I think it's plain to see plenty of them are already uninspired by the brains trust of Shines, Sizzler, Ella re Artie and Softly Gently. We should be pushing the boat out for a Dymock, Lam, Fairleigh, Matt Johns, Laurie Daley, Greg Alexander type but we know when Sheens is walked or pushed the powers will appoint sizzler to take over the mantle. Sheens has shown he has little idea in the modern game save for 16 amazing weeks when planets aligned. The weather was good, we played a heap of day games, key players fit, the NRL wanted quick play the balls etc etc etc. This all happening concurrently happens about as often as Halley's Comet comes round and we won a comp on the back of it. BUT, that doesn't excuse the pisspoor efforts since and the no doubt even worse effort we will have to endure next season