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Junior Jets take off for 2004

Junior Jets

The Junior Jets are looking forward to a great year with sign ons starting on the 31st January at the Jets Sports Club.

We are looking to field sides from Under 5s to A-Grade including an A-Reserves team as well.

We are on the lookout for two volunteer groundsmen/women for Tempe Reserve on a Sunday and some coaches and trainers to assist with the extra sides this year.

If there is anyone out there who wants to become part of the team, please let us know by replying on this forum or give us a call.

Come on Newtown supporters, get behind our Juniors because they are our future and lets see what records we can break this year.

Jack 0414 979 088
Paul 0410 483 000

Junior Jets

This years season is looking most promising for the Juniors. After our first sign on weekend, which saw 50 players sign on, all new bar 6 players from last year and bearing in mind we only had 85 players totally last year which made up 7 sides,we think we'll have the following sides in 2004.

U/6 x2
U/8 x2
A Reserves
A Grade

We are by far the fastest growing club in Souths Juniors. So if you have any young ones or relations or friends or even kids you see in the park kicking the footy around, spread the word and let them know about the Jets. We want to be the biggest club in Souths Juniors and with Mascot being the biggest at 25 sides, we are more than halfway there in only 2 years.

Get behind the Juniors and show as much support as you can. Our contact details are in the above post.

This Saturday and Sunday between 10am & 2pm we are signing on more players at the Jets Sports Club. Everything is provided and doesnt cost a cent to play. Thats right, it is free to play for the Jets!

See you all down at the Jets Sports Club this weekend.

Finally the A Grade and A Reserves are starting training tomorrow Tuesday 3rd February at Tempe Reserve from 6pm. If you are interested in playing come down for a light training session and get together.


Bit of a stutter there JJ.

Good news though. The massive ads in the local papers have undoubtedly helped. It is good to see Junior League on the up again in the disrtrict. Now for the other clubs.

Junior Jets

What stutter are you talking about Jeffles?

Yeah it is great news and the massive ads did pay off. Watch out for more ads in the Courier promoting the Jets, the Juniors and the Jets Sports Club.

Which other clubs are you talking about??

Newtown Ear

What other clubs are you talking about Jeffles??

Lets just get behind the Newtown Jets of which the Junior Jets are the official junior club. Whilst you are continually referring to the past re the old Newtown clubs, the Junior Jets are growing at a rapid pace. The others are riddled with infighting and will never see success like the Junior Jets already have, even though 2004 will only be the 2nd season for them.

Make your mind up Jeffles, either catch the train with the Junior Jets and see what success is all about or stay in the past like the other clubs have and become a part of the in house dilemmas.

Seems you need to sort out your priorites Jeffles. When the Junior Jets bring home the Club Championship to Henson maybe then you will stand up and pay attention.

Seems you are as old hat as ever you crony!
Errrrrrrrrr, Wha? What's your problem, "Ear"? :?: :?:

Unless I misread things, I believe what Jeffles is hoping for is a resurgence of Newtown Junior clubs generally.

Sure, the Junior Jets are our very own (and all round nice folks they are, too), but I for one hope ALL the other Newtown clubs also prosper. Just imagine if interest in junior league in the area grew until some more clubs were formed/reactivated.

The end result for Newtown would be more local young'uns playing the game & therefore likely to attend the senior games with their parents. Who knows - we might even end up with a few genuine local juniors growing up and wanting to play for the Jets when they get old enough.

Most importantly of all, we might find that some real good would be being done for local kids and their families through their involvement in RL.

In short, more power to the Junior Jets, but just what do you reckon would be wrong with league returning as a strong sport in our local area? I'd be interested in your response.

The Dawson Twins Minus 1


How are ya China?
Happy New Year! May the Monkeybring you good fourtunes (and a few bananas)

Once again Ear has missed the mark. As DT-1 pointed out, I am all for a better district. I will hardly tell families I know in Stanmore to get their kids travelling all the way to Tempe to play for Newtown (which is not even close to Tempe). Not everyone can make the outpost that is Tempe Reserve. I'd tell them to go to Camperdown which is an old district club and actually close to them.

Having 5 or so successful junior clubs is better than having one giant. I want as many people as possible to enjoy RL as I have done and to enjoy the Jets as I have done. The ONLY way this can be achieved is to promote success ALL around.

I am aware that other clubs struggle in the district. I know of adminisatrators at one of these struggling clubs that packed it in and moved on when the going got tough at the club. What a wimp. Couldn't even tough it out. That sort of "my way or the highway" attitude we can ill afford at Newtown.

Newtown Junior Jets have the benefit of district profile and the misappropriation of Bumper Farrell's images on their full page and half page ads in local papers. Ear has obviously been bought by the colour on the pages of the Courier and Valley Times.

Newtown Ear


You should volunteer to be on the committee at Camperdown Dragons. At least you would be doing something constructive for the district rather than strutting around Henson Park like you own the place. Lets just hope nobody throws a tackling bag at you!


The point I was trying to make is the Junior Jets people seem to be working really hard and everytime they post something positive, Jeffles comes back with a negative.

I would of course love to have a Junior League thriving but the old Newtown clubs are doing nothing to help the proud old club of Newtown.

Just ask Souths Juniors what they thought of the unmentionable behavior of St Peters at Waverley Oval last year on a certain Sunday. Or what about the infighting and bad behavior at Camperdown Dragons which saw them put on probation by Souths Juniors. Or Marrickville RSL, fined and put on probation for bad parental behavior at the Souths Juniors knockout.

As for Earlwood Saints, I believe they are close to folding.


Your comments about Tempe not being close to Newtown is obviously aimed at our Directors as this is where our licensed club is situated.

I am not sure what the point is about Bumper Farrell but I am sure those good people at the Junior Jets would of asked permission of the Directors of the District club to use this image.

Long live Junior League and long live the Jets District club. Looking forward to seeing the Jets back in SG Ball and Jersey Flegg in 2-3years.

The Ear


The Ear is deluded if he thinks we will get into Flegg and Ball on the back of a half decent junior club.

More lies in The Courier today. A picture of alf Duncan with words along the lines of "The District Club source many of their players from it Junior Club". WRONG! Not one player from th Junior Jets made the move up. We had players come from UTS Jets but not the Tempe team

I'm not going to get into an argument with Ear. My record is on the table. You just hide behind your desk all day.

Junior Jets

Isnt it great to see everyone being so positive and optimistic about the rise of the Junior Jets.

Jeffles, I find it hard to believe you are being negative when you make yourself out to be Mr Newtown and one of the most passionate fans around. Maybe the Ear is a bit deluded if he thinks we can get a Flegg and SG Ball side going from one junior club. However what is wrong with having goals and working towards those goals?? Also, I suppose you never thought about the possibility of players being drawn from the Parkes district, which you may not know, the Jets Sports Club are owners of. Maybe two, as you call them "half decent junior club"s could establish a team in SG Ball and Jersey Flegg.

As for the lies in the Courier, there are a few points you should consider before opening your mouth (falsley) in public, as it now seems that you are telling the lies. In law, dont they teach you about defamation??

Firstly, the Courier actually wrote the advertorial themselves and it really is a great example to the local kids that they could one day play for the District Club, because that in fact can and has happened.

Jeffles, does the name Iamafana Lole ring any bells? He was graded in Jim Beam Cup last year and guess where he came from?? The Junior Jets. Not bad for our first year. Also you mention that players came from the UTS Jets but not the Tempe team. As far as I know unless you could correct me otherwise, there is no Tempe junior club existant (unless you are becoming constructive and starting one), however there is the Junior Jets who train and play at Tempe.

Finally, the Directors of the District club have seen the ad in the Courier and thought it was a great promotion for the Jets, especially with the photo featured on the front page.

Jeffles, I respect your decision to not argue with "The Ear" as we dont need to see any more of this silly carry on, especially when there is little or no facts stated when you reply. As for your record Jeffles, how about starting fresh and building a reputable one!

DT-1, I thank you for your support of the Juniors and hope all is going well in China. I understand your point of wanting to see a resurgence in Junior League in our area which is of course what everyone would like to see. The fact is the Junior Jets are providing this resurgence. Even though Jeffles thinks Tempe Reserve is an outpost, I should put him in touch with players from Starthfield, West Ryde, Greenacre, and the list goes on, of kids who make the (strenuous) trip to play for the Junior Jets, let alone the mass of kids who come from every suburb in our District.

One may ask why so many kids are "coming out of the woodwork" to a club who are only in their second year of operation. There are a couple of answers. 1, There is the Jets name and history attached to the Juniors which everybody loves that certainly got alot of players and support in our first year. However, this year, as a part of the sign on process, players were asked how they heard about the Junior Jets and the majority of the responses were this; friends who played last year, brother/sister played last year, heard at school, found out at the Dulwich Hill/ Newtown/ Marrickvile Festival, saw it in the Local Paper, etc...

As you can see it was the repuation of the club and the hard work and effort from all at the Junior Jets last year which saw the word of mouth spread reputable reports around the district and a far. I will post some statistics later on regarding the number of kids in our area and the opportunity that we have given them.

And from talking to other Junior clubs in the area and that play in the Souths Juniors competition, this years sign ons so far have proven to be very successful and one would suggest a resurgence has begun. One of the clubs even stated that they had kids wanting to play because of our ads in the various papers.

In conclusion, there is something that the District Club is in need of. A Club mascot. Something like 'Jet Man' who could visit the schools and give the kids even more inspiration to play League and promote the club. Maybe we have finally found a role for Jeffles in life!


Lets re-examine JJ.

My first post on this forum was as follows


"Bit of a stutter there JJ.

Good news though. The massive ads in the local papers have undoubtedly helped. It is good to see Junior League on the up again in the disrtrict. Now for the other clubs"


The stutter referred to JJ's double post (since deleted). Otherwise, I cannot find anything "negative" about it. Yet it was from this post that Ear started his diatribes. My allegedly "negative" comments arose in response to those diatribes. They were not the cause of them.

I will reiterate my point. I am happy that RL is improving via the Junior Jets. I hope that this continues throughout the district. I understand that not all families can make it to Tempe and I would rather they play RL where they can, rather than not play at all. The bigger the RL community becomes in the district, the bigger and better the Newtown DISTRICT club will be.


I do not think that re-establishing ourselves in NSWRL Junior competitions is possible with 1 Junior Team (Junior Jets) or even 2 (with Parkes). It would take convincing of the NSWRL, of Souths Juniors and the CRL. On to pof that you have to pay for it. Would these people consent to breaking up a small district into much smaller ones. I doubt it.

I think the better goal to aim for would be the club championship. Ear mentioned it in an earlier post and that is a realistic aim.

Junior Jets

Thanks Jeffles for your positive comments that time. I understand that your negative comments came from "The Ear"s diatribes, I was concerned though that you were still tarnishing the success story of the Junior Jets.

What do you think about the 'Jet Man' idea. I know that Phil Sigsworth goes around the schools from time to time promoting league to the kids. Maybe we could sign him up as well for 'Jet Man'.

I also agree mate about the Jersey Flegg and SG Ball, however there is nothing wrong with aiming for that. It is like aiming for the Jets to get back into First Grade. However unlikely or difficult it may be, we should still aim for that.

Yes the Club Championship would be a major winner. Mascot has won it since I cant remember. That would almost be the pinnacle of success!!



Well written, that Jeffles character aka BB, bluebag Botak he is trouble isnt he, I will sort him out this weekend perhaps :lol: It is terrific to read where these players are coming from to play with the JJ an amazing effort and you all should be congratulated. Baby steps at first will soon lead to giant leaps in being not only the biggest club in the Souths junior competition but also the most successful. I do remember Lole and saw him play with the JJ at erko and he goes very well.

Keep up the great work and keep us posted.



I think the only problem with aiming for Flegg and Ball is the inevitable disappoinment when you fail to get there (a likelihood we both concede). Still I admire all the work the JJ have done.