It's great that we're getting some good out of that paper with Sponsorship to the NZRL/Kiwis, but the bottom line is that the Sunday News is just out and out trash, it really is. Any one's entitled to an opinion for sure, but if anyone in sport are big noters, selfish and ego driven it has to be some of the idiots writing for that rag.
IMO it would be a deliberate attempt to get some ratings boost and a writing backlash for publicity. Lol, usually I get wound up and fire emails off everywhere, but don't think I'll bother giving them the satisfaction, I'll just vote with the wallet and stick to the other one for good. And from a personal point of view our friend on the forum here from the Star-times helped as much as he could with the Warriors/Budget Sky debate...Sunday News just did not want to know, far too many of them affiliated with Sky.
Matthew Ridge can wind you up at times with his column- Sometimes fair, sometimes very unfair and even hypocritical- But this guy takes the cake. I think I've heard all I want to about his literary diarrehea and certainly won't be buying a paper to find out any more.