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life after creeping


Staff member
I agree. Sack Doust.

On more serious matters, I tend to follow with greggles and think Boyd is a must-keep. I am just not sure what we could offer him given his connection with Bennett. Is he that good because of Bennett and under price will languish? A question worth asking.

Even so, he's worth throwing $350k and a 3 year deal.

As much as I love Gas, I honestly would not have signed him to the current deal he's on in favour of Boyd and Stanley. I realise it's been done to death (Re Gas and losing Saffy, Nev and Smith) but to lose a combination of Stanley, King or Boyd due to it would be the sign that Doust hasn't got the vision required.


First Grade
If Boyd somehow re-signs with us, then it'll be the best news since, well since the Bennett signing news in 2008. Any decent coach can get good results from our current squad as it is, Wayne Bennett has laid all the necessary foundations, the only fear is losing one or two great players such as Boyd.


I have obviously have not read enough posts from 2-3 years ago...does some one mind explaining how Bennett acquired the unflattering nickname of "creeping"...thanks

I've wondered the same thing myself. And I read all the way down to here and no-one has answered the question.

I've also seen the full name as 'Creeping Jesus' but when I Googled that, the definitions didn't seem to apply to Wayne at all.

So, in the words of a Dire Straights classic 'It's a mystery to me...'

Ronnie Dobbs

young stanley has a long, long, long way to go to reach boyd. that is in no way to state he can't. boyd has the attributes that separate him from the top-class players that currently run around in the comp.

but if you had a choice between a proven class player who is still only 23 & on the cusp of becoming the dominant player within the comp, and a promising rookie, who would you rather?

you can see a mile away that boyd will be the next lockyer.

at this stage stanley is promise & god knows we've had our fair share of that over the last 20 years.

a boyd in the hand.

Yep. I have to agree. Stanley is awesome and a potential champion. Boyd already is.

I firmly believe we won't be beaten this year as long as Boyd stays fit and the forwrds keep rollin.

I agree. Sack Doust.

On more serious matters, I tend to follow with greggles and think Boyd is a must-keep. I am just not sure what we could offer him given his connection with Bennett. Is he that good because of Bennett and under price will languish? A question worth asking.

Even so, he's worth throwing $350k and a 3 year deal.

As much as I love Gas, I honestly would not have signed him to the current deal he's on in favour of Boyd and Stanley. I realise it's been done to death (Re Gas and losing Saffy, Nev and Smith) but to lose a combination of Stanley, King or Boyd due to it would be the sign that Doust hasn't got the vision required.

I reckon he'd be worth 400k plus Drew. Idris is getting 350k FFS.

I don't believe we were ever going to keep him once Bennett left.

Jesus he's good though. Can be every bit as good as Lockyer. No doubt in my mind.


Father Ted

First Grade
I reckon he'd be worth 400k plus Drew. Idris is getting 350k FFS.

I don't believe we were ever going to keep him once Bennett left.

Jesus he's good though. Can be every bit as good as Lockyer. No doubt in my mind.


Just a couple of thoughts . 1 Bennett won't pay $400,000 for players .
2 Idris is a good player but overpayed in my opinion . 3 Someone else touched on it but if Boyd's grandmother could be lured to a small beachfront in the gong or the St.G area it might help . 4 looks like Gold Coast and Brisbane are in the market for a good 5/8th and Boyd has dropped a lot of recent hints about going home to S E Qld . Although like most of you I'm thinking all things being equal F%%k em. Nan how about the beautiful south coast of sunny NSW .:D


You can't buy loyalty. Boyd's loyalties are elsewhere. Many respected touts believe Stanley is the best they've seen since Reginald. And he loves the club. When Hornby retires (2 years?) Soward will revert to his HB role and Stanley will be the regular 5/8.

Ronnie Dobbs

You can't buy loyalty. Boyd's loyalties are elsewhere. Many respected touts believe Stanley is the best they've seen since Reginald. And he loves the club. When Hornby retires (2 years?) Soward will revert to his HB role and Stanley will be the regular 5/8.

Yes. I agree with that too.

Style is going to be great.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
One of the big concerns is the imminent departure of Boyd along with Bennett, if we retained Boyd I would be more confident, since Boyd is the third playmaker in our team and retaining him would provide a smoother transition. As good as Kyle Stanley is he is a different style of footballer and it may take some time for us to click, I reckon we'd still be one of the top 4 teams though.

After just watching NRL on Fox and listening to Titans CEO, unfortunately im more convinced than ever that Boyd will go to the Knights:x


First Grade
- Even with Bennett, 2012 would be a struggle with the salary cap, they say its 2 years after a premiership that its at its worst.. *touch wood* but were pretty shallow on depth with last years departures. Price has a tough job ahead.

- I'm not sure if Boyd is the next Lockyer as is being predicted.. he certainly doesn't have the individual attacking prowess of a young Lockyer or a Slater, or a Hayne etc.. but after a really slow 2009, his rate of improvement has been extradordinary, and its no coincidence that his growth into a play-maker in 2010 was what gave us the edge we needed (lets hope it continues in 2011). However.. as others have said, it doesn't sound like his heart is here.

- Gasnier is the one that I feel is most likely to give way (if its needed), we are paying him a fortune, and he said he would not get in the way of future talent, even though he is on a 4yr deal from memory. I like Gaz, but I think his wages cost the team more than just his form/performance in the Number #3 position, and now people are talking about him playing Origin, which makes no sense to me.. he doesnt have the form imo.


- Even with Bennett, 2012 would be a struggle with the salary cap, they say its 2 years after a premiership that its at its worst.. *touch wood* but were pretty shallow on depth with last years departures. Price has a tough job ahead.

- I'm not sure if Boyd is the next Lockyer as is being predicted.. he certainly doesn't have the individual attacking prowess of a young Lockyer or a Slater, or a Hayne etc.. but after a really slow 2009, his rate of improvement has been extradordinary, and its no coincidence that his growth into a play-maker in 2010 was what gave us the edge we needed (lets hope it continues in 2011). However.. as others have said, it doesn't sound like his heart is here.

- Gasnier is the one that I feel is most likely to give way (if its needed), we are paying him a fortune, and he said he would not get in the way of future talent, even though he is on a 4yr deal from memory. I like Gaz, but I think his wages cost the team more than just his form/performance in the Number #3 position, and now people are talking about him playing Origin, which makes no sense to me.. he doesnt have the form imo.

Yeah I don't really understand where our money went. We have a great team but it is not really made up of great (read expensive) players. They win as a team - not as individuals. It will be interesting to see what money we have next year. Hopefully there is some.

I'm not at all fussed about Boyd going. Wicked player and all but very emotional and likely to diminish without Bennett (and he knows it). I see all the attributes in Stanley that make Boyd good. Positional play, defence, fitness, toughness and as a natural five eight, his linking play with the outside backs could be just as good. I rate Stanley.

I really don't think Gaz is going anywhere. You don't sign a big money contract to come home and then leave because someone else has potential. And I think he is playing great footy. He has IMO always been misunderstood. People focus on his attacking prowess but his defence is awesome. Look at his missed tackle counts since his return. Close to zero. He talks it up, inspires his team mates and is part of our history and heritage. Is he worth the money? Maybe not. But he is looking really good and getting better each game.
Yeah I don't really understand where our money went. We have a great team but it is not really made up of great (read expensive) players. They win as a team - not as individuals. It will be interesting to see what money we have next year. Hopefully there is some.

I'm not at all fussed about Boyd going. Wicked player and all but very emotional and likely to diminish without Bennett (and he knows it). I see all the attributes in Stanley that make Boyd good. Positional play, defence, fitness, toughness and as a natural five eight, his linking play with the outside backs could be just as good. I rate Stanley.

I really don't think Gaz is going anywhere. You don't sign a big money contract to come home and then leave because someone else has potential. And I think he is playing great footy. He has IMO always been misunderstood. People focus on his attacking prowess but his defence is awesome. Look at his missed tackle counts since his return. Close to zero. He talks it up, inspires his team mates and is part of our history and heritage. Is he worth the money? Maybe not. But he is looking really good and getting better each game.

Yeah Gaz is gun, put it this way is Boyd stays im 100% confident we will be the same team next year! if he goes im 90% confident Stanley will do the job


First Grade
Yeah I don't know why people keep knocking Gaz, IMO one of the best centres of the modern era 1990's onwards, he rates well alongside Renouf, Johns, O'Connor, Mc Gregor, Meninga, Inglis, Cooper, Coyne just to name a few.

It wasn't long ago that he was singlehandedly tearing teams apart during the Brown era and when he didn't people jumped all over him. He's worth the money, an attacking genius and now a very good player in all facets, remember 1st try in 2010 GF, and it's no coincidence that Nightingale has suddenly become so potent and prolific at try scoring outside "The Gaz". Love what Scott did for us at centre but Gasnier is truly a Prince of centres.


First Grade
Yeah I don't know why people keep knocking Gaz, IMO one of the best centres of the modern era 1990's onwards, he rates well alongside Renouf, Johns, O'Connor, Mc Gregor, Meninga, Inglis, Cooper, Coyne just to name a few.

It wasn't long ago that he was singlehandedly tearing teams apart during the Brown era and when he didn't people jumped all over him. He's worth the money, an attacking genius and now a very good player in all facets, remember 1st try in 2010 GF, and it's no coincidence that Nightingale has suddenly become so potent and prolific at try scoring outside "The Gaz". Love what Scott did for us at centre but Gasnier is truly a Prince of centres.

I hope your right (and hope im proven wrong), but so far I think people are seeing Gaz through pre-2010 eyes, when he would shimmy through a defensive line untouched, but so far im watching him get cut down nearly every time he gets the ball, without any attempted fend or genuine threat to the opposition line... of course maybe with another 3 months under his belt and his speed/timing back, he might be a try machine again (and im crossing my fingers), but at 350-400k a year, Its a very expensive experiment for a marque player.

On current form (not debating pre-france), I dont think he can even be compared to centres like Cooper, Hodges, SKD, Jennings, Inglis and co..


First Grade
I hope your right (and hope im proven wrong), but so far I think people are seeing Gaz through pre-2010 eyes, when he would shimmy through a defensive line untouched, but so far im watching him get cut down nearly every time he gets the ball, without any attempted fend or genuine threat to the opposition line... of course maybe with another 3 months under his belt and his speed/timing back, he might be a try machine again (and im crossing my fingers), but at 350-400k a year, Its a very expensive experiment for a marque player.

On current form (not debating pre-france), I dont think he can even be compared to centres like Cooper, Hodges, SKD, Jennings, Inglis and co..

I definately think he's lost a yard of pace, I mean when he breaks the line he doesn't seem to have the blistering acceleration that he used to posses which left players clutching at thin air. It remains to be seen whether he will regain some of that speed because I do think he is still a hand full for opposition defenses and still looks quite threatening.

I think he's a victim of his old brilliance where people still expect him to do it all on his own. I think he's become a smarter player in the sense that he doesn't look to push things with flicks and whatnot, perhaps due to Wayne Bennett's emphasis on ball retention. Overall I think he's doing a great job for the team, defends very well and attracts plenty of attention in attack, he is still very much a strike player in my opinion.


Gaz looked pretty f**king quick last year against manly in the semi final. He is a f**king out and out champion and the surname says it all!


An unauthorized bio of fatboy will be out soon[if he can't stop it through the courts], it sounds fun. If he doesn"t like bogans,why did he buy Newcastle? A good read for Wayne:sarcasm: