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Life Of Brian Game Thread


First Grade
I called DB and Parra Pride as scum early in the game. Both playing the 'I'm busy' or 'I don't understand the game' card to avoid having to contribute.

If I'd had a halfway useful power (or one of the merkins had tried to kill Brian), they'd have been among the first I targeted.

I was happy only you aroused suspicion in me.... And no one else brought it up


First Grade
I almost forgot to thank Soc. This would rank as one of if not the most enjoyable game I've played. I knew the background as it is one of my favourites.


I called DB and Parra Pride as scum early in the game. Both playing the 'I'm busy' or 'I don't understand the game' card to avoid having to contribute.

If I'd had a halfway useful power (or one of the merkins had tried to kill Brian), they'd have been among the first I targeted.

And that's why JM copped the Auto lynch instead of you. There's no way DB would've survived as long if you had an ability that could out him.

Granted we did try to kill you that night, but luck was on your side then.


We got Rebel that night. Role blocked his power and then killed him too.

You were our secondary kill, but it had a 20% chance of failing. It failed.


Staff member
The Romans

Ozzy You are Biggus Dickus, Roman aligned big knob.
Biggest dick in the empire, you call the shots. Safe in your palace with minions to do your bidding
Passive ability: The empire is in trouble without you at the helm, you are well guarded. You cant die while ever Incontenentia, Pontius & Centuwion are alive.
Night action: (Kill the Jews) Every night phase you may PM the name of a person. Your legions will hunt them down & kill them.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Played the role well, had a bit of bad luck targeting protected townies early, but did well in the end.

9701 You are Incontenentia Buttocks Roman aligned splooge sponge
Wife of Biggus Dickus, it goes without saying you love the Dick.
Passive ability: While you live Biggus cannot die. Each night you attend an orgy, it’s a tough gig getting stabbed with the steel when you are getting stabbed by the pork. You cannot be killed at night if you target a male character to “liaise” with.
Night action (Roman Orgy) Each night PM the name of the player you wish to bump uglies with. As you are skilled in the ways of the Dick you will find out the last communication that player had with the mod.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Quiet game by 9701 standards but probably didnt hurt here. He was never targeted for any action at all. Got some handy info from his nightly liasons.

KTF you are Nissus Wettus Roman aligned kindly executioner
Hander out of the crosses you have no stomach for execution. You would prefer to see everyone happy and free.
Night action: Every night you may PM the name of a player you wish to protect
Passive, If investigated you will show as town.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Runaway MVP the most active player in the thread & had zero protection. He kept PP safe from night attacks all game.

Dragon Punk you are Pontius Pilate Roman aligned bumbling Governor
2ic to Biggus Dickus you are the Governor of Judea. It’s a tough job keeping the pesky Jews under control.
Passive action: While you live Biggus Dickus cant die.
Night action: (Power Tripper) You are a powerful dude with Centuwion alive. Each night you can PM the name of the player you wish to kill. Centuwion will be sent to do your bidding. If you successfully target Brian, he will not die but Centuwion will gain a power. Sadly because of your speech impediment he will only understand you 80% of the time. If he doesn’t understand he will stay and protect you instead. You can also choose to keep him in to protect you.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Good game also, quiet in the thread but picked good targets.

Parra Pride you are Centuwion Roman aligned master of latin
Career soldier & talented killer. Responsible for keeping Roman style order across the known world.
Passive action: You will do the dirty work for Pontius Pilate. You also will survive one successful lynch although you will be outed.
Day action: As a Centurion you patrol the town by day. If you see a lynch you think is wrong you may end the day early and nominate a player to be auto lynched. This is a one time ability. You may also investigate one person each day phase via PM.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Decicive moment using the Auto on Jason Maher. pulled it out at the right time as JM was one of their biggest threats. If they had blown it early JM was pretty much unkillable.

DB You are Jailer Roman aligned face spitter
Keeper of the keys and master of the dungeon. The enemies of the state are under your control.
Day action: Each day you may PM the name of one player. You will spit in their face. They will be so happy that they are unable to act the following night.
Night action: You have learnt many evil tricks from the undesirables locked in your cells. Each night you can PM the name of 1 player. You will copy their action if any & direct it at the player of your choosing. You will not be informed of what the action is until the write up at the end of the phase. You can not copy the action of a player twice in a row.
You win when all threats to Rome are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.
Your team members are,9701, KTF, Dragon Punk, Parra Pride & DB

Again made good use of his powers. Locked onto a killer to copy every second night. Gave them the extra sting to kill who they needed to.

Overall. It looks like they won easily, but it could easily have gone the other way. Town were their own worst enemies taking each other out or doing nothing. DB, 9701 & KTF had no protection & were never targeted with anything.
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Staff member
I do believe I was getting f**ked by Rebel that night.

Rebel was roleblocked the next night. Once he died & stopped rooting you, then you became vulnerable. SMBN was looking after you when you got attacked on the first night.


First Grade
What a great day Knights then win mafia. Great game by the mafia guys MVP definately goes to KTF


lol had a strong feeling KTF was mafia after a while but at the time killing off the cult was the #1 priority
Well played!


Only switched to cult at the end, didn't make much difference.

The only difference it would've made is that I would've went for KTF over PP.


Staff member
Parra You are Splitter, Judean popular peoples front aligned rabble rouser
Ex member of the Judean peoples front. You think you can do a better job on ridding Jerusalem of the Romans.
Passive: You are protected from night attacks including investigation for the first 2 nights. If targeted for a kill your character will be outed, but not your username. If you imply that you are an investigator in any post in the game thread your night protection will be lost.
Night action. Each even night you can target a player to join your cult. They have the option to accept or decline. If you target a Roman they will automatically kill you on the spot. On each odd night you may target a player to investigate.
You win when all threats to the JPPF are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same.

Unlucky to die by a random stab in the dark. The Romans knew who he was night 1 but couldnt out him. Toughest win condition of anyone, cult is too hard to balance I think. Either way too hard to stop like in SOO or way too weak as in this game.

Fredrick you are Methius the blasphemer, independently aligned halibut lover.
A lover of seafood fit for Jehovah & Rolling Stones fan.
Day action, you must post at least once each day phase & use the word Jehovah. If you survive 3 days you will be able to join the faction of your choice. If you do not post the word Jehovah you will be instakilled at the end of the day.
You win if your chosen faction eliminates all threats to them or nothing can prevent the same.

Didnt get much of a chance getting killed early. I was enjoying his attempts at complying with his post restriction. I was looking forward to see which faction he would choose. Knowing Fred I figured he would be on cult like stink on shit.


First Grade
To those I mouthed off to, I hope none was taken seriously. To use a league phrase, it's not my go. :)


Staff member
Judeans – Town

MSIH You are Brian Cohen Jerusalem aligned unwilling Messiah
Our hero and attractor of lunatics. Just want to rid the town of Romans, but ends up being chased by everyone in the land.
Passive: You cant die while Judith, Mandy & Jesus are alive.
Action: You may communicate outside the game thread with Judith who is:
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Pretty quiet game overall, Vanilla role probably didnt help

Misanthrope You are Judith Iscarriot Jerusalem aligned hornbag
Brians love interest and peoples front of Judea member
Passive action: Brian cant die while you live
Night action: Each night you may PM the names of 2 players. If one of them targets Brian for death they will be killed, or outed if they have passive protection.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

One of towns best. If people had have followed his lead then town may well have gotten up. Pretty much a Vanilla role. Had a chance of a kill if MSIH had been targeted.

Whall15 you are Reg Jerusalem aligned pfj leader
Leader of the peoples front of Judea, but a spineless merkin who would rather talk than fight
Passive: Useless prick that you are Stan will protect you from harm
Night action: Each night you may PM the name of one player. You will be told their name only.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Good solid game from Whall, targeted for death early but passive protection saved him. Jumped to cult right at the end.

RHCP You are Stan/Loretta Jerusalem aligned lactator
You are one confused mofo, hates the Romans because he cant have babies.
Night action: As because of the Romans you have been denied a child, your nights a free for murder. PM the name of the player you wish to dispatch.

Judea's answer to Grandpa Marsh. Biggus Dickus has an autographed picture of Stan in the palace. Funny stuff.

SMBN You are Francis Jerusalem aligned pjf member
Member of the peoples front of Judea
Night action: each night you may chose one player to protect from kills.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Protected Mis from night attacks until Stan took him out. Didnt get a chance to do much else

ButchMcDick You are Mr Cheeky Jerusalem aligned cheeky f**ker
A man that is phased by nothing & loves to play a joke & have a laugh
Night Action: Nothing more funny than a power steal, as an added bonus the player you chose will also be silenced the next day phase. PM the name of the player whos power you wish to steal & the name of who you wish to direct the action to.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Another one killed early, never hit a target with a decent action.

Bazzi You are Harry the Haggler Jerusalem aligned dodgy salesman
Passive action: Nothing with you can be taken at face value. If you are targeted for any action it has a 50% chance of failing. It also has a 25% chance of being directed back to the sender.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Another quiet one

SGL You are Ex Leper, Jerusalem aligned whinger
You spend your days & nights wandering around bludging off people. Although you are no good with names you know who is aligned with who.
Action, You may call a census during any phase. Twice!
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Another quiet one, pretty vanilla role.

You are Mandy Cohen Jerusalem aligned mother of Brian & Naughtius Maximus Jizz goblin.
Your son isnt the Messiah, he is a very naughty boy.
Passive ability, Brian is safe while you live.
Night action, you are partial to swallowing a bit of Roman sword, each night you can fellate a player, you will learn their last night action. Also if your target is a Male character you cant be killed. Clamping down as you die would be yucky.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

So unlucky, along with Mis could have won the game for town. Once outed got killed by the only possible scenario in the game. Tie with Mis as town MVP

HowHigh You are Wise men Jerusalem aligned Holymen.
You wander around looking for Baby Jesus to unload your Gold, Frankinsense & Mir.
Night action, Each night you go to a house to look for the Messiah,PM the name of the player you visit & they will be role blocked.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

The wise men were going to be three separate roles. when I cut the numbers and made them one HH got 3 lives. Still didnt help him. Saved a few townies with his role blocks. A couple of the early ones were pretty funny though.

Monk You are Big Nose Jerusalem aligned big nose
You have a nose for sniffing out trouble.
Night action, You may chose one player each night to investigate.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Its a shame he didnt know the theme, played well for someone who had NFI what any of the write ups meant. Was the first recruit for the cult.

Didgi You are Mrs Big Nose Jerusalem aligned wife
You like to see the meek looked after & the wicked punished.
Day action when you vote in a lynch it will count as 3 votes or vote & reduce a lynch vote by 3 via pm.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Another quiet one. Could have made things interesting at the end.

AFS You are Prisoner Jerusalem aligned spit appreciator
You spend your life chained to a wall longing for a beating or to be spat at. You are pretty much useless hanging in your cell.
Passive Ability, you are locked up tight & cant be night killed.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Pretty quiet by his normal standards, got a one off kill & took Parra out.

Sanchez You are Crazy Prophet Jerusalem aligned psycho.
You spend your days preaching fire & brimstone. It makes you a bit crazy.
Night action, You may chose a player each even night & preach to them. Due to the frightening things you preach they will commit suicide.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Less dangerous than Stan, DB copied his power early & gave the scum an extra kill

Drew You are Boring Prophet Jerusalem aligned sleep inducer.
You spend your days preaching the word of God. It makes you a bit crazy.
Night action, You may chose a player each odd night & preach to them. Due to your lack of character they will die of boredom.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Had a good game. Chose not to use his kill night one & then was roleblocked after that.

Cliffhanger You are Cured mute Jerusalem aligned Vow breaker
You have spent 20 years sitting silently in your hole, until Brian made you break your vow. Now you can talk you wont shutup.
Role Condition, You must post at least once in each Day. (Day in this instance is 1 day & 1 night phase)
Night action, you suffered in silence for years, share the fun. You may silence 1 player each night.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Only used her power night one to silence SGL. Mod killed for not posting

Pugzley You are Jpf suicide squad hardcore mofos.
You are hardcore & will do anything for the cause.
1 off action you may end a lynch at anytime, if you do you will die, but you will take with you 1 member of every scum or independent faction that has voted in the lynch. If the scum have more than one voter then the most powerful of them will be the one that dies. This power outweighs any other protections they may have.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Quiet as a mouse & then came in the end of a lynch to notch the only Roman kill of the game.

Rebel You are Keeper of the Gaude Jerusalem aligned weirdo
You are pretty dumb & wander around carrying a guade. You are blonde & sexy in a 1979 sort of way. Men want to root you, they are lining up.
Night action: Choose you squeeze for the evening & they will be protected. If you get lucky with some scissor action you will also be protected.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Had a decent dig for someone with no idea. became Mis's night protector before getting roleblocked to both their detriment.

Thorson You are Arthur the Messiah follower seeker of the word of God
You are keen to be told how to lead your life & live to be told what to do be every preacher in the land.
One shot ability, you may PM the name of a player you wish to stone to death for not following the ways of the lord. The kill is unblockable unless it is the leader of a faction & they instead will be outed. You may not stone a player that has been formally outed. ie alignment listed on the first page of the game thread.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Another quiet one. Never used his one shot power. Could have been a game changer

Bunniesman you are Matthius the protector
You are Matthius the protector, Jerusalem aligned old cripple
An old cripple who owns the house that is also headquarters for the Peoples Front of Judea. You cover for your mates when the Romans come calling.
Night Ability: (Up yours Centurion) You hate it when the Romans come knocking on your door. Each night you can choose 1 player to take into your home for protection. The player you choose will be unaffected by any night actions.
You win when all threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Metagamed night one.

Smiley you are Jesus H Christ, Jehovah Aligned carpenter extrodanaire & saviour of mankind.
f**k yeah your Jesus! God put you on this earth for one purpose only, to get nailed to a cross. You need to get yourself lynched. Timing is everything as on the 3rd day after your death you can PM the name of one player & receive their role PM. You can then choose to have one final post in the thread & ascend to heaven or stay in the game as a mere mortal.
Passive, as Jesus you cant be night killed.
You win when all the threats to Jerusalem are eliminated, or nothing can prevent the same.

Pretty quiet. In hindsight I could have done more with this role to encourage him to try and get lynched. Outed early & still targeted again.


My bad for being inactive at the start and the unlucky blocking choices. I was pretty much screwed from there when JM outed me as a role blocker.
The 3 lives thing was cool.


One off kills suck.

Blow your load early, possibly kill a townie.

Try and wait it out and get killed without getting a chance to use it

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