Touched a nerve, there, did I?
So the boil-down of all that bombast is that you've never done sh*t beyond buy a beer and watch the team go round. Oh! And whinge.
Big effort
So therefore, my challenge stands.
If you want a bigger say, by all means exercise your right and stand at the next club elections.
As I found out myself, if you do, you'll soon find out how much hard (and totally unpaid) yakka goes into getting the boys out on the park at Henson.
All you have to do is stick your hand up and be prepared to do some work instead of just mouthing off. Plus, you'll learn the realities of survival at our level of the RL food chain.
Until you have, then disparaging the efforts of others is the act of a pea-heart - not a Bluebag.
Don't have that much time? Then just make your ideas "do-able" for the club and present them seriously rather than just complain they're not happening the way you'd like.
One big problem the club has (aside from a lack of cashflow and realisable assets), is one of manpower.
So every time you have a genius idea that you think will make the club a zillion, why not work it out properly? Get prices on the goods/services required, line up real suppliers and make it into a viable proposal so the club can action it if the numbers stack up.
Plus, you say:
If my suggestions and or questions have caused such a windbag response then I must obviously be asking/making the difficult questions/suggestions? you know the type any paid up member of the club is/should be able to ask or put forward.
Feel free to try and make those sort of suggestions as a member at Parramatta or the Roosters or the Dogs. See how far you'd get.
At least here it's easy to get ahold of the people who can help you make it happen. The Jets don't stop ANYONE from trying to help - if that's what you really want to do instead of just complain.