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First Grade
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see that we're struggling big time. Here are some of my reasons as to why the shit has hit the fan so to speak.

1. All our go forward is gone.

OK obviously this is gonna be partially rectified by the return of Croker, Davico and of course Wiki. But what worries me more is the fact that we've abandoned our 'up the guts' strategy. Last year that killed it for us, we made a stack of metres, continually had the opposition defences pedalling backwards. And most importantly, IT WORKED. I'm glad Elliott had the balls to say 'OK, there's a good chance oppositions will work us out regarding that, we need to be able to spread it too', but the problem is we are now going wide before we go forward. Woolford seems to have completely forgotten the art of quick play the balls, I dont think it is helping that he is being benched at various intervals. He seems unhappy.

The most startling stat is that our average metres gained has dropped by over 400 metres per game since 2003. That is a worrying sign and one that suggests that we're not just moving away from what we're good at, we're leaving behind the basics.

2. The halves

Drew may be a talented footballer. But he has completely lost the plot. He pre-meditates what he is gonna do, but if the play unfolds differently then he still continues wtih his original idea. That for me demonstrates that he is not a halfback in any sense of the word. A halfback has to marshall the troops and guide them around the paddock, and adjust as the game sees fit. This does not happen. Michael Monaghan had this ability.

Mark McLinden is always a favourite of the Raiders public but at times he shits me to tears. Everyone remembers his Eels game earlier this season, because he was dynamite. Where did that effort go? He has not played a decent game since that night. He is not a classical 6 because he doesnt like to link his outside men. He's far happier running himself, and at the moment he isnt even doing that. What is frustrating is that Marty turns up to play WELL maybe 1 every 4 games. He needs to lift his act and get consistency into his game. He has played 150 matches now, he should do better.

This for me means we have two 'non classical' halves occupying both positions. Throw in Toots and we have the 'odd trio', which works behind a forward pack that is killing it but fails dismally if we're getting butchered as we are at the moment.

IMO we need to buy someone as a quick fix. I know Todd Carney is waiting in the wings but he is young and will need time, if we blood him now it will be awkward to begin with. Matt Orford is on the market, the Dragons have two gooduns with Firman and Head, Luke Dorn is playing reggies with the Rorters.... hell Mick Monas is off contract June next year! I just think we need something else there to bring structure and organisation to our attack.

3. The backs

Schif is dreadful at the moment and I'm his biggest fan. All his confidence is gone. His failings with the boot has killed him and he just doesnt hit the line hard. I say relieve him of the kicking duties and let him focus on doing what he does well, running hard and into gaps. This means give Gafa a regular wing role and I think he deserves that. He is talented and kills it with the boot. A far better prospect than some of the others we have in the backline as well.

I don't know what has happened to Adam Mogg. Last season I thought he was one of the best buys our club had made for ages. Defensively he was an animal and he is quick and runs hard. Now he is leaving a 15m hole in the defensive line, is rushing in and leaving the winger stranded. Plus he is braindead in attack. He may need a spell because he is talented, he just isnt showing it at the moment.

Robbo may have started the season well, but IMO he has fallen in a big hole recently. He is watching too much Justin hodges, he loves the sideways thing. He doesnt have size like Joel to carry him across the stripe. While I love his attitude personally I dont think you can say he will ever cement a wing spot because he never IMPOSES himself on a game. Is there someone better? I'm not sure. Joel is travelling OK but a long way off his hard running from 03.

Boogas. I don't blame him for the semi, I dont blame him for the Panthers game. But at 28, and with his penchance for mistakes, I think he is blocking someone else from making the grade. And why play him in the forwards when I could have a decent, full-time forward! I think he is a useful stop-gap at best.

4. Depth

I think we've lost more than we thought. We're skinny in the three-quarter line with no more Jimmy and Elliott's reluctance to use Phil. Where is the alternative? Fransiscus? 'The Man'? Last season our PL backline was Chalk Gafa Evans Graham Jensen Monas Van Dijk.... that killed it. No monas. No Van Dijk, no jensen, no evans, no lolesi. We were an average attacking team, now we're a shit one. Because we dont have the cattle to do the job.

Even our forward depth is tested at the moment (mainly due to injuries). I LOVE Miller and Rothery as prospects, but we cant have the two of them PLUS Kahler and Bryant in the one team as it kills us in terms of experience. You need to bring rookies through 2 at a time max. otherwise the team is rudderless, just like we are now! Obviously injuries happen but we are being sorely tested right now. I hope we can pull through.


its not all doom and gloom. Hodgo and Hindy are killing it. We can bounce back if we return to what we are good at. We dont have a gamebreaker, so we need to work as a unit and do the percentage things well. It will take a monumental effort from the coaching unit to get us back on track. But after 1.5 games this yr (half time at the panthers game) I thought we were gonna be unstoppable. So it can be done. Its just a question of 'if'.

Finally, my team (this is the best lineup, not next weeks):

1. Schif
2. Gafa (GK)
3. Monaghan
4. Mogg (through lack of options)
5. Robertson (ditto)
6. Croker (because it works)
7. McLinden or Carney
13. Ian Hindmarsh
12. Ruben Wiki
11. Michael Hodgson
10. Davico
9. Woolford (although on thin ice as well!)
8. O'Hara

14. McLinden or Carney
15. Cross
16. Weyman
17. Rothery

I hope I havent bored you all to tears.



Post Whore
nope, well said champ
although i could handle Miller on the bench in Rotherys spot
both are great talents

Mal Meninga

On paper it looks good but think of the situations.

*Carney - He's boom or bust. Could be the greatest thing since sliced bread or cause us to crash and burn out of top 8 contention. One year removed from SG Ball and we're going to rely on him to hold together a poorly structured attack? True their have been some great young players coming through at tender ages, but normally they've been given steller talents play right next to them. Carney being tutored by Brad Drew or Macca? :lol:

*Can we ever rely on Weyman again? Last I heard\read of him he considered retirement. Excellent prospect, but he's injury prone. Fit's the bill perfectly of Statue.

*Centres aren't good enough. Monas has his moments, but his defense is shaky, but Mogg seems more like a good stop-gap. Although Graham was awful vs Roosters, he seems more than able to break the line, something which plenty of Raiders players have trouble with.


First Grade
That looks a great side thickos, but there are a few changes I'd make:

1 Schif
2 Gafa (GK)
3 Graham
4 Monas
5 Robbo
6 Croker
7 Marty

Graham's only had one run in 1st grade all season, but has played quite well in reggies. And in the Roosters game, he was never given opportunities to shine. I've also played him on the same side of the ground as Gafa, not just for alliteration, but also because they played PL last season together, and they can link up well.

I know when I suggested it a few weeks ago after the Knights game, I was shouted down for suggesting that Schif should be moved to the wing, allowing Gafa to move to fullback. Although he's great as our last-line-of-defence player, he's been playing flat all season, and perhaps playing a different position may spark something in him. For now though I have left him at fullback.

8 Rhino
9 Woolford
10 Davico
11 Wiki
12 Hodgo
13 Hindy

Nothing wrong with your forwards, I've just moved Wiki back to 11 (I hate it when players are in the "wrong" number, I'm just like that.)

14 Weyman
15 Cross
16 Kahler
17 Rothery

There are a few other yonger blokes I'd like to see get some bench time this season, but the bench is always difficult. I'd also like to see Terry Martin returning to his form of last season. And of course I'd like to see Campo making a few appearances to gain confidence.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
I was shouted down for suggesting that Schif should be moved to the wing, allowing Gafa to move to fullback. Although he's great as our last-line-of-defence player, he's been playing flat all season, and perhaps playing a different position may spark something in him.

NEVER ever move Schif from fullback. That would be just plain dumb. His saved way too many tries this year, and at Wing, he just won't do anything out there!


First Grade
yea thats the thing. we would be better off in attack with McLinden at fullback, but every second set of six a line break is being made and Schif is saving us. The tigers could of racked up 40 if not for him on the weekend, hes an awesome tackler


and at Wing, he just won't do anything out there!
I tend to agree Schif's attack hasn't been that strong so unless there is a gap he won't make the meters needed. I wish he would stop shuffeling his feet and run forwards.

thickos, probably one of the only posts that I would say is right on the money, Sad But True!!

Some of our best players/hero's have been playing unbelieveably flat this year, and nowhere near the First Grade Level.
I would love to see this your post sent to either Matty Elliott or the coaching staff, because the team they've been playing the last few weeks have just been aweful.


Well why not move Marty to the 3/4 line?

We can keep Schif at fullback and use Marty's best abilities.
I really think we have to be proactive on the open market this season and either buy a really good half or a really good centre. Thing is, I don't think there are that many good centres on the open market this year. :(


use Marty's best abilities
problem is that Marty has only shown said abilities Once this year, against the Eel's.

he just dosn't run the ball any more, maybe he is scared of getting hurt?? I don't know... but it would be good to see a turn around.


The reasons schifs attack isnt doing anything is because the opposition line is having an easy time of it and are holding their structure alot more against us. Last year he was making breaks because our forwards were beating seven shades of crap out of the opposition and that was leading to alot more gaps opening up.

He is still the best all around fullback in the comp (ignoring Locky). I would dread the thought of having Wesser or Hornby at the back the way we are playing.

Also, can someone please tell me Weyman is going to be back this year. It would be shattering if we lost him for good.


i read in the paper yesterday that several dragons are asking for contract upgrades or else. An insider said that their side wont look the same next year. Cooper was one player mentioned for an upgrade, he has a clause in his contract allowing him to renegotiate if he plays rep footy. Wouldn't be a bad buy, but halves should be priority!


the raiders website still has him as indefinete. However, it's says he's resumed light training. I hope he comes back soon, one of the best young front rower prospects in the game.


First Grade
Glad to see my post has created such a burst of conversation.

On looking at my team again, I would quite happily exchange Phil Graham for Mogg in my team. Just think back everyone to the first 8 weeks of 2003. Rd 1 vs Cowboys - 2 length of the field tries. Rd 4 v Panthers - another intercept and a self-engineered try from a miracle chip and chase. Rd 7 vs Bulldogs - quite possibly one of the best individual tries seen at Bruce Stadium. We need that spark back.


First Grade
Raiders 2004 said:
I was shouted down for suggesting that Schif should be moved to the wing, allowing Gafa to move to fullback. Although he's great as our last-line-of-defence player, he's been playing flat all season, and perhaps playing a different position may spark something in him.

NEVER ever move Schif from fullback. That would be just plain dumb. His saved way too many tries this year, and at Wing, he just won't do anything out there!

Possibly, but if the rest of the side were pulling their weight, his trysaving efforts wouldn't have been so vital. There is only 1 player that I think has been outstanding in all games, everyone else has a long way to go if we are to be serious premiership contenders.

Sad but true.


i think if he was gonna be moved id say to the centres
but i really do think we need his defense at the back

he needs to learn how to run again.. he isnt even looking dangerous. i actually said this ages ago about the way he is stopping at the line and getting picked off ages ago and he hasnt gotten better... actually probably worse

run it schif and take the line on. You know you can do it


What I am having trouble coming to terms with, is last year we were so dominant in the forward pack and took most teams in the middle of the paddock.

We were very successful, yet tagged the 'boring' team. So instead of pissing off that criticism, we take it personally and approach the 2004 season playing an expansive game - trying to anyway.... (mistake number 1)

Now 10 Rounds in, we finally realise it isn't working so we attempt to take teams on in the forwards - only now, our confidence has been shot to buggery and are getting lapped each week....

I don't really know what the solution is but the sooner we get back to playing the forward game again, and get rid of this expansive thing that doesn't suit us, the better.

I would much rather an ugly win, than an attractive loss any day of the week.

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