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L.G Re-Sign for two yrs with another option


Good to read in todays tele that LG as soon as the decision to axe Raper & the imenent signing of Ricky was announced they'll stay on board., & that some prominent business men in the Shire have caome together to through their support behind Ricky. It sounds like they may have injected some cash towards it, unlike all the doom & gloom from the Herald about our million $ black hole.

I think what ricky is going to bring to the club financially, will be huge.


spot on Jimako.
its good businesss networking & the ability to bite the financial bullett that keeps this club steaming ahead.
Money, influence & power. We're headed there. Stay on board.

Special K

LG have been outstanding for us really. They put up with a hell of a lot of sh*t and just keep pouring money into us.

lets all buy LG


First Grade
We are lucky to still have these guys ! After all the crap we have deliver'ed.
They must be geniused or read the table wrong way up or sideways or however they read in Korea. Im buying everthing LG , I dont care , If they dont then I dont!


Good Business Networking is not a phrase that could possibly be applied to the club over recent years.

If they start now it will certainly be a change for the better .


True point Beerker, heres hoping they've woken up to themselves & that some home truths about running a club successfully from this review have hit home.

We may be able to lay some business plans in place both on & off the field to finally compete with the glamour clubs in years to come.

Fingers crossed.


beekershark said:
Good Business Networking is not a phrase that could possibly be applied to the club over recent years.

If they start now it will certainly be a change for the better .

Well the facts as they stand, are that the club is still going well & the team survives in the comp. We have had 2 national coaches at the club in 5 years.
We never sold out our development rights & remain the owners of very valuable land. They have secured very large grants from federal resources that is the envy of other organisations. We now have "our" people in high places e.g. judiciary, ARL headquarters , politics etc etc. They have proven they will not tolerate mediocrity by axeing those responsible for failure.
Yet, you continue to white-ant them. Why? Where are your facts? Or do you just deride everybody at the club that doesnt fit on Treisters ticket?


Absolutley Jimako, well said. I'm hoping that the jolt has finally hit the board hard enough to realise they need to change the way they go about things. If that has happened then the future will obviojusly be brighter.

I actually think that there are some parts of the board worth keeping in the future, the experience and knowledge gained from sitting on the board for as long as these blokes have cannot be dismissed entirely. However I do believe that the power base needs changing so that there is actual debate and the best decisions are made after all options have been tabled.


Its good to see L.G come on board once again. The only thing i dont like about LG being our sponsor is that as i work for one of their direct competitors so i can never wear my sharks jersey to work!


With all due respects Blacktip, they have bumbled, fumbled & cocked up the whole development proposal which has been going on for 8 yrs now from when it was first mooted. The options which they have finally ended up with are not the best, granted the council hasn't helped but WHY?

I was involved with the company which were sleeve sponsors between 02 - 04 & mate marketing have alot to learn & so does the board, on how to treat sponsors & how to work with them successfully. Negotiating skills are not a strong suite.


Who cares that the council hasn't helped!
The fact that they didn't, has put the Sharks in better position now.
We have gotten through without the development & it will be a far better option now, when it oges ahead.
The worst option was the original one where sold off the land to lend lease.
first rule of economic laws.
"never sell your best assett or your cash cow"
the previous boards chosen option was to to do, just that.
Would we have gotten the grants if the thing was already built there?
What happens when the council changes?
Marketing is seperate issue altogether.
I'm sure if the board threw enough money at the problem, it wouldn't exist.
perhaps an integrated network of professionals that number 20-30 people like the Roosters have? That would work wouldnt it? So when you see what the Sharks acheive with a 4-5 very hard working people, it's quite impressive in my books.


zeppelin said:
Its good to see L.G come on board once again. The only thing i dont like about LG being our sponsor is that as i work for one of their direct competitors so i can never wear my sharks jersey to work!

Zepp - you wear your Sharks jersey wherever you want to comrade.

And if any of your supervisors kick up a stink, just snott em. Laughingly fell them with right crosses.

One act of individualism will solve two problems for you.

One ... it will tell the world that Zepp wears what Zepp wants


Two ... you wont work for the pricks again....

Declared Idiot #88


blacktip-reefy said:
Well the facts as they stand, are that the club is still going well & the team survives in the comp. We have had 2 national coaches at the club in 5 years.
We never sold out our development rights & remain the owners of very valuable land. They have secured very large grants from federal resources that is the envy of other organisations. We now have "our" people in high places e.g. judiciary, ARL headquarters , politics etc etc. They have proven they will not tolerate mediocrity by axeing those responsible for failure.
Yet, you continue to white-ant them. Why? Where are your facts? Or do you just deride everybody at the club that doesnt fit on Treisters ticket?

Treisters ticket ? You are an idiot Titan boy, without question you are an idiot who talks out your ass. There is no such " ticket", and if you knew anything at all you would know a very valid reason as to why that is the case.

" the club is still going well"- that is totally debatable. I'd say the club is not going very well at all. For the recent past we have had to listen to the board use the pokie tax increase as an excuse for " things getting tough" yet they have failed to instigate any other real initiatives to get more patrons to the club for other purposes other than gaming. Strange.

"2 national coaches at the club in 5 years"- one went well didn't he ? infact you personally have proclaimed it was your " mission" to help have him removed from the club, yet now you want to use the fact he was at the club as a positive because it suits your arguement....nice try, but fail. And the success or otherwise of the second national coach in 5 years is totally irrelevent at the moment, he hasnt even started yet !

"large grants"- they have secured 1 large grant and it's a fine thing they've achieved in doing that. They are seeking a top up from the state govt too , that'd be great if they can obtain that. They still need to oversee the spending of that money properly and oversee constructon and planning to gain optimal advantage from those grants, something I personally doubt they are capable of doing based on past performance, the bungling and delays in getting approval for a watered down version of Development plans for the leagues club project go towards their ability to work such issues out efficiently and professionally IMO.

" our people in high places"- we have our president holding a powerful position at the league board , thats correct, it seems however to have had an adverse affect in that we now bend over at the command of the league heirachy and are simple lapdogs. We will never rock the boat by complaining or championing our causes for fear of our president losing favour at the NRL.

I don't white ant them , they do a good enough job of that themselves. why do I criticise them ? because they are not doing a good enough job IMO running our club and they are aware of that, the don't care probably as im just another fan with an opinion like everyone else. why do you have a problem with me excercising my right as a fan and member to express disapointment at the way the club is run ?


Quigs said:
Zepp - you wear your Sharks jersey wherever you want to comrade.

And if any of your supervisors kick up a stink, just snott em. Laughingly fell them with right crosses.

One act of individualism will solve two problems for you.

One ... it will tell the world that Zepp wears what Zepp wants


Two ... you wont work for the pricks again....

Declared Idiot #88

:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:


Marketing had a very good year this year by comparison to previous years, but you seem to think that throwing money around is the way to make things work well, it just doesn't happen like that. They need to recruit properly in every position, not just take the easy option or recruit from in-house and/or family members of current staff or board members.

we all know Greg pierce is barrys son, but thats just one example. Marketting employed direct family of another board member this season.

It's just not how professional companies should operate. anyone will take money if offered, it's up to the board to make sure the people employed across the board are the best option and most skilled, and they need to mantain efficiency from them over their tenure as employees continue to get the best out of them by practicing good management and leadership.

The Lend lease deal was not to sell them the land outright. The bargaining never got to that stage. They offered the club $3mil cash up front simply for the right to have a look and come up with a proposal. our current board threw that back in their face after Gows dismissal, so we'll never know. smart guys.


beekershark said:
Treisters ticket ? You are an idiot Titan boy, without question you are an idiot who talks out your ass.
unsubstantiated "beekershiit"(from this point forward, this is the new forum word for lying.)

beekershark said:
There is no such " ticket", and if you knew anything at all you would know a very valid reason as to why that is the case.
beekershark said:
" the club is still going well"- that is totally debatable. I'd say the club is not going very well at all.

beekershark said:
For the recent past we have had to listen to the board use the pokie tax increase as an excuse for " things getting tough" yet they have failed to instigate any other real initiatives to get more patrons to the club for other purposes other than gaming. Strange.
Yes, they should get some raves happening there shouldn't they? perhaps a few tupperware parties. Money spinners.! More Beekershiit!
beekershark said:
"2 national coaches at the club in 5 years"- one went well didn't he ? infact you personally have proclaimed it was your " mission" to help have him removed from the club, yet now you want to use the fact he was at the club as a positive because it suits your arguement....nice try, but fail.
Beekershiit! I was originally happy, but very wary of Andersons appointment. he failed, they axed him. Well done to the board.
beekershark said:
And the success or otherwise of the second national coach in 5 years is totally irrelevent at the moment, he hasnt even started yet !
beekershark said:
"large grants"- they have secured 1 large grant and it's a fine thing they've achieved in doing that. They are seeking a top up from the state govt too , that'd be great if they can obtain that. They still need to oversee the spending of that money properly and oversee constructon and planning to gain optimal advantage from those grants, something I personally doubt they are capable of doing
I don;t think anybody of any nouse would worry too much about your thoughts.
beekershark said:
based on past performance, the bungling
Feel free to elaborate in point form & with explicit examples.
beekershark said:
and delays in getting approval
feel free to explain in point form, how the board had any control over what was decided at the SSSC council , & are therefore responsible for any perceived "delays"

beekershark said:
for a watered down version of Development plans for the leagues club project
Feel free to post any documentation on approved plans that were in place when the board took over. Feel free to elaborate on any issues regarding developers who get free rides at DA's in the Shire.
beekershark said:
go towards their ability to work such issues out efficiently and professionally IMO.
Again, I don't think too many would care about your opinion. The big fish have work on their hands.
beekershark said:
" our people in high places"- we have our president holding a powerful position at the league board , thats correct, it seems however to have had an adverse affect in that we now bend over at the command of the league heirachy and are simple lapdogs.
Feel free to post explicit details on farcical allegations. More Beekershiit!
beekershark said:
We will never rock the boat by complaining or championing our causes for fear of our president losing favour at the NRL.
Feel free to post explicit details on farcical allegations. More Beekershiit!

beekershark said:
I don't white ant them
Oh no !!!!! You just LOVE them don't you?
beekershark said:
, they do a good enough job of that themselves.
beekershark said:
why do I criticise them ?
its pretty clear why you criticise them. becaue you think you can jump on Treisters back if he makes a play at the board.
beekershark said:
because they are not doing a good enough job IMO running our club and they are aware of that,

beekershark said:
they don't care probably as im just another fan with an opinion like everyone else. why do you have a problem with me excercising my right as a fan and member to express disapointment at the way the club is run ?
because you view is unbalanced & has strong bias to a personal agenda & you offer no affordable ideas or solutions in your continued, frenzied, attack upon them.