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Try this V

Take a look at the link belowand see if it is the answer to your problem (left hand column):
How To: Fix spell checking in Outlook Express 6
If you are running Windows XP and are also using Microsoft Office 97, you may find that spell checking does not work in Outlook Express 6.0. When you try to spell check a message, you receive the message "an error occurred whilst the spelling was being checked". The cause of this problem is a missing file which Outlook Express requires.
Obtain a copy of the file csapi3t1.dll and place it in the folder "Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof".
Copies of this file may be extracted from the file mailnews.cab in an Internet Explorer 5.0 or 5.5 distribution set, the file win98_27.cab on a Windows 98 CD, or the file Win_10.cab on a Windows Me CD.
A copy may also be downloaded by clicking on this link.
Note: the spell checker will only work if you have a recent version of Microsoft Office. You didn't really expect Microsoft to support spell checkers in competitors' Office packages, did you?



Hi guys :)
This question may have already been addressed on this top thread, but I'll ask anyway.
Is it better to leave your computer ON at all times (including stand-by mode) or to turn it completely OFF (shut down mode)everytime you're finished with it? I keep hearing mixed opinions on this from those around me. I thought I'd ask the "experts" here. That's all of you :)
If someone can explain the pros and cons of each mothod, I'd be appreciative.
Cheers guys.



Assistant Moderator
Hi Atilla.
It varies. My cpu for example is a noisy bugger because its been juiced up to have more Ram. The guy who supplied it to me said the power supplyand the fan is working hard. I got what I paid for and I'm happy enough with it.

He suggested that I keep it on all the the time because he reckons a fair amount of wear happens when the power supply boots up, being that its has to get to what I call, 'maximum noise level'. I'm sure there's some other more technical term.

But at the very least, I always turn off the unattended monitor. It has stuff in it that can fuse out.

Also, a word of warning if you have 24 hour broadband access. If your firewall or virus detector decides to shut down (as programs do sometmes), it will expose your cpu to attack. Its prudent to turn off your access to the outside world but I confesss to usually forgetting to do this.

btw, I have a mate in Sydney who still has a Pentium 133 which he has been running continuously for about 5 years now. He told me last month that its still working fine.
Dad hasn't turned his computer off in just over 2 years...no bull.
The only thing he'll do every few days or so is put it in 'sleep' mode. He does this if he knows he isn't gonna use it for a few days. Hasn't had the slightest problem yet. He says an old-timer once told him that electronic parts (those found in desktops) work better and more efficiently when they stay 'warm' rather than 'cold' This is what happens if you keep your computerrunning as opposed to shutting it down and rebooting it everytime.
I shut my own destop at home down whenever I'm not using it. Why?I once heard that a desktop in 'active' mode costs approxiametly $28.00 a month in electricity usage. When you're a Uni student on a limit budget, every cent matters.


I once heard that a desktop in 'active' mode costs approxiametly $28.00 a month in electricity usage.
No way...impossible! I wan't to see facts before I beleive this. That's alot of money considering the product and what it isn't doing.What do you base this on?
FTR I shut mine down after finishing with it everyday. No particular reason...except that I'm from the old school of thought. If you don't use it, then put it away. Same thing.

El Duque

If you click on the file it should open in paint and then you go to file, save as and then it gives you the option to save it as a jpeg file.


Thanks fellas :)
I got a $100 wager on this one with a mate: If you were to accumulate bothhieght and weight, who is the biggest player in the NRL this season?
He has to havehad atleasttwo first grade appearences this season so far.
I'll wait for the answer and then say who we both picked.



Thanks Outlaw, but I still can't get it happening. Does anyone know of a FREE spell check that will match itself to Outlook Express?
I'm going to take a stab at Newcastle's Matt Parsons. I've met him on several ocassions (when he ran for the Rabittohs) and he is a true man-mountain. He is by far the biggest player I've ever seen up-close and personal.
I don't know how many first gradegames he has played in this season though.
The Warriors pack may give him a run...but I'm doubtfull.



Assistant Moderator
"Does anyone know of a FREE spell check that will match itself to Outlook Express?"

Vertigo, if you don't already have it, download Netscape Composer.
Composer is web design tool for the budding webmaster... very good for beginners - but it also has an excellent and easy-to-use spellchecker.
You may have to download the Netscape browser suite with it which doesnt hurt.


Assistant Moderator
Ryles has only played one NRL game this season plus a couple of trials. Quite right. I overlooked that part of the question.
Probably would be Parsons. Looking at his profile from NRL.com - I can't see too many being much bigger.
120kg + 201ht = 321total
...and he has played in 4 matches thus far.
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=354 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td align=left>
</td> <td align=right>

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=354 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor=#000000> <table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width=354 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=top bgcolor=#ffffff rowspan=2>
</td> <td class=playerprofile align=middle width="100%" bgcolor=#ffffff>Matt Parsons</td> <td valign=bottom align=right bgcolor=#ffffff rowspan=2>
</td></tr> <tr> <td class=playerprofileelem> <table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=top>
</td> <td class=playerprofileelem>Born: 18 Jun 1973, Tamworth, NSW</td></tr> <tr> <td valign=top>
</td> <td class=playerprofileelem>Weight: 120kg Height: 201cm</td></tr> <tr> <td valign=top>
</td> <td class=playerprofileelem>Usual position: Prop</td></tr> <tr> <td valign=top>
</td> <td class=playerprofileelem>Nickname: Parso, Parsley or Snozzel</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>