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In depth analysis of game vs Canberra

Mr Saab

This broncos team couldnt score against the 1999 Magpies. That is how pathetic they are
All I can say is look at the roster of the Raiders or Tigers, then look at ours. It's not players we lack, we look unorganised and badly coached.

I thought we lacked intensity, but wondering now if it's just the players have no idea how they are all supposed to fit together in a game situation.

And I don't buy that it's anything to do with Origin. It's just that this time of year teams go up a gear trying to make the 8, and the Broncos can't go with them. Rest of the year we seem fine cause they are playing at our level.

I'm sh1t out of ideas with this team.


First Grade
The slump is on and we won't make the finals with our tough run home. It's all gotta fall on one mans head. By saking staff last year he left himself no place to go, nobody left to blame. He can't blame assistants this time around. He can blame the players as he prepares them, selects them and has a big influence on the clubs recruitment. He can't blame injuries as we've now got nearly everyone on deck and he can't blame it on our halfback woes as he had a big influence on keeping Seymour over Barnes and Prince. He's backed right into a corner and it's time for management to grow some balls and cut him.

It's time to go Bennett, should've happened several years ago when Bellamy was groomed to take over. Now there's few options there but maybe a year or two out of the finals, a whole shift in direction and a genuine rebuilding phase is what the club needs. Bennett built this club and took it to great heights but at the moment he's taking it to it's darkest days.


Post Whore
Look there are some positives but the reality is the scoreline is closer than what it should be. I have also just about had it with the Boyd experiment at fullback. Put Nick Parfitt in there. We need wingers on the wing. Secondly please tell me why our passing is so bad! Too many balls on the ground and too many bad passes. These are simple basic rugby league that we are getting wrong! Time to fix it and fix it now.
He's got 3 years on his contract, although I read Cullen recons something could be worked out.

From watching today it seemed Perry was benched. I mean FFS. Ok, he's no Langer, but he's been off with injury, only way to play himself back in is game time. Nup, Bennett drags him.

And Thaiday proved today Bennett had no idea what he was doing in dropping him.

Boyd ? Fullback is supposed to be his position, but I don't see what he's offering. Ok, first season and he gets latitude, but I'd rather him as a solid winger than at fullback.

We missed Prince, Barnes, Bellamy, he cut Priddis too from memory. Hell, I'm starting to think was Bennett ever a great coach or could have anyone coached the 90s Broncos to premierships.


Post Whore
Rastus_in_Melbourne said:
Boyd ? Fullback is supposed to be his position, but I don't see what he's offering. Ok, first season and he gets latitude, but I'd rather him as a solid winger than at fullback.

Bingo! Have not see Boyd more uncomfortable than he was today at fullback. He to me is a winger who can fill in at fullback. Put Parfitt at fullback please!


First Grade
Coaches contracts are cut short all the time, it's the nature of the job. I really am concerned with Cullen's comments during the week though that "the people that matter" at the club haven't even talked about his position, I really hope that's not the reality of the situation.


First Grade
Does Parfitt have odour problems or something? We've heard for years now about his talent and the Clydesdales match reports regularly talk about him having blinders yet he never gets a gig.


lockyno1 said:
He to me is a winger who can fill in at fullback.
No... he's a mediocre fullback who can fill in at wing. It's a shame that he's an even poorer winger.
Put Parfitt at fullback please!
Parfitt is even worse than Boyd. He offers just as little in attack, while being anything but secure in fielding kicks.
An example of difference of opinion. Joel Moon. Broncos don't even consider him a regular NRL standard player, yet the Storm, leading the comp, consided him as starting material next year.

I haven't seen the guy play, but either the Storm are very wrong, or the Broncos talent is being badly mismanaged.

We need a half, this Moon seems the most promising we have, shouldn't he at least be tried there ? Storm seemed to think he's good enough. 5/8, Half, close enough.
Here's Bennett at the press conference after the match.



First Grade
LOL, I really don't want to know what he's got to say, surely the man cant deny for the second week in a row that we're in a slump, surely, even if it's Wayne Bennett, surely he can't.
Just a reminder...

"AFTER giving his squad a holiday, coach Wayne Bennett insists the struggling Broncos are “not even on the crest” of another late-season slump but warns his side is “three or four weeks” from re-finding form." - July 29 2006

Pierced Soul

First Grade
game over man game over!!!!

how does a team with a good attacking and defensive reocrd all of a sudden become morons on the field who cant tackle and cant score points?

to the players credit they did show more urgency than against the tigers and gave up two intercepts, but given how they didnt look like scoring much themselves this doesnt say a lot.

in the past month I dont think I've seen any other side get caught on the last tackle as much as we do. we also have some of the worst attacking structures (if any) in the league. the only set play I think i've seen in the past 5 years in the 2nd man play to hunt.

this year is over...i wonder how many other fans with teams in the top * start thinking about next year whilst the seasons still going?

it'll take a miracle for the team to bounce back , and whilst i've been one of his biggets fans it is now time for Bennett to step down and give someone else a go.


What a disgrace, well done to the raiders i like them a lot they are a very under rated team but in all honesty we potentially are better. Questions have been asked but no answers are coming from Brisbane, i want to know why. The team has too many good players for this to keep happening, im so upset tonight about what went on today, we dont look interested, we dont seem to respect any team and we quite simply have no ideas on the field. I mean our first set of 6 every single play was a one off the ruck at the markers, that wouldnt beat a team of schoolboys how will it beat a team like canberra?

Ive had enough of this team, ive supported this team for 17 years and never have i felt this way, why are there so many people at the club who cant fix this problem. Those people get paid a lot of money to do their jobs properlly, but they just arent cutting it things have to change.


With the calibre of player lining up in the Broncos side today, I thought it would be tough for the Raiders to nut out a win.

I didn't expect it to be that easy. :-(

Poor broncs, you really are in a slump. Hopefully you can turn it around in time for the finals.


First Grade
Everyone needs to take a cold shower (a quick one if you're on water restrictions).

Take a look at the points table - we are running third out of 15 bloomin' teams! Did we get there because of Bennett's poor coaching? Did the team play excellent football throughout most of the season because of his lack of imagination and poor selections?

Have you noticed that other teams (Dragons, Cowboys, Sharks, Tigers, Panthers) are going through some tough times as well?

I don't have any answers for the Broncs current problems, but I know that bagging them and withdrawing support (Broncoman) is going to achieve anything.

They are capable of beating the Storm next week if we get behind them with some fair dinkum support (believe it or not that's the function of a 'supporter').

It's common knowledge that the Broncos are under more media scrutiny than any other team in the competition. The Brisbane media are looking to sell papers and the Sydney media just plain hate them. It's my opinion that this constant barrage from season start to season finish takes its toll and chips away at the team's psyche.

Yes I get angry and frustrated when they make stupid mistakes and play dumb, but the positives are still there. Take the two intercept tries out of today's result and you have a draw.

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