Hindy was inteviewed this afternoon by the "talkin sports" team on 2SM, and he said he regreted yesterdays comment which was only said in the heat of the moment. He understands what we, as fans are going through at the moment and that he and the team would do their best to get out of this rut.
Nathen went on to say that this negative attention is all very new to him and doesn't understand why the blame should go to the coach, he obviously supports him every step of the way.
He made 2 startling revelation one inwhich worrys me greatly.
1] It seems as though that the players have only stuck to their game plan for about 15 minutes in the whole match and then they tend to lose their way or play as individuals not as a team.
2] He also said that they don't seem to have an answer at the moment [which is great leading up to the Newcastle game] but they are desperatly working on it.
He did say that the famous, Pizza meeting last night was if anything a productive and soul searching experiance where they all aired their views and weren't afraid to speak their mind, they all agreed to a common goal and we all know what that is.