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Make or Break over next few weeks


On the field, but even more so. off the field.

I can appreciate the broom being put through the club. The culture both on and off the field clearly needs a shake up. We need leadership, confidence and success to become regular features of our team and our club.

Stage one has been implemented; we have let go or not chased a number of players who have been regulars over the past few years (Morrison, Widders, Morris, possibly McKinnon) We have also let go some of the fringe players who have been around for some time (Peterson, O'Dwyer, Peek, possibly Williams and Cannings)

What we haven't done at this stage is replace them. We all assume that a masterplan is in place, and due to the sensitivity of next year's coach being employed by another club that the details are best kept for later...

But if we let a number of quality players go, and don't replace them with quality, questions will need to be answered. Heads have rolled in the coaching department, and on the field, so far.

If we don't secure a handful of quality forwards and a 5/8 in the coming weeks - people in the administration of our club will surely be accountable?

Anyone getting nervous?


Im not nervous, still plenty of talent unsigned out there, and as far as re-signing goes im pretty sure we waited till 30th june last year to annouce morris, o'dwyer, williams had signed new contracts.


Post Whore
Bigfella said:
On the field, but even more so. off the field.

I can appreciate the broom being put through the club. The culture both on and off the field clearly needs a shake up. We need leadership, confidence and success to become regular features of our team and our club.

Stage one has been implemented; we have let go or not chased a number of players who have been regulars over the past few years (Morrison, Widders, Morris, possibly McKinnon) We have also let go some of the fringe players who have been around for some time (Peterson, O'Dwyer, Peek, possibly Williams and Cannings)

What we haven't done at this stage is replace them. We all assume that a masterplan is in place, and due to the sensitivity of next year's coach being employed by another club that the details are best kept for later...

But if we let a number of quality players go, and don't replace them with quality, questions will need to be answered. Heads have rolled in the coaching department, and on the field, so far.

If we don't secure a handful of quality forwards and a 5/8 in the coming weeks - people in the administration of our club will surely be accountable?

Anyone getting nervous?

I would expect that nothing less than what you have suggested should call for rolling heads at the highest level.
But as MITS will attest, to have this happen is nigh on near impossible.
So where does that leave the rest of us who crave success?



Post Whore
i'm itching to see what's gonna happen .... not holding my breath over any particular player - surely we have to get someone decent???

heads don't need to roll - we have a good nucleus - they jsut need motivation and their heads screwed on to improve next season.

imho - I will consider the recruitment drive a success on the proviso we DO NOT sign jamie lyon :D


Very nervous. To be honest i feel the club has done nothing to make me feel like they have everything under control.

We re-signed Fui, Robbo and Hayne about a month back, that was positive. That nothing else has happened positive since then, is a concern. I also see the re-signing of Burt not as a negative but a sign that we are set to lose Williams and/or other outside backs that we have spent years developing.

Have we even officially annonuced yet who the assistant coaches are going to be? If we haven't got that in place, it will surely hinder our ability to attract/retain players.


We are a real chance of the top 8, we lose this w/e and its all over though.


Staff member
This will only turn into a speculative thread where Colonel and eela drop a few names and wink at each other :roll:



I'm not nervous, but very excited. I feel like a child the night before christmas looking at my presents, yet knowing i can't open them until the morning. Awww please Mum, can't i just open one. :D


this weekend is really gonna test us.

timana, hindy and gu2 all out.

a number of players have had their minds on where they will be next year rather than focussing on playing this year.

apparently while the side was in camp big dean widders spent a lot of time on the phone speaking with souths officials.

hopefully he and john morris can just focus on playing now that they have their futures set.


yeh this is always an exciting/worrying time of the year. I am very excited for some signings to be announced within the next 7-10 days.


Staff member
I cant see too many decisions hanging on how a player plays this weekend

I would think that most decisions have been made, just waiting to see who we buy, before deciding who we need to upgrade

The Colonel

Most decisions about who is staying, going and hopefully coming are pretty much done. At the moment it is a case of negotiating with managers and waiting to talk to players.....

Stagger eel

Staff member
nöyd said:
This will only turn into a speculative thread where Colonel and eela drop a few names and wink at each other :roll:


yeah, if only we knew what the f**k is going on..

it's a good thread this because Bigfella is feeling what all of us are feeling at the moment, I understand the sense of confusion, frustration and uncertainty that surrounds all of us with the way the club has conducted business regarding their playing roster for next year, it's been unusual and intrigueing to say the least.

The club is taking a different tact to the Smith regime where negotiations with players was far more transparent than this year where even if you were slightly "in the know" you could get sense of what direction and players the club are chasing, this year is definitely not the case, one example is the fact that even people as high up as the chairman don't know what players are being looked at or even signed for that matter, it's an unusual situation but one that I still believe could come up with the right results despite the apparent comments of John Morris, who revealed that the club will lose a number of players with the way they are conducting negotiations another way to look at it is I guess how do you tell a player you don't want them?

To add to the intrigue I was told by a source as recently as last night that things are right on track to get the recruitments we want and the squad we need to be competative. again, I've said it before and I'll say it again, we'll see what transpires from this but at the same time it doesn't mean we shouldn't be biting our finger nails with the anticipation of media releases in the coming week or 2,

it's certainly a nervous time.