Lol the Tigers aren't the media favourite everwhere. Certainly don't have a good relationship with the Telegraph.
Mountains out of molehills. The right team won.
Maxwell definitely favoured the Tigers which is weird because this is a new phenomenon really. It's like before the Warriors final last year he made a conscious decision to favour us or something because before that he was definitely our least favourite ref and we all hated him for favouring the opposition!
I'd say he's just inconsistent both ways and it was coincidence that he seemed to favour us in the final and this match but yes I concur, the charge down call was a dud and cost the Sharks the match, but I suppose it was kind of justice because the Sharks had no damn right being down there off that arsey kick off! Not really but I would have been just as cut if the Sharks won from such a bs play as the Sharks fans are from losing from a dud penalty.
Sharks look quality though! Good signs for them.
Mountains out of molehills. The right team won.
What a load of shit. Where in the rules does it say kicking ahead is always taking advantage? You just made that up. The interpretation used to be that if the ball was advanced 10m advantage was taken. But the rule has been changed back to referee discretion. Nowhere is there mention of whether the ball was kicked.Incorrect. A kick ahead is always considered taking your advantage. The Tigers kicked ahead, they took their advantage.
What happens after that kick is not taken into consideration, it's the act of kicking that is considered taking the advantage.
The Tigers will be top 4. Sharks won't make the 8. The better team won. Benji was playing shit half the game and the Tigers were ahead for most of it.
How many teams could have the best player in the world playing shit and still lead for the majority of the game.
Tigpies deserved to win and would have been dissapointed if they lost on the back of that fluke kickoff.
What a load of shit. Where in the rules does it say kicking ahead is always taking advantage? You just made that up. The interpretation used to be that if the ball was advanced 10m advantage was taken. But the rule has been changed back to referee discretion. Nowhere is there mention of whether the ball was kicked.
"The Referee is the sole judge of what constitutes an advantage be it tactical or territorial."