What are WSW fans protesting?
I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I don't know all the facts. From what I understand, there are a couple of issues, although the main one relates to how Hatamoto (organisation who do fan security for the FFA) and the FFA operate in the process of banning fans.
Atm the issue is that there's no appeals process in place for you to appeal your ban. And Hatamoto, who give their reccomendations to the FFA, don't have to provide you with any evidence as to why you were banned. From what I've heard (again not sure if it's accurate), some fans have been given 5 year bans simply for being the vicinity of people perpetrating illegal acts.
The purpose of the protest was to try and get to a point where fans, who receive bans, actually have an avenue in which to contest their sentence.
Now I'm not saying our fanbase has been totally innocent. We've ripped our fair share of flares, and had the occasional bottle-throwing incident, but from what I understand the protest isn't really about that. Members of the RBB are fine for those caught throwing flares to be banned. It's more about providing an avenue, for those are wrongfully banned, to fight their case.