Champs sprunted through some poor attempted tackles and the whole game slid into a hazy sixth dimension.
Everything went cloudy and ethereal.
Metres became moments in time caught between victory and the abyss.
Wing is in position, your guys are about to pulverise him and he slips a pass to Max, who looks more surprised than anyone and punts it.
It travels through space, it churns through 40 years of the game and then thrusts over.
Theres disbelief and misunderstanding.
We dont know what happened but somehow we won.
And we won against a very brave and determined side.
Both teams showed the league how to knock the bad stuff out of the game and focus on the good points.
We are not going to be selfish and be dickheads about it.
It took two teams and two great clubs to present that game yesterday.
Everyone else can eat our dust.
Theres a place in our hearts for the tigers, in an informal yet meaningful way, you share in our victory.
So dont cry or feel hurt, Stretch out and stand up next us proud Tiges.
we honour you.
Champs sprunted through some poor attempted tackles and the whole game slid into a hazy sixth dimension.
Everything went cloudy and ethereal.
Metres became moments in time caught between victory and the abyss.
Wing is in position, your guys are about to pulverise him and he slips a pass to Max, who looks more surprised than anyone and punts it.
It travels through space, it churns through 40 years of the game and then thrusts over.
Theres disbelief and misunderstanding.
We dont know what happened but somehow we won.
And we won against a very brave and determined side.
Both teams showed the league how to knock the bad stuff out of the game and focus on the good points.
We are not going to be selfish and be dickheads about it.
It took two teams and two great clubs to present that game yesterday.
Everyone else can eat our dust.
Theres a place in our hearts for the tigers, in an informal yet meaningful way, you share in our victory.
So dont cry or feel hurt, Stretch out and stand up next us proud Tiges.
we honour you.
Thanks guys, heartbreak.. I know it by name.
As rabbitoh fans we have been marching within the valley of death for ages.
Weve lost a lot of guys along the way.
Every now and them we reach a high point in the track and we can see the glittering lights of the finals series above the lonely mountains.
Last weekend, we tripped over a tigers tail and saw what we thought was some neon in the distance.
Your stand-ins had massive games, good things are on the way.
Points will gather again for the Tigers.
I have lots of mates who are tigers fans, you guys have an amazing relationship with your players.
Which team will turn up on the day is an old favourite.
But deep down, underneath that scaley exterior, you all love your club with all your hearts!