I find your divided loyalties hypocritical and disgusting, considering the way you once talked about being a Tigers fan 4 or 5 years ago, your enthusiasm for your first trip to LO, the passion in your words
So you can't believe that a person can be passionate about 2 teams? I still have those feelings when watching the Tigers games at Leichhardt, it's the only ground that has a true atmoshpere that really engages you. I am very passionate about the Tigers, and the current state of affairs angers me, because I want the side to do well. You can only shrug and say "It'll be different next week" for so bloody long.
I wasn't bullsh*tting anyone, so if you've taken that personally than thats your perogative. If you can't understand that a person can like more than one team then you are a true hypocrite. You used to support the magpies. In your definition, you'd never support the Wests Tigers, but yet here you are.
the fact all you do is rip into MY team,whilst probably cheering on our opposition on the w/ends, is what I find unpalatable.
Probably? SO you aren't even certain about your presumption. You've been practically accusing me of being a pissweak supporter for some time now, which offends me. The amount of sh*t I went through just to get to Tigers games, especially in 2004 is more than most ever had to do, but I did because I love the side.
Youre nothing but full of sh*t, unit.
No, you're very unrealistic, hypocritical, presumptious and ignorant.
You couldn't care less if I changed my stance tomorrow or not, you'd rather harp on and on about this because you are so personally offended. And you're the only one who is.
I don't care if you feel that way, but what do you hope to achieve by continually bitching and moaning about it all the time and ruining threads?
I get your stance, I'm sorry you feel that way, but nothing is going to change the way things are, so you just have to accept it.
Just like ur mate Adam, who just cant stand bandwaggoners coming over from penwiff, but it seems he's ok with hobbits.