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In a show of weakness i'm about to open up.

I'm normally defensive.

See, the Japs have this theory about being strong and weak.
They pride themselves on not showing weakness!
But i'm only human and i have this need to speak out.
Plus i'm not a Jap so here goes.

Any y'all here about the guy that's been bashed and stomped on in the MILLER suburb?
I knew that dude.
Russel his name is.
He has a little baby child.
He once helped me with computers in the place he worked at.
The Hub they call it.
I stopped going there because of this prick named SOFIE!
She works there too and is the reason i stopped going there.
She lives down my way and is a real case if you know what i mean.

It's not so much that i know him......It's just....the guys who did it...They come here to the Cyber net cafe in Miller and i know them and one of em has been bailed today and it COULD have been me instead of Russel had i been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

See how you can take different Cross Roads in life?
I've been writing about the Cross Roads of life lately and how you can trek down the wrong path.
Or, go in the righteous path to salvation.

I don't know.

This joint is closing in on me you know?
I'm being shut out at every avenue.
There's no where to turn any more you know?
I've been running my entire life you know?

Hey, see ole Sports Jock try an blame somebody else recently for his mis-doings? He said "Some body saw my web site and it's mistaken identitee."
I once said on the old forum "Wouldn't it be great to steal somebodies indentitee and take over their life."
Hope he ain't pinning that sh*t on one of us.

So i gets this letter in the mail thismorning right?
It's the main reason why i'm a bit shaken today.
See, i write to this magazine called The Picture right?
And i send them all this wacky sh*t yer?
And recently i sent them an electrical pen that sends electricity through your body right? Also i sent them this filthy ass post card with the foulest of language right?
But that's their field right?
So this letter this morning right?
It's from ACP (Australias collected publishers) or some thing right?
They go "You have been posting packages post cards and offensive threatening letters that we deem offensive and threatening."

And they go on to say that i'm not aloud to send letters to this mob any more and that i'm NOT aloud to step foot in this ACP building and that if i don't abide by these rules IMMEDIATE legal action will pursue.

It really f*cken flattened me man.
I've had the shakes ever since.
And umm, belly grummble butterflys.

What ever happen to our right to freedom of speech?
Has Australia lost its sense of humor?
Haven't we become a bit sensitive?

This magazine The Picture prides itself on wacky far out shit then some stiff like this sends me a letter saying i'm banned from expressing myself.

Only 10 minutes ago i sent the whole letter back to them and i said i wanna hear it from you! The Editor!

I don't know man....It's like we're not aloud to have an opinion any more.

And every thing you say is scrutinized you know?

I'm also in the wilderness today because i blew close to $600 in the past 2 days on the Gee Gees.

But this letter today rocked me a little.

Apparently this ACP publishing house owns half the magazines and press in Australia and they told me that i'm NOT to send ANYTHING to any one in connection to ACP!

Australia is closing in on me man.
It wants to squeeze me out slowly and i see it day by day that we're losing our rights to freedom.

You can't say f*cken boo hoo to a ghost any more.

We've lost our sense of humor that's what it is.

All this f*cken CNN serious war bullsh*t dominating our lives and sh*t.
Politicians over running our small country everday with bullsh*t legislations and worn out ideas........Australias become tired.

Life today, has deteriated i reckon.
Australia, has sold out.

It's not fun any more.

I miss the 80's.
F*ck the future right here an now.


Oh and the letter i recieved thismorning was from THE HEAD OF SECRURITY of ACP.

What they were saying, in a nut shell, was that i was a threat to their safety and their employers.

Words are power did some body say once?

I see my writing as progess to motivate them to that level but it was an over reaction i believe.

Oh look at me the BIG threat to society!
Run to the hills Mar Kettle Little ole Brett Gaddes is coming.

P.S. i bought a lotto ticket for this saturday nights Lotto.
It's worth 18 mill or some thing.
Cost me $11:80.
Hopefuly i'll win it, go back to Canada.


UT just imagine how it works at their end...

Big fat pie eating head of security. Actually thinks he has to do something about all the bombing & bad shit in the world, instead of just chasing kids on skateys away from the front of the building.

Most fun he has in opening the mail & perving on the homegirl photos before anyone else gets to sticky them up.

Opens up your package. Spies the pen, thinks hey this is alright, nice looking pen, makes me look like I can actually read & write.

But what happens then.....

Gets an electric shock & scares the shit out of himself. Probably thought he was gonna die. Maybe craps himself in front of the cute accountant from the 3rd floor.

not good.

Better fire off a letter to Mr Brett as this is a definate danger to ACP & society in general..

don't fret the little stuff mate. .



Oh you know it!

I guess it's the same as some MPAA asshole in the movie industry.

They do nothing all day so to make themselves worthy they destroy producers pieces!

That's why we have Directors cuts years later!

But i don't know if it was the pen that caused the trouble.

I've sent dick hairs and post cards and toilet moments and about a letter a day from Monday to Friday and all sorts of other ghastly nonsense.

I can't pin point which THING caused this.

What i reckon was they didn't know how to tell me to stop sending letters so what better way than by threatening somebody!

I'll tell ya one thing Eddo.
F*ck loyalty today AND honosty and mother f*ck TRUST as well!

There's no such thing as elitism today either, it's all about indivdualism.
Mother f*cken narsistic pricks!
It was suppose to be me ONLY!
I'm the only one in existence!
I'm the only god on the turkey f'fux sake!
Since when did the majority decide to jump in on the race!
And ethics? F*ck that! It doesn't exist! Which means communication breaks down and the wheels fall off!

Eddo...my advice to you is.......There is NO cause! Don't believe in any thing ok! Loyalty does NOT pay off dividends!
Mother f*ck every body!
Don't asign yourself to any cause and don't put to much belief in anything or anyone!

There's people in this life who believe they are people of importance but or they really are are infested maggots on the compost heap whos existence doesn't mean anything to me!

I've learnt to develop a solipsist attitude! NOBODY exists to me! It's only me!



But you can see the funny side of sending or recieving a cattle prod novelty type zapper pen right?

See how mother f*ckers mis-construe other peoples demeanours?
That's why i say that there's no ethics between mother f*ckers that's why communication breaks down.

Eddo....As i type this...Do you think that i'm being angry at you or the system?

How do i come across typing this to you?

See, you could mis-construe this post as being totally annoyed at YOU!

Yet i'm here typing this in a non caring, i don't give a f*ck, i gotta go shopping in a sec mood!

But you could mis-interperet that as being directly targeted at you nasty.

I didn't send anything to this magazine with the intension of murder or terrorist activity revenge!

Gorilla tactics maybe....That's like that time i worked for Franklins and i use to piss in peoples Coke bottles and that was the sh*t.

No ones got a sense of humor no more!

I should'a sent a letter back to that asshole and said "The next time you decide to f*ck me, give me some notice so i can greeze my ass so it won't hurt some much"


Untouchable said:
Words are power did some body say once?

THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD is the saying, I can't believe they took offence at something you've said UT :lol: :lol:

But its true what you say Australia has changed its not the happy go lucky place it was when I was a kid, I'd hate to be a kid now you have to look out for all kinds of sh*t thats going on around you, so whats the answer????

There is no answer ITS ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE!!!!!!

[I'm depressed today :? ]


Untouchable said:
Oh and the letter i recieved thismorning was from THE HEAD OF SECRURITY of ACP.


seriously you sent them a dangerous weapon and they sent you the same letter they send to 20 other people a week end of story i can't believe you would worry about this for more then 10 seconds.

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