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Holy Sh*t! Conspiracy!


Oh my god!

Are you people aware of how vulnerable us Australians are living in this country?
Do you know how easily we can be framed or set up?
Are you aware of what government agencies can do to an innocent everyday Australian?

I read last night that Martin Bryant was in fact, a PATSY for that whole Port Arthur massacre business.

The first portion of the shootings took place in that diner right?
And they were ALL head shots and one went right through the heart.
They claim that only a Marksman could have hit with such accuracy.

Because later when he was finally surrounded in that cottage he let off over 250 rounds of ammo and didn't hit a f*cken thing!

It was all in connection to gun control.
Remember not long after that we had gun control and buy back schemes?
That was its push. They needed a theme.

In ALL footage of that saga was there ever one clear photo of the guy? It's like UFO's. It's always blury.

Two versions of footage released to the public went like this.
One from a tourist captured ONLY sounds around the dining area and it was bright and sunny on the film.
The police footage that was released a week later had the same dining area and it was over cast.
Work that out.

And remember 60 minutes with the Yanky fella?
His footage was blury as well.
Now, why is that?

It was a major tourist attraction right? Bus loads, tons of people there that day WITH cameras yet NOBODY clicked a clear image of Bryant in connection to it all.
There's not one clear image of the guy.
It was always a blured image out of focus. Why?

I know we have to be sensitive towards the victims.
But governments can do this because they're cruel and because they can.
Power you see?
We're powerless.

And get this.
People at the dining hall in the port that were shot at weren't required to testify.
And the guy himself pleaded NOT guilty to 75 charges!!!!!!!!!!

The Australian government or its version of the C.I.A staged that whole saga and proves how easily they could do the same to any of us!

I'll tell ya what man, The hidden rulers of this Earth who push buttons are the MASONS!

I know you'll dispute this with me because we're programed to automaticly hate Martin Bryant for what he did but who's ganna question the government?
Who's ganna speak out against the power?
Who has the nerve to ask the questions?


El Diablo said:
You are joking, right? :?

Those morons spouting that conspiracy have been around since 1 day after the shootings. Pauline Hanson is one of them.


hang on read between the lines . ...................untouchable IS martin bryant................ .......... & he's innocent! #-o we were so silly! forgive us!


No i'm not joking.

They did that whole port Arthur massacre for the gun control push.
Only 12 days later it was all brought up.

The Government conducted that whole conspiracy.

People at the diner weren't required to testify.

2 tapes released showed different back ground.

The only cops that were working that day were on the other side of the island searching for bottles of heroin in the ocean.

Convenient how the cops showed up WITH TV cameras when the guy was cornered in the cottage with his final stand but what about when it started?
You telling me that not one cop was made aware when he first started shooting in the diner section where it all started?
Late response time wouldn't you say?

If there was a single shot bullet right this very instant cops would be all over this shopping center here in Miller in seconds.

El Diablo devil...Tell me, where were you the day Kennedy was assassinated?
Was you ever cleared?
I'd like to know of your where abouts with the Kennedy assassination.


So you know about it right!

You see?

How come not one person took a clear image of the diasaster?

This whole incident was in connection to gun control and the buy back scheme.

And it's all in connection with multiculturalism and the flooding of immigrants to this country.

They stripped us of our guns to make the visitors feel welcome.

We're not aloud to have a gun in this country no more.

And the government succeeded with the push from this whole martin bryant theory.

Yer, the guy was a spastic and dis-abled...he was even diagnosed as being Shcizo...The guy had mental problems they manipulated him into being the f*cking fall guy.
You only have to look at him to know that he's inco-pasitated.

This could happen to you or me.


c'mon untouchy - put that alfoil hat on before the government reads your thoughts!


I'm not posting this to be a trouble maker and i'm not defending Bryant.
And i'm well aware that when this broke out it's main purpose was to draw sympathy and bring us all closer together as a community but like that Beau Bridges movie about Terrorism WE NEED A NAME!
It's automaticly programed in us to hate Bryant and wish him dead.

But what if the guy were innocent and the entire world was against him wanting him dead yet the government was behind it all?

Who's willing to concieve this idea for a second?

Our initial thought process is give us his name! We want him dead.

They didn't even have one finger print on the shells or the meal plate he ate at at the dining hall before the killing.

How easy is it to dress a Marksman up in a wig with a trench coat and decieve people?
Funny how he chose a trench coat too.
Did Columbine come before Port Arthur or after?


Greg Star

Ok, what if tonight.....umm, the goevernment dished dirt up about you...sent out some cronnys posing as drug dealers shot your entire family popped you in the neck with a sedative tranquilizer and planted all your finger prints all over the mar f*cker?

You see, this is why i never speak out against the government in papers.

There's a higher power than all of us and it's a seceret society.

This is bigger than life itself.

Our governments don't run society man......A seceret orginizastion pushes the buttons.

All i want in this life is peace and quiet man.

It doesn't pay to be radical or to draw to much attention to yourself.


I've never met a cronny but i hope he can sell me the drugs you are obviously enjoying! :lol: you're a bit of a classic untouchy!

El Diablo

Post Whore
Untouchable said:

There's a higher power than all of us and it's a seceret society.

This is bigger than life itself.

Our governments don't run society man......A seceret orginizastion pushes the buttons.

The Illuminati.


untouchable said:
It doesn't pay to be radical or to draw to much attention to yourself
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's what your doing?....kepping a low profile. :lol: :lol: :lol:

El Diablo

Post Whore
Untouchable said:
This is bullsh*t man!

I just punched in two addresses for verification on this subject and they have been wiped off the face of the joint.



These two addresses that hold vital information to back up these claims from people that were there themselves is no longer avalible.

Gee, it's funny how they don't work isn't it?
Wonder why they were shut down?

here's some


