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Motivation behind Storm legal action - SMH


Legal case key to saving Storm, News told


June 5, 2010
MELBOURNE STORM'S independent directors are determined to go ahead with legal action against the NRL, telling the club's owner News Ltd that court action is vital to prevent the team collapsing over the salary cap crisis.
A letter from a lawyer representing the four directors to News Ltd's chief operating officer, Peter Macourt, says that the coach Craig Bellamy, leading players, sponsors and fans would have deserted the Storm if the NRL's punishments were not challenged in court.
The letter, obtained by the Herald, also calls on football's administrators to raise the salary cap, citing Israel Falou's defection to Australian rules football as evidence that the "game's greatest players are now at risk of being lured to the AFL".
And the board members suggest News Ltd - which owns half the NRL and is a major shareholder in Foxtel and Fox Sports, which broadcast rugby league on pay TV - has too many conflicting interests to act in the best interests of the club.
"As you know, but for the commencement and prosecution of the proceedings Melbourne Storm would have lost its coach, key players and broken the hearts of its supporters," Leon Zwier, a solicitor, wrote on behalf of the directors. "About 5000 supporters have signed a petition supporting our clients' actions. But for this proceeding, our clients believe that Melbourne Storm would have collapsed.
''They have also been told by key stakeholders that if they were to abandon the proceeding they would 'walk out the door'.''
The letter, emailed to Mr Macourt yesterday, arrived as the Storm barrister Allan Myers, QC, told a hearing in the Supreme Court in Melbourne that the case needed to be decided urgently.
The legal team argued the penalties, which included stripping the club of its 2007 and 2009 premierships, breach NRL rules, and that the process of imposing them was unfair.
''The rugby [league] season will be over before it is dealt with if we do not deal with it soon,'' Mr Myers said. He also accused the NRL of ''foxing'' by pretending it wanted the case finished soon while delaying proceedings.
Mr Zwier's letter also raises the possibility that the four independent board members could take over ownership of the club, a move that would prove popular with fans. The four are the owner of Jayco caravans Gerry Ryan; the media entrepreneur Peter Maher; the health expert Dr Rob Moodie and the businesswoman Petra Fawcett.
"Our clients have also been considering other alternatives to replace News as the financial owner of Melbourne Storm,'' the letter says. ''This analysis is continuing. For obvious reasons they are reluctant to say more to News at this time."
Although striking a defiant tone, the correspondence calls on all parties to work together to find a "sensible solution quickly". Intriguingly, the letter says the Storm is hoping for "discretions by the NRL in its favour" as it seeks to get under the salary cap next year.
It is believed this refers to a proposal that would allow the Storm to make large payouts and massively blow out this year's cap so that the breaches are not carried over to next year.
Mr Zwier's letter was in response to correspondence from News Ltd on Wednesday that accused the independent directors of damaging the club's future through their legal action, a position Rupert Murdoch's company has held since the Storm admitted in April to serious breaches of the cap.


I can't believe how fickle and unwilling to accept the truth these stakeholders and fans are. Ready to walk if they Storm decided to cop it and accept its punishment? Show some humility instead of being such a bunch of spoilt whingers. I know its not all fans but these jokers aren't helping your situation.

On another note, anyone have a problem with these "discretions"? I certainly don't. I'm surprised they even have to ask for them to be honest. Would get the team back to being legal and competitive asap, good chance they can re-enter the competition at the start of next season. Players would get their promised money, Melbourne could save some symbolic face (wouldn't really mean much) and the NRL would lose very little. Get the mess sorted nice and quick.

However under no circumstances should the penalties already given be reversed.
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Stagger Lee

I am with you on this. The NRL should not blink - stare these merkins down.

And the excuse that people will walk from the club unless action is taken is just pure BS. Those that have not washed their hands of this filthy club already will surely just be wanting to put all this behind them. The last thing the hard done by true Melbourne supporters want is this mess dragging into next season.

Note to those Melbourne directors - drink some concrete and harden the fluck up :x


whos the wingers? its all you guys going on about 'cheats' this that and the other.

none of you mind the fiddling st george are doing to get gasnier back in. none of you would back a microscopic audit of parramatta.

the truth is that the storm arent the only ones who have 'cheated' they are the ones to get caught. Brisbane "not the cleanest books in the NRL" Broncos, manly and parra should be targeted and scrutinised but we wont see that.

the truth is that the storm were paying players what they are worth but everyone else thinks players should be paid pittance and stay in the game because the fans wan them to. you would all be happy with 16 cronullas until it actually happened. The writing is on the wall for rugby league. revise the unworkable unrealistic cap or sink even further behind. Stay in NSW and queensland forever and continue shrinking.
the truth is that the storm were paying players what they are worth but everyone else thinks players should be paid pittance and stay in the game because the fans wan them to. You would all be happy with 16 cronullas until it actually happened. The writing is on the wall for rugby league. Revise the unworkable unrealistic cap or sink even further behind. Stay in nsw and queensland forever and continue shrinking.


In a way I am not really against this legal action. The Salary Cap needs to be in the news because it is a restraint on what players can earn.

All this talk about clubs going broke and that we will only have 4 teams in the comp is a load of bull, teams are businesses now and if they can't keep their business in order then someone else will come in and take their place.

I have said often, that the Salary Cap rewards mediocrity, I enjoyed watching The Storm play during their "cheating" years, their skill and professionalism is how I love seeing Rugby League played. When our good players sign with other codes cause the cap won't let them stay in our game then as one poster said, we will have 16 Cronulla's running around fumbling and bumbling their way through the season.

Investors like Delmege, Russel Crowe, etc. will come and and help certain teams, and if some teams can't get that support then there are other teams that can (Central Coast Bears, Perth Reds) Why the need to prop up clubs that can't run their business right?


whos the wingers? its all you guys going on about 'cheats' this that and the other.

none of you mind the fiddling st george are doing to get gasnier back in. none of you would back a microscopic audit of parramatta.

the truth is that the storm arent the only ones who have 'cheated' they are the ones to get caught. Brisbane "not the cleanest books in the NRL" Broncos, manly and parra should be targeted and scrutinised but we wont see that.

the truth is that the storm were paying players what they are worth but everyone else thinks players should be paid pittance and stay in the game because the fans wan them to. you would all be happy with 16 cronullas until it actually happened. The writing is on the wall for rugby league. revise the unworkable unrealistic cap or sink even further behind. Stay in NSW and queensland forever and continue shrinking.

You can palm it off and justify it anyway you like but the facts are that you were cheating. The whole "we were only paying players what they were worth" line is absolute rubbish. You used larger sums of money than you were allowed to tie up talent and prevent losing it to other clubs. You were spending more money than other clubs to develop a dominating team and keep them whilst every other club had to let stars go. Your club was operating outside the rules that all clubs are bound to and still think they legitimately deserve their achievements? You had an unfair advantage and it showed. I'm sure I wasn't the only one suspecting something was going on down in Melbourne before the investigation. I can't believe people still need this explained to them.

You can implicate as many clubs as you want but it will probably get you in trouble arund here. For the record I do support and investigation of every club, which is a much better option that the whinging Storm fan's "everybody else is doing it so just let us too and leave us alone" solution. I want the competition to be as fair and sporting as possible.

The situation is hardly as bad as you think. Yes something needs to be done, changes need to be made, but until then everyone should be operating within the current rules if they expect to not be called cheats. 16 Cronullas? Please...

In a way I am not really against this legal action. The Salary Cap needs to be in the news because it is a restraint on what players can earn.

All this talk about clubs going broke and that we will only have 4 teams in the comp is a load of bull, teams are businesses now and if they can't keep their business in order then someone else will come in and take their place.

I have said often, that the Salary Cap rewards mediocrity, I enjoyed watching The Storm play during their "cheating" years, their skill and professionalism is how I love seeing Rugby League played. When our good players sign with other codes cause the cap won't let them stay in our game then as one poster said, we will have 16 Cronulla's running around fumbling and bumbling their way through the season.

Investors like Delmege, Russel Crowe, etc. will come and and help certain teams, and if some teams can't get that support then there are other teams that can (Central Coast Bears, Perth Reds) Why the need to prop up clubs that can't run their business right?

Did you enjoy watching them steamroll over the competition? I certainly didn't. Did they really deserve their trophies when they only had to beat teams at a disadvantage?

The argument about 4 teams isn't literal. It means only 4 teams in the competition being competitive. Much like the EPL. I'm not a huge soccer fan - will watch international matches - and I certainly can't get into the EPL because what's the point? Every year the winner will be one of the big 4, the rest of the competition doesn't stand a chance because they don't have the financial backing the others do to be superstars and steal talent developed by other teams. Not to mention those teams that can't compete gambling on a star player or two and taking out huge loans to get them and the team still failing. Look at all the debt in the EPL. Its unsustainable. In fact the EPL is the perfect example. Looks great from the outside but once you look closer its a mess and a failure. Its making money, sure, but thats hardly the most important thing in a sporting competition. If the league goes that way I'm done with it. Were you a fan of Super League by any chance?
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whos the wingers? its all you guys going on about 'cheats' this that and the other.

none of you mind the fiddling st george are doing to get gasnier back in. none of you would back a microscopic audit of parramatta.

the truth is that the storm arent the only ones who have 'cheated' they are the ones to get caught. Brisbane "not the cleanest books in the NRL" Broncos, manly and parra should be targeted and scrutinised but we wont see that.

the truth is that the storm were paying players what they are worth but everyone else thinks players should be paid pittance and stay in the game because the fans wan them to. you would all be happy with 16 cronullas until it actually happened. The writing is on the wall for rugby league. revise the unworkable unrealistic cap or sink even further behind. Stay in NSW and queensland forever and continue shrinking.

someone's talks a bit of sense and doesn't base their opinions on blind hatred of the storm.
i would like to see the broncos, and expecial st george, manly and parra put under close scrutiny?


and you understand that the storm can win as many premierships as they want under the cap and wankers are still going to call them cheats


First Grade
someone's talks a bit of sense and doesn't base their opinions on blind hatred of the storm.
i would like to see the broncos, and expecial st george, manly and parra put under close scrutiny?

Parramatta have already had their books gone over by a independant former ICAC investigator, at the request of Paul Osborne with no iregularities found.
Investors like Delmege, Russel Crowe, etc. will come and and help certain teams, and if some teams can't get that support then there are other teams that can (Central Coast Bears, Perth Reds) Why the need to prop up clubs that can't run their business right?

Great business model there ... find some rich guys who are happy to piss their money away on their favourite footy team. Then when they hit hard times or just lose interest the club goes downhill fast. Heard about Clive Palmer and the Gold Coast A League team?

Giving money to support an NRL team is not an investment, its a donation. When you invest you expect to make a return. I don't know there are any NRL clubs where you'd get any (or a decent) return on investment.

NRL clubs need to be operating at a long term sustainable level, based on income they generate themselves or as partners in the NRL's overall income, not being propped up by wealthy supporters.


"As you know, but for the commencement and prosecution of the proceedings Melbourne Storm would have lost its coach, key players and broken the hearts of its supporters," Leon Zwier, a solicitor, wrote on behalf of the directors.
Um, that's kind of the idea... because you guys um... kind of like CHEATED THE LAWS OF THE GAME in the first place.

You don't deserve to have your coach and key players all hanging around illegally, dickwad. Lawyers give me the sh*ts sometimes, they can be so stupid but it's ok as long as there are billable hours.

Suck it up Storm and accept the league's punishment, you cheated and you shouldn't prosper.


You can palm it off and justify it anyway you like but the facts are that you were cheating. The whole "we were only paying players what they were worth" line is absolute rubbish. You used larger sums of money than you were allowed to tie up talent and prevent losing it to other clubs. You were spending more money than other clubs to develop a dominating team and keep them whilst every other club had to let stars go. Your club was operating outside the rules that all clubs are bound to and still think they legitimately deserve their achievements? You had an unfair advantage and it showed. I'm sure I wasn't the only one suspecting something was going on down in Melbourne before the investigation. I can't believe people still need this explained to them.

You can implicate as many clubs as you want but it will probably get you in trouble arund here. For the record I do support and investigation of every club, which is a much better option that the whinging Storm fan's "everybody else is doing it so just let us too and leave us alone" solution. I want the competition to be as fair and sporting as possible.

The situation is hardly as bad as you think. Yes something needs to be done, changes need to be made, but until then everyone should be operating within the current rules if they expect to not be called cheats. 16 Cronullas? Please...

Did you enjoy watching them steamroll over the competition? I certainly didn't. Did they really deserve their trophies when they only had to beat teams at a disadvantage?

The argument about 4 teams isn't literal. It means only 4 teams in the competition being competitive. Much like the EPL. I'm not a huge soccer fan - will watch international matches - and I certainly can't get into the EPL because what's the point? Every year the winner will be one of the big 4, the rest of the competition doesn't stand a chance because they don't have the financial backing the others do to be superstars and steal talent developed by other teams. Not to mention those teams that can't compete gambling on a star player or two and taking out huge loans to get them and the team still failing. Look at all the debt in the EPL. Its unsustainable. In fact the EPL is the perfect example. Looks great from the outside but once you look closer its a mess and a failure. Its making money, sure, but thats hardly the most important thing in a sporting competition. If the league goes that way I'm done with it. Were you a fan of Super League by any chance?

They hardly steamrolled the competition, they were not winning by 60 points every week, hell they even lost a Grand Final 40-0

I was not a fan of Super League, but I am a fan of the Premier League. Despite the fact that their are usually only up to 4 or 5 teams with a realistic chance of winning it, no one can deny that it is incredibly successful and the lower clubs still receive massive support. Cronulla have never won a comp since they entered the comp, but they are still supported. How long since Souths have won anything? Yet they still have massive membership.

This whole talk that the comp has to be even in my opinion is not sensible. Teams/Clubs/Businesses that are successful should be rewarded for being so, and those that are not will not be rewarded, no different in the real world. At the moment the salary cap allows teams that are not successful to poach from teams that are.

I would not stop supporting the Bulldogs if they were struggling, I still go to the games this year with my season ticket despite their poor year and will still get one next year even if there looks like no chance of winning the comp, and there are many that are the same. For those that will not follow a comp because their team is doing poorly are not (in my opinion) real followers of the game or the team. They are just there to bask in any success.


Great business model there ... find some rich guys who are happy to piss their money away on their favourite footy team. Then when they hit hard times or just lose interest the club goes downhill fast. Heard about Clive Palmer and the Gold Coast A League team?

Giving money to support an NRL team is not an investment, its a donation. When you invest you expect to make a return. I don't know there are any NRL clubs where you'd get any (or a decent) return on investment.

NRL clubs need to be operating at a long term sustainable level, based on income they generate themselves or as partners in the NRL's overall income, not being propped up by wealthy supporters.

I didn't say it was perfect, but it's the way of the sporting world unfortunately these days. Premier League clubs are getting bought and sold often and same in the NFL and these are arguably the two most successful competitions in the world.

I am not saying I like that system, but if the NRL wants the clubs to stand on their own they need to accept that Poker Machine, Leagues Club and Membership revenues are not going to cut it on their own. We don't have the population in this country to run a hugely profitable competition based solely on that, we need the rich investors to come in. It sux I agree, but it is needed


They hardly steamrolled the competition, they were not winning by 60 points every week, hell they even lost a Grand Final 40-0

I was not a fan of Super League, but I am a fan of the Premier League. Despite the fact that their are usually only up to 4 or 5 teams with a realistic chance of winning it, no one can deny that it is incredibly successful and the lower clubs still receive massive support. Cronulla have never won a comp since they entered the comp, but they are still supported. How long since Souths have won anything? Yet they still have massive membership.

This whole talk that the comp has to be even in my opinion is not sensible. Teams/Clubs/Businesses that are successful should be rewarded for being so, and those that are not will not be rewarded, no different in the real world. At the moment the salary cap allows teams that are not successful to poach from teams that are.

I would not stop supporting the Bulldogs if they were struggling, I still go to the games this year with my season ticket despite their poor year and will still get one next year even if there looks like no chance of winning the comp, and there are many that are the same. For those that will not follow a comp because their team is doing poorly are not (in my opinion) real followers of the game or the team. They are just there to bask in any success.

yes thats exactly what i've been getting at , they didn't thrash teams week in week out, they actually lost to some teams, they cheated the cap not a playing the game. it just seems to be parra, dragons and manly fans whining and complaining and jumping on their high horse about this


Um, that's kind of the idea... because you guys um... kind of like CHEATED THE LAWS OF THE GAME in the first place.

You don't deserve to have your coach and key players all hanging around illegally, dickwad. Lawyers give me the sh*ts sometimes, they can be so stupid but it's ok as long as there are billable hours.

Suck it up Storm and accept the league's punishment, you cheated and you shouldn't prosper.

I didn't realise coaches had to be under the cap too....... :roll:
none of you would back a microscopic audit of parramatta.
i would, bring it on! given the amount of players the eels have lost in the last 5 years i would be stunned if we were deliberately cheating the cap but if we were i would fully support the nrl in imposing the same penalties the storm received to the eels
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Hey look, the same arguments that were torn to shreds months back being brought up again by new muppets asthough they have all the answers. How interesting.


whos the wingers? its all you guys going on about 'cheats' this that and the other.

none of you mind the fiddling st george are doing to get gasnier back in. none of you would back a microscopic audit of parramatta.

the truth is that the storm arent the only ones who have 'cheated' they are the ones to get caught. Brisbane "not the cleanest books in the NRL" Broncos, manly and parra should be targeted and scrutinised but we wont see that.

the truth is that the storm were paying players what they are worth but everyone else thinks players should be paid pittance and stay in the game because the fans wan them to. you would all be happy with 16 cronullas until it actually happened. The writing is on the wall for rugby league. revise the unworkable unrealistic cap or sink even further behind. Stay in NSW and queensland forever and continue shrinking.

Your a f**king clown, all the other teams you've listed have been scrutineered and have been cleared of any illegal activity. In fact, many are losing players next season in order to stay under the salary cap. Example: parra losing mateo and inu to the warriors. So stop your whining and accept that just because the storm rorted the salary cap to the top, doesn't mean all these other teams can attribute their success to cheating.

Just a case of bitter storm fans trying to excuse their discraceful teams behaviour and not accepting the fact the storm are a bunch of sh*tstained CHEATS.
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so the storm were cheating right. but the other teams that played them in the grand finals werent.

So when manly beat the storm in the grand final they did it under the salary cap and beat a team that was way over. wow that makes them an incredibly extraordinary team then.

real david and goliath story there.

as if.