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Honest thoughts on Anasta's move

Misty Bee

First Grade
This is no 'magic wand' however - because then u will eventually see a culture develop where the likes of the Roosters will be offering tens of thousands for 10 and 12 year olds for the promise of 'future' contracts...but at least that will take a WHILE for the rot to set in there...

This already happens, and the Roosters are not the only club to do so. That's why there was so much talk of an entry level draft to begin with.

TBH, You can't blame Anasta or the Roosters. Anasta was squeezed out of the Dogs, either by desire, or Anasta dragging the chain seeking the almighty $ (Which, from SOuths view, is what DIDN'T happen.

The irony is that, under the salary cap, a cashed up Souths can't buy their way out of the doldrums, yet clubs who can aford to spend beyond the cap for eternity can. Is there any wonder why there is a perception that the cap is being smashed by some?

A points system ofor rep players is useless. repplayers have an unnoficial points system - their price goes up.

If you want to really see what the cap does - remember this. In the first year of the salary cap (ie the year when most contracts were signed before it), Souths won the minor premiership. Balmain made the grand final.

And I can recall within 18 months that it was Souths that had to jettison all it's stars because of it.


A first graders goal is first of all to make first grade, eventually there goal will be to win a premiership and play rep footy.

Is Harrision going to win a premiership playing with souths?
Will Anasta get another shot at a blues jersey playing with Souths?

I dont think anyone looks losing.. espaically Anasta, how can you enjoy your footy while your loosing?

Harrison and Anasta made the right choices, they done what was best for their playing career and for themeselves, although i cant stand the Roosters, they done what was best for themeselves.
Sorry Souths you have strong juniours dont abandon them.

Focal Point

iggy plop said:
Anasta and Wing never playing for Souths again - that's gotta hurt more.

Dogs fans may be sad to see him leave, but that is incomparable to what Souths fans must be feeling. If only they weren't kicked out of the comp.

Look on the bright side.

They're not contracted to the roosters forever. By the time Anasta's contract expires, he'll only be 26. I'm not sure when Wing's contract expires but I'm assuming it's around the same time frame, and he'll only be in his mid 20's as well.

Hopefully by then, Souths will be more competitive and perhaps that will attract those two into "coming home".

Big Poppa Pump

You didn't want him as much as you wanted your other off contract stars. That was made obvious when you threw bucketloads at SBW & Big Willie. Thats not a bad thing as both of them are genuine superstars.

He understandably wanted to go to a team that would be competitive (and though you hate us you cannot deny we will always be competitive), he wanted to keep his chances of rep footy strong and he wanted to play under a proven coach. I also think that he has an eye to a career after league & who better than people like Jamie Packer & Nick Politis to help with that. Look at what they have done for Fittler.

I am overjoyed he is coming to us. He is a superstar as well & will fill the void Fittler left perfectly.

As for Souths..............well, lets face it until they get a big name coach who can attract big name players (and make the ones they have want to stay) & backers then they will always struggle. Why on earth would anyone want to play for them?

Billy Gunn

You talk about distribution of talent but of the 15 NRL Clubs how many made a play for Anasta? 2 that leaves 13 other that didn't bother or see the value and that's their decision.

Under a salary cap you can have no fairer system of creating a distibution of talent. If you have a points system for rep players than teams like the Warriors, St George, Nth Qld and Brisbane would be deamed to have far greater CURRENT rep players than the Roosters.

I think what you guys also miss is that yes the Roosters have been in 4 of the last 5 finals but how many years in a row have the Broncos been in the top few teams how long has the Bulldogs been (other than 02 for obvious reasons) beed a force.

I think you need to stop drawing long bows on everything that the Roosters do. I can appreciate the hatred for the Roosters it's what the sport is all about. Typical tall poppie syndrome we hate other teams that we do not support when they are successful and Roosters supporters should take that hatred as a badge of honor.

I know Souths and Newcastle supporters would love there team to be hated as much if it meant the same level of success.



First Grade
Dog-E said:
Points system for rep players is the ONLY way to do that....can only have a certain amount - then u can't sign any more.

Generous discounts for rep players that break thru after being with the club (juniors included) for 5 years, say (just for eg).

This is no 'magic wand' however - because then u will eventually see a culture develop where the likes of the Roosters will be offering tens of thousands for 10 and 12 year olds for the promise of 'future' contracts...but at least that will take a WHILE for the rot to set in there...

ONE thing is clear - the CURRENT cap - needs an overhaul...and FAST!!!

What about teams like the Broncos and now Cowboys who develop their own players and have them go on to play rep footy. Do we just say sorry, but he's played rep footy now you can't have him anymore? It would have to be a bloody generous discount, Parker, Lockyer, Tate, Berrigan, Petero, Carlaw, Carroll, Thorn, McGuire, Hodges, and Webcke have all played rep footy. Seymour, Hunt, Thaiday, Costigan and Stagg will too one day. Not one player is not either a Broncos junior or developed player from those lists. How unfair on the club would it be if they had to start releasing players that wanted to stay and they wanted to keep because of a points system?


Well i think Braith defenetly made the right decision. I kind of saw Souths as the ugly kid trying to get a date with the swimsuit model, it was never gonna happen, even if they were as impressive as they could've been. People criticise the Roosters for this and normally i would too but i cant, they've realeased a lot of players to make way for Braith and Ashley.


How can Braith say that money was not involved in his decision?

If money played no factor, why didn't he just stay with the dogs?

Sure playing with Souths would potentially limit his ability to win premierships and make rep teams, but I dont see how the Roosters offer him a better chance at winning premierships than he otherwise would with the bulldogs.

And if it is purely because of the coach, thats some slap in the face for Steve Folkes.


I wouldnt write Souths off yet. They have a fantastic crop of juniors coming through the ranks. Sutton Gordon Champion etc are just a sample of what they have. The best news is that all of the young ones have been signed up. There are at least another 8 of their juniors who will be just as good as Sutto Gordon and Champion.

Souths are happy with their coach. He is renowned for bringing juniors through the ranks and that is what he is doing. The juniors are Souths future now and Bomber is the right man for the job.

The Anastas Harrisons and Orfords dont have enough faith in their own ability to help a struggling club turn it all around. I wish them luck for the future. I wont knock these players as they are looking after themselves and their future. The only thing i would like to say to Braith Anasta is dont look to play with Souths later in your career when they have a good team as i think their fans are over you.

Souths will be a force again in the future and they will do it with Bombers young ones.
They will do it with juniors who want to wear the cardinal and myrtle. They will do it with pride in the jersey. They will do it with mates that they have gone through the ranks with. They will do it as Souths always have...with their own juniors.

Dogs Of War

BD5733 said:
And if it is purely because of the coach, thats some slap in the face for Steve Folkes.

As it is in life. Having many different perspectives on the one subject usually gives you a better all round knowledge of it.

Same for footy. I'm sure Ricky will take up where Folkes left off, Folkes gave him the will, Stuart will teach him some of the finer points of playmaking.


Vince Sorrenti wasn't funny on the Footy Show tonight but I did like one joke of his:

"Braith will be the first person to go from Belmore to the eastern suburbs without a balaclava and a crowbar"



Billy Gunn said:
You talk about distribution of talent but of the 15 NRL Clubs how many made a play for Anasta? 2 that leaves 13 other that didn't bother or see the value and that's their decision.

Under a salary cap you can have no fairer system of creating a distibution of talent. If you have a points system for rep players than teams like the Warriors, St George, Nth Qld and Brisbane would be deamed to have far greater CURRENT rep players than the Roosters.

I think what you guys also miss is that yes the Roosters have been in 4 of the last 5 finals but how many years in a row have the Broncos been in the top few teams how long has the Bulldogs been (other than 02 for obvious reasons) beed a force.

I think you need to stop drawing long bows on everything that the Roosters do. I can appreciate the hatred for the Roosters it's what the sport is all about. Typical tall poppie syndrome we hate other teams that we do not support when they are successful and Roosters supporters should take that hatred as a badge of honor.

I know Souths and Newcastle supporters would love there team to be hated as much if it meant the same level of success.


Once more....I have NEVER purported to have all the answers....I don't think ANY system or model ANYONE could come up with - would be perfect! And no matter wha u do anyway - You're never gonna please all of the people all of the time!

Only thing I know - the system we currently have - is NOT achieving its goal...And SOMETHING needs to be done.

Before it's too late. :(


First Grade
Bout time the Dogs started losing some players after rorting the cap in 2002. I don't think Anasta will turn the Roosters around, they have so many bad contracts. Roberts, Monas and Finch to name a few.

Billy Gunn

Dog-E said:
Once more....I have NEVER purported to have all the answers....I don't think ANY system or model ANYONE could come up with - would be perfect! And no matter wha u do anyway - You're never gonna please all of the people all of the time!

Only thing I know - the system we currently have - is NOT achieving its goal...And SOMETHING needs to be done.

Before it's too late. :(

I just really don't understand what is wrong with the system currently we have all teams in the competition being reasonably competitive.

Successfull clubs come and go all the time. Some stay at the top longer due to one reason - GOOD MANAGEMENT and good stratigic planning.

Any team (almost) can build a winning team but it is another to build a winning culture.

I think most of the whinging about this topic is from people who unfortunaly are unable to think for them selves and draw their own conclusions to why one team stays on top longer than others and unfortunatly those supporters clubs are almost as narrow minded as them.

I say again the current system works just some clubs have seen earlier than others.
