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LU fanstasy league


League Unlimited are pleased to announce we are buidling a fantasy league.

The new fantasy league wont be ready to go by round 1 of the 2006 NRL competition, but all going well, one will be in place by round 10 for an abridged 16 week competition for the remainder of 2006, then a full season from 2007 onwards.

Construction of the fantasy league is already underway and in a month we will need people to test out the new fantasy league and check for any bugs before we launch it properly.

Some of the features include:

  • The LU fantasy league will have a live draft or e-bay style auction.
  • The live draft will work similar to the Yahoo live draft in the NFL fantasy league. Draft picks will go 1-16 then 16-1 so talent is spread evenly across all teams.
  • You can have a minimum of ten and maximum of sixteen teams per league
  • You can set your own salary cap.
  • All players will have salaries assigned for the competition.
  • You can choose a maximum of four players from any one NRL team.
  • You can choose a minimum of 20 and maximum of 25 players per squad.
  • The ability to trade players between users or release them if they are injured.
  • We are hoping to integrate our live scores into the fantasy league so results update in real time. This is not 100% confirmed as yet but it is looking good so far.
  • There will be prizes for the highest score of the week.
  • There will be no forward tries or the reliance on NRL stats so we are considering assigning a value to the forward pack of every NRL team to shorten the length of the live draft. Please not this has not been finalised but if we allow a draft to commence and you can choose 25 players per squad and there are 16 teams, it will take hours to complete. 3 hours 20 minutes to be exact at 30 seconds per draft choice.
  • If anyone has tips or suggestions on how to improve the live draft, I'd love to hear it because it poses the most questions compared to the auction style setup.
If you are interested in helping out with data entry for the players salaries it would be greatly appreciated.

A separate forum will be started for those interested in offering suggestions and interested in assisting and if you can leave your name here as an expression of interest, we can get to work on making the best fantasy league yet.

I don't see much point if it doesn't start until Round 10, personally?

Given there's plenty of other comps out there.

Surely you have organised this sooner? I mean - off season is only, what? 5 months long! :p
Unbelievably awesome legend. I'm a massive fan of the Yahoo leagues as it how it got me into baseball and NFL, so I'd love to help out with this. PM me with whatever ya need help with.


Post Whore
i suggested something like this months back when VNRL closed for 06. Didnt get much of a responce, perhaps it was already in the works :D

id also offer my services for help


Post Whore
definitely need some ideas on how to make forwards more valuable to the team without relying on NRL stats, the forward try concept was awesome

simon says

First Grade
Raider_69 said:
definitely need some ideas on how to make forwards more valuable to the team without relying on NRL stats, the forward try concept was awesome

Agreed....forwards must be as valuable as backs IMO.....

That is spotals let down,you end up picking backs to play in the forwards in the hope they will score tries.



First Grade
simon says said:
Mmmmm,thats not a bad idea....maybe double points????8????

Well I was thinking, 4 points for a Winger/Centre/Fullback, 6 for a Lock/Half/Five-Eight/2nd Row, 8 for a Prop/Hooker..


Post Whore
i recon 4 points for backline player (halves and backs) 6 for 2nd rowers and locks and hooker, 8 for props


Definitely good ideas about the forward tries.

WHat do people think abolut the live draft? My major concern with this project is the amount of time it will take to get through the draft if we have a league with 16 teams and all teams choose the maximum 25 players. People could lose interest.


Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
If you got enough assistance could the project be brought forward?

The answer is yes, it may be able to be brought forward if there were enough hands on deck. It may be able to come forward by up to four weeks.

The project will come back complete to us by the end of March, then there is the testing and working out what the bugs are.

I think the lengthy part will be getting a list of all the top 25 squads and assigning salaries to each player.

Dogs Of War

Mayeb just the first 10-15 players are via live draft so it doesn't go forever. Then it's a free for all. This way everyone has the basis of a good squad.