1. Hodgo - That guy from Cactus, purely cos they look identical
2. Fitzy - Some sh*thouse actor who seems to get all the good roles, only to f**k them up...Ben Affleck
3. Whatuira - Someone reliable and always scores...Mel Gibson
4. Elford - Appears imposing but is actually fairly one dimensional and has minimal range or skill...Matt Perry (from friends)
5. Richards - Big, Strong, almost poetic in motion, but everytime he leaves the ground becomes completey hopless... Robert Downey Jr
6. Benji - Agile, freakish, breathtaking, can do anything....Will Smith
7. Prince - Mastermind, smooth as silk...Cuba Gooding Jnr
8. Laffranchi - Often in the wrong role, World Class performer otherwise ... Joaqim Phoenix
9. Farah - Legend! Dominant, skillful, unbeatable....Christopher Walken
10. Skando - Tough as nails, passionate, powerful....The Rock
11. Benny Galea - Never gives up, durable, underrated....Barry Pepper
12. O'Neill - Tough, doesn't really do much, but is tough....Sylvester Stallone
13. Halatau - Usless hack, lucky to be there, hangs around more talented people....Allen Covert
14. Fults - Prankster, immature, capable of doing some good things from time to time, most people know of him because of his missus....Ashton Kutcher
15. Heighno - Awesome endurance, forced to play roles he's not really suited to, but somehow manages to do a good job of it....Alan Arkin
16. Gibbs - Fat, slow, has one hit and then just gets fatter and more useless....John Goodman
17. Payten -Thinks he has heaps of skill, when in fact he's just fat and slow and does the same sh*t over and over and over and over and....Jack Black
Sheens - some stubborn muppet who just does the same f**king thing all the time, a very unfunny joke...David Letterman
Simmons - simpleton.....George W Bush
McDonnell -Idiot, trying to sell something which doesn't exist to people who wouldn't want it even if it did....Al Gore
Mescia - Behind the scenes man, does plenty of quality work with some pretty ordinary tools....McGyver
Dr Kwah - Pretend doctor .... Doogie Howser
Leeds - Carries all the sh*t around .... Kenny aka Shane Jacobsen
make of that what you will lol