I get all that, absolutely. Stacey was a gun. But I don't see which parts of this Simon didn't do as well. Simon had it all for his position. Stacey did too. Did Simon lift bludger teams to respectability. Yeah, he did. He kept us from spoons. We don't make the 2018 finals without him.
When the opposition looked at the Warriors from 2013 onwards, they knew they'd have to work a bit harder if Simon Mannering was there. If he wasn't, I'm pretty sure they knew it would be a walk in the park. I remember our winning percentage without him being absolutely dire. Remembering too when people say someone would save you a game, but someone would win it...both result in 2 points.
But hey I fully respect anyone who sees the answer as Stacey, and there's very good reasons. But for me, it's Simon. Ask Ivan Cleary, and he'd say it's Simon too. Ivan speaks as highly as it is possible to do so on Simon and what sort of person and player he was.