CliffyIsGod said:
Colonel Eel said:
Your one consistent try-scorer. He was equal with Monagahan and Wesser last year and it still didn't help. :lol:
Our one consistent try-scorer? Look and learn boy:
Player, tries scored in 2004 - Top five tryscorers from the club.
Petersen - 13
Burt - 12
Widders - 6
Hindmarsh - 5
McKinnon - 5
Donald - 17
Stewart - 13
Torrens - 10
Menzies - 7
Willamson - 6
Look and learn boy? :roll: Hand off..... you'll go blind.
He has been consistently your best try scorer over the past three seasons now. Menzies, from what I remember, didn't have a great season in attack last year and Stewart wasn't around until late. Yet you STILL didn't make the finals this year or last even with one of the top tryscorers.
Donald is either the focal point in your attack or he is an opportunist - possibly both. He scored more tries than our top tryscorer and your team scored 108 tries with Parra on 92 tries yet we still finished equal on points.
Phil Blake was the leading try scorer in 1983 yet you didn't win the GF. At the end of the day it makes next to bugger all difference whether Donald played for you or us.....