You sound like a white supremist?
Agree we have too much PC crap but there are too many people who think their uninformed opinion is equal to those of the informed. Not labelling you that way but don’t assume you know better than everybody else either.
No I definitely do not think I know anything more than the next person.
Everyone has a right to voice their opinion.
Which is exactly what Dino did by writing we need speed and more speed.
In turn for his opinion, Dino was called a F##k wit and brainless, and many more names.
So yes, Dino gave his opinion which has since been proven to be 100% correct.
People did not just disagree, they abused him.
Too many modern day self righteous goody too shoes I am afraid.
And yes, my opinion is our immigration policy is fuc**d.
60% of my mates are born overseas, certainly not a racist.
However, we got to mix it up a lot more.
We can't become the United Arab Emirates satellite state.
White supremists? Hate them.
Rational policies and a good mix of people.
Love them.
Got it?
Now back to Dino.... Yes, we need more fu**ing speed!!!