we havent had any posts in the jim beam forum as the threads on the jim beam cup currently within the nswrl forum havent been moved.
Yes but even these topics have not developed in their threads. It is Monday lunchtime and looking about, there has been little discussion of JBC in the past week. Aside from this topic, the "promo and relegation" topic (hardly JBC exclusive) has been discussed. The most recent JBC specific topic before that is "Jim Beam Cup 2004" which hasn't moved since November 23.
I'm not against the comp, I just think its puclicity machine overestimates its value to the general public.
if we stuck by what you were saying newtown should not have been granted their own forum either as they are part of the nswrl competitions.
But Newtown have had significant traffic since their forum began. They've now got nearly as much posts as NSWRL whole and in their time they've had something come up everyday. I think that warrants a forum of its own.
the thing is come jim beam season there is weekly discussion on the jim beam cup which normally gets lost and interrupted with other discussion when in this forum.
having its own forum will also encourage more users to visit the forum and enter discussions.
There will be more coverage, but I don't know that it will "get lost" in amongst other talk. NSWRL has always been a dormant topic.
discussion within the nswrl forum primarily comes from jim beam cup fans and this was also the case on the rleague nswrl forum.
Like I said, it was because Premier League is discussed on club forums.
now it will give the fans of 'lower grades' somewhere to discuss their competitions without it being lost under countless jim beam cup threads
See my ealrier bit about the dormant NSWRL forum.
whilst premier league may be discussed in the other forums jeffles this is only discussion about their club.
fans couldnt care about the competition, they only care about the players who may go on to represent the team in first grade
It is still valid Premier League talk. And about the fans, there are genuine Premier League fans here. Brook, Yappy, the Jets people and yourself.
I like the JBC. It is a good competition. I just think that it gets a little bit hyped up. I'm with brook. Better to have the NSWRL comps all under one banner. My original point (and I stand by it) is that JBC is over-flogged at the expense of Premier League. I think both comps are great. I'm just being pragmatic.