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Morley going home


thats what Im thinking too eela, if the Roosters are only offering Morely a one year deal, then surely another NRL club/clubs would poach him.
From the same article linked on the previous page:
"They're the only NRL club he'll play for, but there was up to 10 clubs interested in the UK, we've whittled it down to two now."


First Grade
ozzie said:
guys they did offer him a one year contract - it's not that they didn't offer him anything..You talk as if he wasn't offerred a contract. Now let me see up to the end of 2007 - Fielden off contract for 2007 work it out yourself,,Bet Morley signs

A 1 year deal to the backbone of the club since freddy retired and the heart of the forward pack since he arrived is a slap in the face and you know it. Sugar coat it if you like, he's 29, and has atleast 3 more great years in him. He is the sort of player you want the likes of Topou, Shillington ect playing along side at the current stages of their career and for the next 3 years to learn from. Now it'll be Anasta and Harrison leading them, good luck with that.

As for Fieldon, how many times has he been linked to the NRL? I'll believe that when I see it. Even if he did come over, you'd think the Titans would be odds on to get him with Mathers, Carney and maybe Chev Walker at the club. Add to that a better lifstyle and I could see Fieldon in a Titan's jumper well before a Roosters one, and the fact Morley is being offloaded for a younger version wouldn't sit well you'd think.

Surely if Cross and Fitzgibbon leave, then that should free up enough money to sign Fieldon. If you had to keep one of those three and release two to get Fieldon, surely Morley is a keeper. And in League week, didn't Morley say money wasn't an issue?


I posted this over at the Wall, but atm there doesnt seem to be many there (except for Melon's posts about the Origin Hero ... comedy gold :lol:)

For some reason ive been under the impression that the club is trying to get rid of every player who performed for us in 2002. The treatment of Moz only backs up my belief, and so does news that Fitzy is off to the Titans. Wing will be next on the chopping block, and Minichiello looks like being the only player remaining from that winning team.

Why ? Two reasons i can think of. First most likely reason is that we are simply clearing the decks and starting from scratch again. Phil Gould has mentioned several times in his commentary that's what the Roosters should be doing, and its no great surprise it seems to be happening.

The second less likely reason is that they are preparing for Fittler to take over as coach (with Gould his advisor). No coach who has ever taken over a team full of players he just played with has ever worked, so thats why they are making a mass cleanout.

In my opinion though, when you clear out ALL the experienced players, it gives none of the younger players anyone to look up to or turn to. This creates even more problems. Personally, at the beginning of the year, i thought we were going places and was looking forward to next year when we really kick into gear. But now i really cant see a light at the end of the tunnel. Management and the coach seem to be on a self-destruct course, and i cant see their plans actually working. Looks like its back to the transit lounge

Thoughts from both Rooster and non-Rooster fans would be appreciated.


Morley hasn't stated anything......would not be surprised to see him stay at Easts.

On another note it is quite hilarious to see everyone bagging the roosters for not offering him more, yet these are the same morons saying he should be rubbed out of the game for his shoulder charge on Walker.

No matter what news surrounds the Roosters you morons always find a way to put sh!t on them.

Got too much time on your hands??????


First Grade
HoLLuS said:
Morley hasn't stated anything......would not be surprised to see him stay at Easts.

On another note it is quite hilarious to see everyone bagging the roosters for not offering him more, yet these are the same morons saying he should be rubbed out of the game for his shoulder charge on Walker.

No matter what news surrounds the Roosters you morons always find a way to put sh!t on them.

Got too much time on your hands??????

Dude read LW, there is an article on it in there, and I'm pretty sure Morley has a few quotes in it.

I never mentioned Morley's hit on Walker, don't really comment much on the Roosters these days, one thing I have always been vocal on with them though is this issue, where they show no loyalty to players they have on the books who give them everything and perform. Hell Ricketson was set to be cut lose at one stage and I think only the public reaction on the wall and from rooster fans saved him.

The fact Morley is being treated like this only shows they have no desire to develop their own stars, they'd rather go back to the transit lounge days as ozzie pointed out. It's a shame, they have some talent coming through.


First Grade
He's very popular amongst Roosters supporters. It's a mistake even for just commercial reasons...

Tommy Smith

If Morley goes i will never forgive.

I will never forgive the wankers who have made the decision to offer him just a one-year deal. Seriously, FoFF would have nothing on the Fan Club i would create to rid our club of Canavan, and Stuart if need be.

Morley IS the Roosters. He is the nicest bloke you could meet, the heart and soul of our forward pack and to offer him just a one-year deal is an insult of the highest order.


Red Bear

Morley is a gun, why would the chooks let him go? Him n Shillington have been to good players intheirpack this year so the roosterswannaletonego? You idiots!

Kurt Angle

First Grade
Morley is 29... but the guy is also a walking injury waiting to happen. I think it was said last week he has to take like 12 painkillers before every match.

He is a very intense player and I suspect it may be a contributing factor to shortening his career.

If this is a factor, I can see the Roosters logic, a lot of players retire at 30.


im shocked the roosters only gave him one year
after making them the most feared forward pack in the comp between 2002-2004 basically by himself
he may get suspended a few times
but i think alot has to do with his reputation
and he is one of the most intimidating players int he game when at his best
if not the most intimidating.
If the dragons were smart they would throw alot of money his way
he is what they have been missing.


I know he`s stated that he`ll go back to the UK if he doesn`t get a satisfactory contract with the Roosters, but i reckon almost every NRL club will have a crack at him given the chance ???


The Roosters aren't 'letting him go' you idiots.

No NRL team can compete with the $2 million offer from the UK.

The Roosters have tabled a very substantial offer to him, however the deal from the UK is quite probably too good to refuse.


Kiwi said:
Dude read LW, there is an article on it in there, and I'm pretty sure Morley has a few quotes in it.

I never mentioned Morley's hit on Walker, don't really comment much on the Roosters these days, one thing I have always been vocal on with them though is this issue, where they show no loyalty to players they have on the books who give them everything and perform. Hell Ricketson was set to be cut lose at one stage and I think only the public reaction on the wall and from rooster fans saved him.

The fact Morley is being treated like this only shows they have no desire to develop their own stars, they'd rather go back to the transit lounge days as ozzie pointed out. It's a shame, they have some talent coming through.

hang on when did I mention transit lounge?? But you are wrong about Rickertson - sigh again - he was offerred the captaincy along with a contract which took him o how old? And are you going to stand there with your halo around your ankles and so "But he wasn't past his prime?" But if you are it probably shows why Brisbane hasn't won a premiership since 2000, they have the same old tired players (right?) No of course not they are long gone most of them aren't they

Wests is Best

I thought Morley had said a few years ago he wanted to settle in Australia?
It would be a shame to see a player of his ability be lost to the NRL when he is still in top form.


First Grade
ozzie said:
hang on when did I mention transit lounge?? But you are wrong about Rickertson - sigh again - he was offerred the captaincy along with a contract which took him o how old? And are you going to stand there with your halo around your ankles and so "But he wasn't past his prime?" But if you are it probably shows why Brisbane hasn't won a premiership since 2000, they have the same old tired players (right?) No of course not they are long gone most of them aren't they

Sorry it was OVP I was refering to with regards to transit lounge.

Before he was offered a new deal and got the captaincy how long did it take them to even offer him a contract, he was an after thought, and Rooster fans reactions were much along the lines of Tommy's in this topic.

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