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Lyon returns to Parramatta

bradeel said:
I will be flying up from Melbourne for this game for 2 reasons.

#1 because Manly are the team we love to beat and they are clearly one of the teams to beat in the comp at the moment on form so it will be a ripper of a game hopefully

#2 and much more significantly however, I want to be a part of the awesome Parra Stadium crowd giving one Judas J Lyon absolute hell every time he goes near the ball. I am no heckler as a rule and generally reckon that you need to squarely and fairly congratulate an opponent when the final whistle blows but that bloke deserves every bit of our wrath that we can give him.

Its not about getting over anything. This is his very first match at Parra as an opposing player. He deserves a baptism of fire just this once before we can all move on. Its about closure.

Spot on.

The Colonel

:fist: I was trying to make this game - I can only get a flight to Moree at 5.50pm on the Sunday which would mean I'd miss the end of the game to make the airport or 7am on Monday which would mean I'd be late for work - being my second week it wouldn't be a great look!

fish eel

He better cop it from the crowd.

Thats what home crowds are for.

The lads can go out, not lose focus and bust the arses for the two points while the home crowd bust their arses to do all they can to put Lyon off his game.

Frustrating thing is, it takes a Terry Hill or Jamie Lyon to get us going. Every freaking week someone from the other mob should be copping it.

The Colonel

fish eel said:
Frustrating thing is, it takes a Terry Hill or Jamie Lyon to get us going. Every freaking week someone from the other mob should be copping it.

The thing is though league is losing its characters like Terry Hill...... and players are moving about so much now that there is no real "hate" of individual players as much as there once was. In the past you could bag players like Tezza and Toovey..... now there are very few that command the same lack of respect.

The Colonel

Belly in Brisvegas said:
**cough cough** sorry boss just cannot **cough cough** make it **cough cough** today.

Problem is I am the boss and I'll have only been there a week as it is....... :crazy:


What round are we in now? I'll start worrying about this game when the time comes.

fish eel

The Colonel said:
The thing is though league is losing its characters like Terry Hill...... and players are moving about so much now that there is no real "hate" of individual players as much as there once was. In the past you could bag players like Tezza and Toovey..... now there are very few that command the same lack of respect.

Yes.....and the minute a player looks like stepping outside the mould and speaking his mind, he is howled down by fans and the media.

On the one hand, many people bemoan the lack of characters, then often those same people are the very people who jump up and down when someone looks like breaking out...

But anyway, you can 'hate' the jersey, can't you? :lol:
The Colonel said:
Problem is I am the boss and I'll have only been there a week as it is....... :crazy:

Do what Homer did...go out and by a moo moo and white hat and leave the rocking bird in charge.

The Preacher

First Grade
Lyon said he's returning to Parra Stadium for some unfinished business.....................He wants to eat Mark Riddell :shock:


First Grade
now there's a pie eating comp. riddell would win everytime, the dog bites off more than he can chew.


The Colonel said:
The thing is though league is losing its characters like Terry Hill...... and players are moving about so much now that there is no real "hate" of individual players as much as there once was. In the past you could bag players like Tezza and Toovey..... now there are very few that command the same lack of respect.

You can still give Toovey hell, he spends just as much time out on the field as he used to. Even though that hate doesnt really exsist anymore, my mates and I sit behind the away bench at all the home games and pick someone out everyweek for a good ol ear bashing, regardless of what team they play for. There is always a reason to pay someone out.

B-Tron 3000

fish eel said:
He better cop it from the crowd.

Thats what home crowds are for.

The lads can go out, not lose focus and bust the arses for the two points while the home crowd bust their arses to do all they can to put Lyon off his game.

Frustrating thing is, it takes a Terry Hill or Jamie Lyon to get us going. Every freaking week someone from the other mob should be copping it.


Who cares whether you actually hate Jamie Lyon anymore. It's an excuse to abuse him, and make him feel like you hate him. A chance to give Parra the advantage it should have at Parra stadium.

If you hate him - boo him every time he touches the ball.
If you don't hate him - pretend you do, and boo him every time he gets the ball.

The Colonel

Eelectrifying said:
You can still give Toovey hell, he spends just as much time out on the field as he used to. Even though that hate doesnt really exsist anymore, my mates and I sit behind the away bench at all the home games and pick someone out everyweek for a good ol ear bashing, regardless of what team they play for. There is always a reason to pay someone out.

I've noticed.... :lol:

The thing is though it is a long time since the whole crowd got into one player every touch of the ball. Now its only small pockets of the crowd.


Post Whore
I have no doubt that Terry Hill was put off his game that day at Parra, and when he was face planted into the turf, it was a huge lift to our boys.
I expect the same to happy to Lyon, and will be disappinted if it doesn't.
It's called passion, and we need as much from the crowd that day, as we will all expect from the players.


fish eel

Suitman said:
I have no doubt that Terry Hill was put off his game that day at Parra, and when he was face planted into the turf, it was a huge lift to our boys.
I expect the same to happy to Lyon, and will be disappinted if it doesn't.
It's called passion, and we need as much from the crowd that day, as we will all expect from the players.


I think it's pretty rare for a sportsman in Australia to cop it like Terry did that day, and TBH, you'd have to be made of pretty stern stuff NOT to let it get to you.

My mind goes back to post France '98, and the roasting that some of the english crowds gave David Beckham after he was sent off v the argies. I wonder how many of our so called league stars would have let that get to them?


Post Whore
I would love to fly down from Brissy for that game, but it looks like i will be unable to do so. But i did get to see that fat grub in the Anzac Test Match, everytime he went near the ball i gave it to him with both barrells. I'm Sure he heard me, i couldn't talk for 3 days after the game :lol:


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
This information was released about a week ago now :)

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