Hi all.
I have a Guns'N'Roses question so I hope someone can help.
The 2 'Use Your Illusion' dvds (1 & 2) ... are they worth buying? I ask because I'd like a Gunners live dvd, but with both dvd's, they appear to be half a concert each ('UYI 1' has the first half, while 'UYI 2' has the second half - or so it seems to me).
Wouldn't it have made much more sense releasing ONE dvd with the whole show instead of TWO dvds with half a show each? Thing is, there are songs on both dvds that I'd like to see, but don't want to pay virtually double the normal price for a live concert dvd.
the dvds are NOT worth buying. i know because i bought the first one.
the sound is crap on them, compared to the acdc live at donnington, or motley crue's carnival of sins dvd, it lacks power and is uninspiring. its almost as if its in mono sound. lame!
visually also, poor. lalot of axl in his underpants and the lighting of the show was poor to begin with. id rate it (dvd 1) a 4 out of 10.
basically they are boring. burn a copy. dont spend your own money.....
why are they separate?
if you buy 1 thing with 2 discs..its what 40-50 bucks.
you buy 2 30 dollar discs.........60. thats 10 dollars profit for geffen/axl rose.....every time.
and when has axl rose ever done anything logical?