Briza said:
Hi guys, I was wondering what Train Station was the closest to Leichardt Oval ?
The closest station to get off at is Petersham. (Which is the station between Summer Hill and Lewisham). You then have about a 20 minute walk.
When you leave the station, as you walk up the stairs take a left turn, you will then see a pub called The White Cockatoo, cross the road to The White Cockatoo, duck in for a few ales to take the edge of the afternoon and then make your way up Railway Street which is the street that is on the intersection of the White Cockatoo Hotel. It is the street that goes away from the trainline.
Follow this street to Parramatta road (major road), cross the road and turn right and walk about 100 metres down the road where you will get Norton Street. Turn into Norton Street and walk about 1km where you will reach and T intersection which is Lilyfield road.
Turn left into Lilyfield road and then take the first right into Mary street, by now you will see the light poles of Leichhardt Oval, walk across Mary Street and veer off down the second street on the left which is still called Mary Street. Leichhardt Oval is about 150 metres down the street.