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Is anyone else really concerned about this?


I am still quite concerned our recruitment strategy for next year especcially in terms of depth. The list of players we are letting go of next or are still unsigned for next year could actually make a decent 17 man squad. I have put a question mark next to the guys whose contract situation I am unsure of

J Smith
H Perenara ?
M Perenara?

Ash Graham
Tony Paramatangi (spelling)

Now all of these blokes have played first grade except Tony Parmatangi and at least 14 of the 17 have played first grade this year (I am not sure if Henry P and Afamasaga have played first grade this year)

Now in terms of signings we currently only have signed Lowrie who I think will be a relatively decent signing and I hope our signings are no where near completed.

However this raises some question marks about whether we will be able to replace 16 guys who have played first grade with equal standard players. I think not. Will we be able to even field a very competetive reserve grade side next year and what is going to happen if we get the inevitable injuries.

I have massive queries over our depth for next year and would like to know if people share the same concerns.

fish eel

some of those guys leaving best footy is past them.

some of the others haven't cut it.

we'll be right.

The Colonel

I think we'll forego chasing Club Championships and Reserve Grade titles for a year or two as the youngsters from our Flegg and Ball sides start to filter up. Qld Cup, fringe first graders and Jim Beam Cup players may well filter through to boost numbers.

I'm sure you'll find a number of young players being signed that we (the fans) know little about or don't know at all.

Outside of Parmatangi who is off to Canberra, the others you have questions about appear to be in a similar boat to most fringe players at the moment - waiting on what happens with Nate Myles first before clubs then turn their interest to the next level of players.


Why would you be worried?
We have Todd lowrie to replace them and possibly getting Finch


If we have depth problems imagine the clubs that have a premier league side down the bottom of the table!

Looking back you would have to suggest that we have planned for the future 2 years ago when we went on a substantial recruitment drive picking up Tahu, Morrison, Cannings, Wade, Chad, etc etc.

Could you imagine any club in our comp (except Coast) picking up this amount of quality players this year???

25 more players added to the NRL was always going to create a re-shuffle for every club.

And as said I am glad we are on top of the Premier League table to assist with our void of players lost than a club that is close to the bottom of this table.

In the end we will be alright, it will simply mean younger players are going to have to step up to the plate earlier than usual!

Stagger eel

Staff member
I'm prepare to go through a bit of a pain barrier but I strongly believe that within 2 to 3 years we will be in a much better position than we would had we re-signed some those players to long term contracts.

parra pete

The prophets of dooooooooooooooooooom.....
They are so worried about having so many things to worry about.....

"We'll all be rooned" said Hanrahan "before the year is out"

parra pete

For all the prophets of doom........ Here is your anthem....
Said Hanrahan
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan
In accents most forlorn
Outside the church ere Mass began
One frosty Sunday morn.
The congregation stood about,
Coat collars to the ears,
And talked of stock and crops and drought
As it had done for years.

"It's looking crook," said Daniel Croke;
"Bedad, it's cruke, me lad,
For never since the banks went broke
Has seasons been so bad."

"It's dry, all right," said young O'Neil,
With which astute remark
He squatted down upon his heel
And chewed a piece of bark.

And so around the chorus ran
"It's keepin' dry, no doubt."
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out."

"The crops are done; ye'll have your work
To save one bag of grain;
From here way out to Back-o'-Bourke
They're singin' out for rain.

"They're singin' out for rain," he said,
"And all the tanks are dry."
The congregation scratched its head,
And gazed around the sky.

"There won't be grass, in any case,
Enough to feed an ass;
There's not a blade on Casey's place
As I came down to Mass."

"If rain don't come this month," said Dan,
And cleared his throat to speak -
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"If rain don't come this week."

A heavy silence seemed to steal
On all at this remark;
And each man squatted on his heel,
And chewed a piece of bark.

"We want an inch of rain, we do,"
O'Neil observed at last;
But Croke 'maintained' we wanted two
To put the danger past.

"If we don't get three inches, man,
Or four to break this drought,
We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out."

In God's good time down came the rain;
And all the afternoon
On iron roof and window-pane
It drummed a homely tune.

And through the night it pattered still,
And lightsome, gladsome elves
On dripping spout and window-sill
Kept talking to themselves.

It pelted, pelted all day long,
A-singing at its work,
Till every heart took up the song
Way out to Back-o'-Bourke.

And every creek a banker ran,
And dams filled overtop;
"We'll all be rooned," said Hanrahan,
"If this rain doesn't stop."

And stop it did, in God's good time:
And spring came in to fold
A mantle o'er the hills sublime
Of green and pink and gold.

And days went by on dancing feet,
With harvest-hopes immense,
And laughing eyes beheld the wheat
Nid-nodding o'er the fence.

And, oh, the smiles on every face,
As happy lad and lass
Through grass knee-deep on Casey's place
Went riding down to Mass.

While round the church in clothes genteel
Discoursed the men of mark,
And each man squatted on his heel,
And chewed his piece of bark.

"There'll be bush-fires for sure, me man,
There will, without a doubt;
We'll all be rooned,"said Hanrahan,
"Before the year is out."

P. J. Hartigan ('John O'Brien')
In thinking about those we have lost it is Painful, but Apart from McKinnion, Morrison , Stringer ,Widders and Morris, can you name me another on the list that is a Regular start of the season walk up first grader?

Yep our depth will not be as strong as in the Past, and I think it is being engineered that way. I think it is a gamble the club is taking, and if it comes off we might have a running start on some other things that are happening in the league.


First Grade
where do i start:
we're not the only club in this situation, we needed a clean out, give the youth a chance, the titans, souths and salary cap rise didn't help. i can't wait for next year when the merry-go-round starts again. I'd rather be in our position then newcastles.


While you are on Chris Walker, also bring Ben and Shane as well and make it a family deal. ;-) They would make good premier league players especially now that we are going to be short. They will be good for the younger players coming through and to give the premier league team some sort of first grade experience. ;-)


Personally I am a bit peeved at the whole of this year. Dennis Fitz really ballzed up with the Smith Hagan Fiasco.

Personally I have always thought that Taylor would be the best coach to carry on after smith which he seems to be showing at the moment (yes still early days, but a hell of a lot better than Smith was doing under the pressure Fitzy put on him).

Now we have a new coach coming that has enticed a list of new players that want to come and further their career at Parra.... The likes of Todd lowrie and...... oh.... no one wants to come to parra..

Parra seems to find new ways to continue their under achieving ways.

I hope I am wrong, I hope Hagan really gets the joint going...

I just keep getting flash backs of a Qld team full of exciting players coached by Hagan that got beaten consistently due to unexciting, ineffective game plans.

God I hope I am wrong.. but personally I feel that we may face a few lean years.. I really hope I am wrong.


I am both concerned & excited in a way about the situation.

My concern is of both the players we are not looking at & I'm not talking big names, & over the players we are looking at/signed.

I am excited that our promising juniors are comming through & those untested yet, will undoubtedly get an opportunity next year. That, & of those who've come into grade this year we have retained the cream (Williams pending). Of the lower grade players confirmed to be heading elsewhere. O'Dwyer is the only one to offer anything in 1st grade.

Of those experienced players leaving, a lot of cash has now been made available for future decisions. I'll be happy if they sit on it & await for not just quality players but players whose styles will compliment the existing roster. Sad to see these guys like McKinnon, Morrison & Widders go but it opens the door for offers to the David Solomonas & Andrew Ryans (for example) as (if) they come back on the market.


MarkInTheStands said:
In thinking about those we have lost it is Painful, but Apart from McKinnion, Morrison , Stringer and Morris, can you name me another on the list that is a Regular start of the season walk up first grader?

Yep our depth will not be as strong as in the Past, and I think it is being engineered that way. I think it is a gamble the club is taking, and if it comes off we might have a running start on some other things that are happening in the league.

("COUGH") Widders ("COUGH"), Ahem!

I do agree with what you say in part though.

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