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I heard the Titans are going to release Eddie George

Raider Azz

Apparantely they are having trouble fitting him under their salary cap. I hope they don't release him. :( He is my favourite player and one of the Titan's best.


Eddie George ... used to be a great player but I guess he aint getting any younger....

PS .... I hate the Titans... bring back the Houston Oilers........



I heard the same thing. Still, they have McNair who makes plenty of yards anyway. George would be a great signing for a struggling club. I'd have him in Denver for sure.

Big Tim

First Grade
I heard a rumour from a big raider fan that they were cutting Rich Gannon and that he would most likely be picked up by Gruden and the Bucs. Apparently Gruden has never been happy with Johnson, but has used him through lack of quarterbacks.

This rumour really has some substance, considering the raiders have signed Kerry Collins, and have little room for an ancient QB in there roster that already has the likes of Collins and Tuiasosopo.


Eddie is expecting too much money for the form he has shown in the past 2 seasons and the Titans (my team) are struggling to get under the cap. They have the man that makes them what they are in McNair....he is an absolute legend and warrior.......

I like George but feel his best form has been and gone.....

unless he is prepared to take less then I think he is gooooooone.


The titans cant survive relying on McNair, he is a good player, but he is not a dominanating player like a Peyton Manning or Mike Vick. For McNair to be successful he needs a good running back with him to reduce the heat on him.

I find it hard to believe that the Titans are going to struggle under the cap to keep him considering they lost Kearse and Smith already this off-season.

They do have some descent running back rookies running around for them like Vick King and Jarrett Payton (I think he might just be relying on his name though ;-) ). I cant see them letting go of George if they have any common sence though. They need to wait till there is a better crop of running backs available so they can replace George without a major impact


he titans cant survive relying on McNair, he is a good player, but he is not a dominanating player like a Peyton Manning or Mike Vick. For
mate, you have got to be kidding!!!! Did you watch the superbowl he played where he single handedly made some massive plays that brought them back into contention. George has done diddly shit the last 2 seasons while mcnai has prospered and come into his own. I personally rate him higher than Manning because he doesn't have the running back (James) and the outstanding receiver (Harrison who manning over uses ) to help him acheive what he has.

He is an absolute stand out and most valued player for his team more than most others in the league. Smply the Titans would be nothing without him....George carried the team about 3 years ago...but it is all mcnair lately.

They had to let Kearse and co. go because of their salary cap restrictions they have been re working deals for the past two seasosn to keep what they can.

Not only that....Vick can run...better than mcnair (but mcnair isn't far behind) but vick cannot throw like mcnair.

I also rate Chris Brown as the next up and coming running back to take george's spot.

I cannot believe you don't rate McNair as a dominating player..he has more than proved that the last two seasons...he shared MVP with Manning with a lot less talent around him....


he needs a good running back with him to reduce the heat on him.
no one copes better with heat on them than mcnair.....read how defences approach him..they know when the pressure is on him, he is at his most dangerous...his ad lib plays are some of the highlights of watching him play....the man is amazing on his feet and very strong.....

and before you ask..no I'm not gay...i know it sounds like I am in love with him.. :lol: :lol: :lol: I have just watched him for so long and rate him as the best team man I have ever seen after Andrew ettingshausen


I take it your a titans fan, or McNairs mum, so no matter what I say you arent going to listen to - so I wont bother.

However i will say that you over-rate McNair a little too much.


No I take it you don't follow the game enough to know any better.

If you did you'd realise what i say is true.

Put manning in the titans team and I bet they don't make the play offs like they do when McNair is there.

Can you not see the difference in the talent both qb's have to work with. And that means with george playing the crap that he has for the past two seasons.

I follow the game very closely...i am a huge titand and Mcnair fan..and I think you'll find most people share the opinion of mcNair's ability..

he did end up joint MVP with Manning last season without the James and Harrison help that Manning gets.

Check out how many times Manning has taken his more fancied team to the playoffs....

In fact check them out playing the Titans, when McNair is playing.

Dragons Cross

Look at George's production over the last two seasons and it has been average to say the least. His yards per carry was 3.3 last season and the Titans had the 26th ranked running game, losing him would not be a big blow to the Titans considering how much cap room he eats up. Chris Brown will do a better job IMO

Paullyboy your kidding yourself if you think that McNair isn't a dominant player, looking at his recievers and lack of production from George in the last few years he has been great. He's also a great leader which is what you need from your QB.


Look at George's production over the last two seasons and it has been average to say the least. His yards per carry was 3.3 last season and the Titans had the 26th ranked running game, losing him would not be a big blow to the Titans considering how much cap room he eats up. Chris Brown will do a better job IMO

Paullyboy your kidding yourself if you think that McNair isn't a dominant player, looking at his recievers and lack of production from George in the last few years he has been great. He's also a great leader which is what you need from your QB.

My point exactly Dragons Cross. And I agree...Brown is the likely replacement...everytime he came on last season he seemed much more expolsive than george....who has seen his best days and at one time WAS the man for the titans. I'd love for him to stay but he isnt worth the money he thinks he is.

Nice to see someone who knows mcNair's value......Could you imagine Manning in the Titans team and McNair with James and Harrison at his disposal??

I know who'd shine the most there.

I rate manning extremely higly....his passing game is superior,,,,,but i dont think he would handle the rush and pressure like McNair is able to.

The titans without McNair would be not be making the play offs like they have....you only have to listen to the way Fisher and his team mates talk about him.....and thats not even consideering his ability to play with injuries and without training.


Nulla mate I follow the NFL as closely as is humanly possible while living in Australia. Obviously McNair is a great player, however I wouldnt put the raps on him that you are.

I think you are getting blinded by his one stand out season that he had this year and forgetting that he has only had a truely fantastic season twice in his 9 years. And I think you guys under rate the receivers he has working for him, Mason is one of the best receivers in the league and they also have one of the league's best tight ends in Frank Wycheck. I mean even Billy Volek came on and looked impressive this year with that offence.


I realised my mistake when I re read yor earlier post. It is obvious that you follow it very closely by the fact that you mentioned some of the rookie running backs. I also follow it closely as one can being in aus..thank god for the internet in that regard and do not believe I have over rated McNair at all. Yes Mason is a very good receiver but he is certainly no Harrison, nor has Eddie George been a quality back of late.

mcNair has taken the Titans to numerous playoffs and do you not admit that he alone nearly won them a superbowl with some incredible plays against the rams. Whychek is all class and has been a favourite target for mcNair but he was absent for most of last season.

But I don't know how you can claim that McNair is NOT a dominant QB...I ask you to name a qb that is more dominant for his team than McNair is. Surely you are not suggesting that Manning has merely equal talent around him compared to McNair. Quite frankly I believe that had mcNair been playing for the colts these past few seasons they would have been in a superbowl...quite possibly winning one. He adds an extra dimension with his evasiveness and strength that Manning just doesn't have.

I have watched him for as long as he has been playing and have no doubt that my opinions of his ability are accurate..something regularly backed up by the so called experts around the league. 2 great seasons in 9 years??? hardly...when you consider the Titans record during the nine years...you can not tell me he has been a 2 season wonder.

In all I think you massively under rate his ability.....especially if your case is that he isn't a dominant player....that is ridiculous to say..i think even you would admit that upon reflection.

anyway hopefully this season he will take them one step further than they got versus the rams.....I sincerely hope so...betwen the sharks and the oilers/titans.....i haven't had a chance to enjoy the experience of seeing my team win a competiton.....have some compassion for a desperate supporter.

kurt faulk


george will be a big loss for the titans if he is let go. his numbers weren't fantastic but he played great in the playoffs last season, making the hard yards after being hit.

i agree chris brown looks more than capable of taking over but he hasn't had to carry the load yet and there's no way knowing how he will handle that. i think he can do it but i don't know how the niggly injuries will affect him. george was as tough as they come.

with regards to mcnair, he truly is a great qb. the titans were all about george until the last couple of years where the coaching staff have allowed mcnair to air it out and become the focal point of the offense. i have to disagree the he doesn't have the talent around him. mason, mccariens and bennet were an excellent group of receivers. now that mccariens is gone calico will become more involved in the offense and this guy can play. throw in their first round pick, the tight end troupe and mcnair has plenty of dangerous weapons to throw at. another mvp type year is on the cards.



Well looks like we'll have to agree to disagree then Nul,

Im not sure if you realise it or not but i massively respect McNair, I just never was as big a believer as it appears most others are.

One thing I would like to mention though is that you say that the colts would have made superbowls with McNair at the helm there, but I think you are making a mistake of over-estimating the receving talent at the Colts. Sure Harrison is arguably up there with TO for second best receiver of recent times, but there is nothing at all else there for Peyton to throw to, and a quarterback who can consistently find a receiver in triple coverage truely is something special and its something that McNair hasnt had to deal with hardly as much as Peyton.

You also need to realise that while Edge is a brilliant talent, he very rarely is on the field to utilise it, either that or he is on the field but hampered by that injury still because he rushed back too soon (I still think he should have taken another entire season off to avoid the constant injuries he has put on in the last 12 months).

But anyway, i dont want to turn this into a Peyton vrs McNair debate

Raider Azz

Paulyboy, if anything I think you are underating McNair. He wasn't the league MVP last year for no reason...


One thing I would like to mention though is that you say that the colts would have made superbowls with McNair at the helm there, but I think you are making a mistake of over-estimating the receving talent at the Colts. Sure Harrison is arguably up there with TO for second best receiver of recent times, but there is nothing at all else there for Peyton to throw to, and a quarterback who can consistently find a receiver in triple coverage truely is something special and its something that McNair hasnt had to deal with hardly as much as Peyton.

You also need to realise that while Edge is a brilliant talent, he very rarely is on the field to utilise it, either that or he is on the field but hampered by that injury still because he rushed back too soon (I still think he should have taken another entire season off to avoid the constant injuries he has put on in the last 12 months).

But anyway, i dont want to turn this into a Peyton vrs McNair debate
Puallyboy.....I totally agree with the ppoints you have made...and i have the same respect for Manning as you do McNair......I believe Manning is an absolutely briliant passer.....superior in that dept to McNair....and in a few more years, due to even more experience will be even more awesome. I am a huge fan of manning......he is as it happens a Tennessee legend..from his college days.

And i have been so happy to find a forum that even discusses the NFL, because not enough aussies give the game the credit it deserves. So I am happy to end the disagreements here....and continue discussing the new season when it gets under way.

I think though your single statement about McNair not being a dominant qb is incorrect....I think you would agree.....however yes i am probably very biased...

He has just amazed me with some of the plays he has pulled off and the guts he shows through injury and ability....

I am a fan of so many othe rplayers....as I am sure you are...

Anyway, I look forward to having some great discussions wioth you and the other NFL followers in Aus that love the game when the season finally starts.

Do I take it you are a vikings fan? If so you might like to know I also have a soft spot for them......they shoulda won a super bowl a few years back...but were unlucky. I was a huge Moon fan too when he was playing......and not to mention Randall Cunningham....another scrammbler and thrower.....

Ill be interested to see how the titans go with george but wouldnt be surprised if they let him go.

I am just happy they kept my favs....in McNair, Mason and Rolle.........Kearse was a big disappointin loss....but worth a packet.

Cheers mate.......and bring on the new season.....