Just take away the entire drug argument and legalisation etc for a second and simple it down to just the basic understanding of:
You are in the public eye as a rugby league player employed by an NRL club and you are fortunate enough to be a supremely talented athlete.
As such, you have two basic undertakings;
1) turn up to training.
2) don't f**k up.
And I know, I know, it's so much more than that lolesi some of you might say.. and that you aren't aware of what is going on in said players life outside of football and they are young men who make mistakes, you made mistakes didn't you... wel I did and still do, but no one cares because I'm a nobody, unlike an employed Rugby League player.
In regards to tough times.. well we all experience hardships, it's an aspect of life that is inevitable. How you deal with those hardships though is completely up to the individual.
Maybe I'm seeing it very black and white and not taking into consideration life's grey, I'll accept that.
When you break it all down and take away the horse shit, I still find myself coming back to objectives one and two as being the catalyst to success in how to avoid the front page of the garbage that is the likes of the daily telegraph