Never counted them but I've probably got about 3000 or so. Mind you I have double and triples of some. Not just cuz the same song is on different albums but I also have some that are Live versions etc
:lol: And people call me a forum cop. Who f*cking cares if people want to share the size of their music collection?This thread should be called how big is your musical penis.
Personally I've got a 500GB external hard drive - allows plenty of space to store the music so why not have it on demand - someone asks about a song you might even find it for them... another non-issue IMO - unless you don't have a lot of storage space who cares how many unlistened songs you have?I'd be interested to know what percentage of the songs people have listed to having on their hard drives they have actually listened to
is two thirds of that rodney rude?
Im currently mp3-ing my CD collection for a juke box hard disc and coupled with my downloads I will head into the 5000 + range.
Never realised how many songs you have when you rip all your albums/double albums!!!
Sitting somewhere between 9,500 and 10,000... can't remember the exact figure.
:lol: And people call me a forum cop. Who f*cking cares if people want to share the size of their music collection?
Personally I've got a 500GB external hard drive - allows plenty of space to store the music so why not have it on demand - someone asks about a song you might even find it for them... another non-issue IMO - unless you don't have a lot of storage space who cares how many unlistened songs you have?