Its definitely his leg - they showed him with ice on it in the change rooms during the 2nd half on foxtel.....but not elevated - maybe a small fracture doesn't cause sevre swelling so no need to elevate it.
While they say broken, I assume they mean fracture....broken gives you visions of bones snapped in half - but a small fracture could just be a painful thing with the bones still in place, but another blow could cause alot of damage....and it could be the smaller bone in the leg fractured which would mean u can still walk on it and stuff.
I think it was Joel Monahan from Canberra who did a similar thing earlier this season....hurt his leg, turned up to training the next day and told the physio his leg still hurt alot, then went for scans and they found a fracture.
But I guess its just guess work at the moment as to whether its a fracture or not.
They showed how he did it too...he was in a tackle and Vella jumped in and landed on his leg (while they were all still standing)....geez Micky :roll: