Obviously the abortion buckets up Brisbane way need to have higher sides.
He's obviously got some serious mental issues.
More often than not when I visit other forums, I am contributing to their discussion and many of my on-line friends support other clubs and a lot of posters go on excursuions to other clubs forums. Not to be dickheads either.
Not that I need to explain that here.
Of course Mr Saab and those of his ilk like that mong Dalek, lead miserable lives and if stupidity was a crime, their files would be stamped
"never to be released"
His presence denigrates our forum of the free, where most of our discussion is balanced and built on a platform of mutual respect for each other ( even when we disagree) underpinned by a love and admiration for Souths.
Some fans from other clubs, cannot hope to reach these heights of communication. Theyd rather rip into their club and each other all the time. You wonder why they dont top themselves.
No-one is perfect, but in my travels, our little forum is up there with the best on LU and we punch well above our weight.
I have no time for the Saab's of the world. They deserve to be abused and spat at ( on line) wherever they go.