ACL injuries are far more common than they should be. It is very well-known what causes them and just as well known are the training protocols for avoiding them. Yet here we are.
The player who surely in the history of the game was a prime candidate for ACL problems would have to be Dufty. Insane decelerations and direction changes. But never any ACL problems. Why not? Well, looking at his legs, I would say he has always done a heap of relevant training.
We KNOW that specific training programs strengthen and protect the ACL. This is why someone like Adam Douehi could come back from multiple ACLs better and even faster than ever!
The same applies to Jacob Liddle. He blew his knee out badly but is also now running - and decelerating and changing directions - better than ever. Why? A proper, protective, strengthening training program.
In my opinion, it reeks of negligence by training programmers that players suffer ACL blowouts so often nowadays.