Who do I wish to be kicked off survivor?
Pure and simple PARKI!
Why you ask? Do I really have to explain? ITS SPARKI! He gained a fair few votes in the last challenge eviction, so Im sure that many of you will agree with my eviction choice.
Now, we have all witnessed the offensive language Master Sparki has used in many a challenge, the hosts past opposition and alias teams have all been hit with the aftermath of a verbal bashing by Sparki. Quite frankly, Ive had enough. Sparki has dumped many strange and ambiguous challenge postings. Who could forget the so called poem that confused and astounded anyone that read it. Not survivor worthy material! His biatchin and moaning about hosts, teams and team mates have been infuriating and Super Nanny unacceptable. He is an angry little man and this island is not fit for him and his beanie. Lets face it, there will be a lot more breathing space without the hot air erupting from his rants and ramblings. And may I just add, the power Sparki has gauged somehow in this survivor is rather disturbing! I mean, how has he NOT been evicted yet? Considering all the victimisation of others he has instigated, especially towards myself L Not to forget, how easily he finds these bag out someone else in survivor challenges. Youd think hed thought up the challenge himself! His ease in writing dribble about fellow survivors makes me feel uneasy
and therefore, he is a threat to myself
So Sparki, you have officially been served with an eviction notice Skye style! I spit in your general direction!
May alliances plunder and I become Queen Survivor Biatch!
Note: there are others on my list of evictees
so watch your back, and Ill be infront of you!