So it wasn't meant to be Odessa?
Well done pelt boy. :lol:
Buddy Gordon. Metho addict, Pride Of The League
Raging Rabbit. Metho Addict, Pride of LU :lol:
So it wasn't meant to be Odessa?
Well done pelt boy. :lol:
Buddy Gordon. Metho addict, Pride Of The League
Raging Rabbit. Metho Addict, Pride of LU :lol:
Got Meff????
It is sad when a person seems to get off on being reamed day after day via the interweb. But than again you like the pain. You are a Souffs fan.
When we play Souffs next I am going to get a fishing rod an tie off a bottle of Metho to the end. Than throw it out onto the field and see how many (apaprt from Buddy Gordon He is a sure catch) of your other dero's can be hauled in
Soufs - the pride of rehab
If there was building that stood for literary integrity, your post is the plane that crashed into it.haw haw haw,
Youse like to dish it out but you get all anxious and gnarly when a kind visitor like Raging Rabbit turns up to teach youse a lesson.
Youse should change Tigers LU name to "Mong LU-come down and kick a few ferals for free"
Think I'll head down to Rozelle to sign a few hundred names on their petition to stop the giant uggy.
They might want to tender that up to his fugging honour uncle kermit and his court-officer juniorkermy.
All the way with feral ressie greenie whale-kissers, elias and his greedy developer mates will just have to find an easier site to next to the Sydney opera house.
Im sure I saw a few rare species of ghecko's on the site a few days ago, the same ones that will go missing from the zoo tomorrow night.
Haw haw haw.
haw haw haw,
Youse like to dish it out but you get all anxious and gnarly when a kind visitor like Raging Rabbit turns up to teach youse a lesson.
Youse should change Tigers LU name to "Mong LU-come down and kick a few ferals for free"
Think I'll head down to Rozelle to sign a few hundred names on their petition to stop the giant uggy.
They might want to tender that up to his fugging honour uncle kermit and his court-officer juniorkermy.
All the way with feral ressie greenie whale-kissers, elias and his greedy developer mates will just have to find an easier site to next to the Sydney opera house.
Im sure I saw a few rare species of ghecko's on the site a few days ago, the same ones that will go missing from the zoo tomorrow night.
Haw haw haw.
All worthy of a conversation order.