrion Lannister, House Baratheon Aligned.

The Dead

2. mickyj. Ramsay Bolton, House Bolton Aligned.
3. SGLC. Daario Naharis, House Targaryen Aligned.
4. Slackboy. Cersei Lannister, House Lannister/Rayder Aligned.
5. Shaun Hewitt. Ser Jorah Mormont, Independently Aligned.
9. Apey. Samwell Tarly, Night's Watch Aligned.
10. SeeJay. Davos Seaworth, House Baratheon Aligned.
11. Drew-Sta. Jaime Lannister, House Lannister/Rayder Aligned.
13. Bazal. Jon Snow, House Rayder Aligned.
14. whall15. Melisandre, House Baratheon Aligned.
17. Bazzi. Brienne of Tarth, Independently Aligned.
19. Parra. Sansa Stark, House Stark Aligned.
21. HowHigh. Reek, House Bolton Aligned.
22. KeepingTheFaith. Margaery Tyrell, House Lannister/Rayder Aligned.
23. Misanthrope. Tywin Lannister, House Lannister Aligned.
24. Podrick Payne, Independently Aligned.
25. Varys, ??? Aligned.
26. The Lord of Bones, ??? Aligned.
27. Bronn, House Lannister Aligned.
28. Viserion, House Targaryen Aligned.
29. Myranda, House Bolton Aligned.


- Night 0. Misanthrope (Tywin) dies.
- Day 1. No lynch.
- Night 1: Podrick Payne dies.
- Day 2: No lynch.
- Night 2: SGLC (Daario), Bazzi (Brienne), and SeeJay (Davos) die.


The usual rules apply. No corpse-posting. No sharing contents of PMs you've been sent unless I give you permission. No communicating out of this thread unless you're in a faction. No post editing.

It is now day. With 22 remaining, it is 12 to lynch
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