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Mascord: Rugby league, your image stinks, fix it.


On Saturday, around lunchtime, player agent Andrew Purcell asked me on Twitter "when did your shit stop stinking?".

The query was, as the late league journalist Peter Frilingos used to say, "apropos of nothing". In fact, my most recent posts had been a series of admissions about how bad I am at writing live match reports.

Of course, his choice of words would prove prescient, even if he confused his number ones with his number twos. The toilet was where the attention of rugby league would be focused by later that night.

I have got no problem with Purcell, or anyone else, having a shot at me on social media. What I want to discuss is the sentiment inherent in his tweet: that we have all got something to hide, so none of us should highlight or condemn the actions of someone else.

My excrement certainly does still stink. I have and do perform acts which are drunken, stupid, sometimes even illicit and illegal. But it has never occurred to me to deposit that excrement in a shoe. I have never thought of simulating a sex act with an animal for a photo. The idea of imitating a drinking fountain, substituting my own urine for water, has not entered my head.

This is the bit where I am supposed to say, and have so many times before, that most NRL players are good role models and don't engage in anti-social behaviour.

But bugger that.

Rather than try to reassure outsiders that rugby league is not as feral as it seems, right now it's more important to tell the delusional insiders reading this ... how feral it seems.

Firstly, there are the matters that go before the courts every two or three weeks: assault, domestic abuse, etc. Then there are acts that most people would not even conceive of unless they heard of a footballer doing them.

If you live in most parts of the world where they have heard of rugby but don't know there are two varieties, the last time you heard of the NRL was when a talk show mentioned John Hopoate poking someone's bum, or Joel Monaghan posing with a dog. "So this guy who drinks his own urine is from the same rugby competition as those guys? Holy Hell. It's a menagerie down there."

Rugby league's popularity in NSW and Queensland ferments ignorance. Players have no concept of the extent to which many, many people in this country look down on them as "meatheads" playing a "low-rent" sport. You think you are stars but to a large part of Australian society, you are lamentable outcasts.

How do you think it would feel to be an unpaid development officer in Hobart, running on chook raffles and borrowed goalpost pads, when the only time you make the local press is when an NRL player defecates in a hallway? This is the sport you are devoting all your spare time to? These guys are on a fortune and you're being paid nothing?

A former Cronulla chief executive, Damian Irvine, is right: we are expected to laugh at Paul Gallen knocking out Beau Ryan on Mad Monday when in fact it is appalling.

I am fond of saying player behaviour has improved 200 per cent over the past 15 years. But perhaps it has only improved 100 per cent, with the other 100 going underground, hidden beneath cliched soundbites and spin. Pull up the carpet and there is still malevolence.

The rebellious response to Carney's sacking from Sharks players represents a tipping point for the game's culture in this country. It's not just a clash of cultures, it's a war of ideologies.

On one side, there is an eternal boys club, an Orwellian Animal Farm that has arisen as a result of a male-only workplace, too much money, too much time and countless troubled childhoods.

This group wants the media blamed for reporting what they do (even when not a single paper was printed between the Carney picture emerging and his sacking), they want punching and shoulder charges reinstated, they think spewing and shitting and pissing are funny.

On the other is a governing body run by a former corporate banker trying to figure out why twice as many Australian women say they have been to an AFL game as to a rugby league match, and why rugby union still gets blue-chip sponsors despite all other indicators of its health indicating imminent cardiac arrest.

The reason is in a picture circulated on Twitter on Saturday night.

I say let the first knuckle-dragging group go, let them form their own competition with their own fans (including you, who is already seething about this column), sponsorship and media. Punt them – or they'll drag us down with them.

The romantic, historical view of rugby league is that it represented a social upheaval at the end of the industrial revolution; it empowered working-class people whose talents were being exploited for the profit of the elite running rugby union.

But I am beginning to think that is romantic nonsense. I am beginning to think it was just a grab for cash by people who had no other means to make some, and that is all it means to those people more than a century later.

Prove me wrong, David Smith.

After 119 years of wallowing in its own – yes Andrew, stinking – slime, the game is now at a point where it can either finally escape, or stay there forever.


Extremely different article from Steve Mascord compared to what he usually writes.

Thoughts? Do we keep the boys club culture or do we do more to clean it up?


AFL player arrested on three counts of rape, little more than a single report.
NRL player pisses in his mouth, CODE IN CRISIS once again.


Blame the code for one man's actions?

If Carney never found footy he would still be who he is, except no one would hear about it.

This article seems a rant for the sake of it.

Heritage XIII

We have Rolf Harris, honoured by the Queen, a pedo, many actors/rock musos into drugs etc, a religious bishop up on sex charges relating to kids, church/religious abuse a regular occurrence, police & political corruption a regular thing. He is a sports journo needed to whip up stuff to keep him employed. What Carney did/does is stupid but not a crime and certainly behaviour of NRL players in all is not as bad as we see in many other professions/facets of society.

If NRL stinks, religion stinks, law stinks, education stinks, SOCIETY stinks. So over this hyper journalism which makes out something worse than it is. An AFL player is up for alleged rape-he gets support of his club and from what I hear he has been in trouble before-drinking while injured, owed money to team mates etc, so it could have been very easy for his club to sack him. But no media pressure, no worries.

Stop believing this rubbish. Look at it for what it really is- a stupid act by one of probably 1/2 dozen stupid incidents among a pro fraternity of over 500 players in a season. Nothing out of the ordinary in our society.


AFL player arrested on three counts of rape, little more than a single report.
NRL player pisses in his mouth, CODE IN CRISIS once again.

FFS. Firstly charges are not convictions. And that story is all over the Melbourne media. It's less of a story in NSW and QLD because the sport is less relevant.

The Carney story is getting much less airtime in Melbourne than it is here.

And at no point does Mascord say rugby league is the only sport that has controversies. But he isn't mentioning every controversy in every other sport because he's a rugby league writer, not a general sports writer.

Nobody thinks league is the only sport with misbehaving players.

The issue isn't whether league has more idiots or less idiots than other sports, the issue is what should be done about our idiots, if anything.


He's right that the perception of our sport is a lot worse than it deserves and many of us believe this is thanks largely to a predatory media pack. In our culture the perception is everything. I think generational change is happening in our game so there's more DCEs and Cronks than Myles's and Carneys. In fact there always were more good guys than yobbos but they don't sell papers.
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Journos get in a tiff when they are called out.

Ch9 showed the image on the News Sunday night albeit blurred but it didn't leave much to the imagination. Thought it was pretty poor to put it on to be honest. Todd Carney is to blame for his actions but the media doing what they do only make it worse. Media isn't just print.


AFL player arrested on three counts of rape, little more than a single report.
NRL player pisses in his mouth, CODE IN CRISIS once again.

Perfect example of the double standard. Channel 7 put the latest AFL alleged rapist out on Facebook as "terrible news from the AFL this afternoon", as though it were a natural disaster or an accident.

Fox sports put their play of the week thing out, the AFL alleged rapist's picture next to Carney. AFL boy's picture is him playing. Carney's picture is him splashing water on his face. You laugh but then you remember perception is everything. The media treats RL like a circus and the Carneys and Monaghans give them plenty to work with.


The only way we know what most of the f**kwits do wrong is if they're dobbed in, similar to the way 90% of crimes are solved. Thousands of 'episodes' in all sports, especially those frequented by meatheads, would go undisclosed . . . like taking weed to Bali.

A lot depends on the choice of companions, anyone who believes Carney's tomfoolery is one-off is about as naïve as carrying a limp boogie board through customs. Can't imagine a rah rah or cricket player mixing with people who have no understanding of camaraderie, which includes protecting their mates from themselves.


First Grade
It's hard and it's unfair sometimes life. Yes the media beat our scandals up like meringues. Yes the media ignore AFL scandals (on a related note I see BunniesMan defending his beloved AFL again like the ignorant f**king bellend he is despite the RAPE charges laid today) and certainly suppress them in NRL states. But of we as a code don't give them things to beat they'll eventually lead themselves down the path of ridicule trying to beat up nothing.

I mean for f**ks sake HE PISSED IN HIS OWN MOUTH. The fact that we as a community aren't pointing Carney to the exits as one is absolutely mindblowing and kind of sad.

If footy players don't piss in their own mouth, shit in hallways, punch each other at mad Mondays, drink drive, go the gash grab and beat their girlfriends, and equally if the NRL comes down like a tonne of bricks on each and every incident (including automatic life bans when assaults against women are involved) our game will be so much better for it.

The media won't stop their behaviour because they're merkins, so we have to give them nothing to report on.


Staff member
I know it's easy for everybody to just accuse the media of beating this up or try to make it a code war with AFL/Super Rugby, but if you think the NRL's image doesn't stink, you've got your head in the sand.

Big Sam

First Grade
League journos are the problem, not the game

This group wants the media blamed for reporting what they do (even when not a single paper was printed between the Carney picture emerging and his sacking), they want punching and shoulder charges reinstated, they think spewing and shitting and pissing are funny.

Heritage XIII

I know it's easy for everybody to just accuse the media of beating this up or try to make it a code war with AFL/Super Rugby, but if you think the NRL's image doesn't stink, you've got your head in the sand.

It stinks cos our media are telling us so. How can AFL, religious organisations, politicians etc not stink when they are just as bad (AFL), to downright criminal. Don't dismiss the media in labelling the NRL as something that 'stinks'. As I said, if it stinks then just about every other thing in society we should go around thinking it 'stinks'.

I don't think RL stinks not in the context of just about everything else. Sad when we start to believe the media

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