First of all have everyone shut up with the hyperbole. 'Worst refereeing ever', 'referees in crisis' - we literally hear these every year. Referees do one thing,and its the worst ever, they do what everyone wants and they are the worst ever. Like in 2017 - everyone complains about refs not enforcing the rules, allowing teams to be blatantly offside, lie all over the ruck, give away deliberate penalties and play the ball wrong. Referees are the worst they have ever been and they need to do this this and that and so on.
2018 - Referees penalise blatant offsides, awful play-the-balls and holding down and use the bin for deliberate penalties like everyone wants - the referees are now the worst they have ever been and we need to go back to 2017 where the football was so much better apparently.
This shit about fans walking away from games because of refs is bullshit and been going on forever. Of course the officiating can be improved, but the levels of hyperbole are ridiculous. That said a couple of things that could be done:
1. Limit the Bunker/Video Ref. They have seemed to be in most refereeing controversies for the last 20 years. Limit it to groundings, as we need it to determine split second groundings before touch line etc. Everything else should be officiated the same way it is in the middle of the field. Offside, obstructions etc. should be ruled on in real time by the refs and touchies. People will still complain when decisions are proven wrong by replays, but at least we will have a consistent rule. It also brings top level footy back in line with lower levels.
2. The NRL is officiated by how entertaining the product is to viewers. Cut that shit out and referee to the rule book.
3. Instead of constantly bitching about referees, how about YOU go out and referee juniors or local footy and actually help out your sport for once instead of being a little bitch about everything. This will also give the NRL more referees to choose from as I don't know where the NRL are going to get all these referees from since according to the viewers every single NRL ref is complete shit and should be sacked. There aren't a bunch of brilliant referees just waiting around. My local comp this week had 11 referees for 17 games. If the abuse of referees continue to get worse, the numbers will continue to get lower and games will not be able to be held at all.