Steve, These are terms used by the 'Abuse Department' (I tell no lie, thats what they call themselves) who are part of the ISP we use in the States.
'Resource abuse' is a new term to me and apparently can apply to whole range of issues from exceeding bandwidth to publishing offensive material. We got hold a full list of possible violationsbut could find nothing that could be classed as 'resource abuse'.
Unable to provide us with satisfactory explanation, the Abuse Department then told us that we were guilty of 'code leakage'. This means that one of our applications (The Front Row Forum, they <u>eventually</u> said), was corrupting other sites on the shared server. Our research didnt back them up so like I said, it is still a mystery as to why they shut us down. Other forums like TFR work perfectly onmany other sites and seemed to be working perfectly on LU.
The last we heard from them was that we have to use a different forum format and we're looking into this.
When asked why they didnt ask us before pulling the plug, they said they did send an email but it came back as undeliverable. They used an old email from another account we had once and didnt bother to check the correct email address from the actual website they were shutting down. It was this lack of attention to detail that really got under my skin.
It was made all the worse by fact that Abuse would only correspond by email and refused to give us their phone number or to phone us. We spoke a few times on the phone to the sales person who set up the site but said that even he didnt have access to the all powerful 'Abuse Department'.
Additionally, The Abuse Department refused to give us their names... the best we got was the initials, 'RT'.
Most emails were simply signed, 'Abuse'. There was certainly a funny side to all this but after a day and a night, it started to wear a bit thin.