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My Raiders/Bulldogs (Photo's.)

St. Brett

Goodmorning fellow NRL fans.

Today.....today I'm posting a goodybag of things.

First, we'll start with this dazzling photo.


My Dad took that. He's a better shot than me.

I'll add my summory of the game now.

I'm only half finished writing it.

I'll do the other half after I post this. Hang on.

(The following text was written yesterday at the ground.)

Here I am at Telstra Stadium Sydney Olympic Park sitting in isle 14 seat number 29.
I’m supposed to be in Aisle 109 row 4 seat 19.
It’s 12:48pm.
I left home at 10:30am so it took me a good 2 hours to get here.
Canberra, in Jersey Fleg at half time are leading 20-10.
While all you others are watching this from the safety of your home on Fox, I’m sitting out in what seems to be 30 degree heat.
This ground has similarities to the SFS.
It’s not as big as I thought it would be.
(Didn’t they make this ground smaller after the Olympics?)
I thought it was bigger than this.
It looks bigger on TV. Flat and big. But it’s compact really.

For under 21’s these Jersey Fleg kids are big guys.

Wow, me at a Bulldogs game….who’d have thought….I never thought I’d see the day.
So far so smooth.
Earlier today while walking to the ground I felt special. To come to the game and walk amongst fellow fans side by side was kinda special, made you feel part of something.

There’s militia cops over to my right….count ‘em…1 2 3 4 five 6.
That theory that you’re too far away from the action at this stadium is all balony I reckon.
It’s not too bad.
Canberra are doing a number on The Bulldogs in Jersey Fleg.

Would you look at this…..look at all the parasites around me. I’m actually sitting amongst Bulldogs fans.
Tell me I didn’t pay to support this club!
I must clear myself of this. I paid today, to see Canberra and the stadium not these things.
I hope my money went to the coffers of the Olympic Stadium and not these things.
As soon as this section gets crowded I’m moving over an isle.

Great try Michael Brophy. His name has been mentioned over ten times since I’ve arrived. Borgese is getting a mention as well. 30-10.

You know what? If I was the soul owner of this stadium I’d see to it, after every game, that it’s disinfected with double-strength, duel-action industrial-grade strength cleaner to rid it of the grime.

They said that a southerly is coming over later today, with rain. (it never came!):x



St. Brett


There's the parasites.

One of those Raiders guys there had ten quid on Carney to score first.
Shoulda seen him bolt up and down the steps in victory.

Here's my second portion of the thread.

13 minutes to go first half and The Dogs have this. All penalties are going to Bulldogs.
The crowd reserve their biggest cheers for SBW.
They seem infatuated by him.
He's some sort of God to them. They worship him.
It was funny listening to the introduction of team players before the big one kicked off and how the audience yahood Sonny Bill and Hazeem yet when the white guys were introduced there was this hush around the ground.
What 90% of these Dogs fans don't seem to realise is that 80% of the Bulldogs team is made up of white guys.

What did that actor say in Kickboxer? "This f**king music is driving me crazy!" These clowns with their bongo drums are getting to me.

I also feel like Indiana Jones in part 3. What did he say? We have to go back in the lions den? I felt uncomfortable, to say the least, sitting amongst all them parasite fans.

Canberra seem to be overawed by the big occasion.
Dobson's kicking game is dreadful and Carney's not getting any distance off the kick offs either.
30-4. Welcome to the big time, Canberra. This is your grand final and you're not up to the standard.

It was probably worth the price of admission fee to see the half time cheerleaders dancing to Candyman. Bulldogs cheerleaders look like the Dallas Cowboys girls. Same outfits 'n all.

I think the SFS is a better ground atmosphere wise.

It's that bloody hot my two chocolates in my bag have melted and look like a bag of poop.

That's interesting. Some asshole just admitted, by self admission, that their cheer leaders aren't the best in the league.
And you know what? They weren't really that good. Even the Bulldogs Jersey Fleg team were half arsed in their warm down after the game. Thier body language told me they had too much attitude. It was a poor display.

36-4. Season ends right here, Canberra. You can join The Dragons.

Now...it is at this point, with 22 minutes and 40 seconds to go that something strange is happening. Are, are you Raider's faithful laughing in the face of defeat? They're actually chanting and clapping up in the corner even though it's 40-4. (I also saw some bulk of the Raiders supporters after the game laughing and running as well.) Good on ya.

Know this......I don't like anybody who doesn't sport a number on their jersey.

It's fulltime and the Dogs nearly scored again on the hooter.

Note: ALL my players photo's I took of the Raiders failed to come out. Every sinlge one of 'em, due to the angle of the sun spoiled all camera shots. It was really sh*t what I captured really. I'm disappointed.

Next....I'll post my letter to Big League.

St. Brett

Note: I got incredibly ill watching Die Hard 4 at the cinema the other day and I got all ill again yesterday.
I think it's this new drug I'm popping called Fiorinal.
When you take it everything's sweet but the comedown effects kick your arse.

Sitting in that heat all yesterday may have caused an ill effect as well.

The price of food was enough to make you ill too.

$4:50 for Coke.

$4:50 for a tiny cup of chips.

No Raiders merchandice. I was gonna buy a Raiders sunviser but they only stocked Dogs sh*t. (She tried to flog me this non-bulldog cap for $25.)

Wow, the Bulldogs have their own sun screne. Amazing.

When I bought my ticket yesterday the guy next to me purchasing his said to the ticket lady, "give me a seat amongst The Raiders! I don't wanna sit next to any Dogs fans."

Ok....now for the gloomy part.
I've already sent this e-mail off to Big League.

This is the gods honest truth about after the game yesterday and I hope somebody picks wind up of this.

Leaving the Bulldogs Canberra game on Sunday it was a shame to see all the police resources wasted babysitting these Dogs fans.
They literally need someone to hold their hand because they can’t sit still long enough without throwing tantrums.
Do you people suffer from ADD or is it hyper deficit syndrome?
In victory those supporters are still losers and it shouldn’t be the police who have to mind these immature thugs.
I feel sorry for the police and what they must put up with.
To go to extreme measures like this, security wise, tells me that the game’s going in the wrong direction. (I expect this from European soccer thug, not here!)
From leaving the Sydney Olympic Park to Lidcombe, on the train back, I literally held my breath the entire way fearful not to offend any sensitive Bulldogs supporter.
You could feel the tension in the train.
And to the person who called me a ‘murderer’ could you please explain why you called me that?
You’re all cowards who have to travel in packs, similar to Hyena’s.
Travel in groups, single out the weak and intimidate in numbers.
I can only imagine what goes on of a night game when the Bulldogs are playing.
The sad thing is, they seem to pride themselves on this loutish uncouth behaviour.

I challenge someone from your publishing house to go to the next Bulldogs game (against MLB on a Friday night.) to go alone in the train and report the fear you can feel. (especially leaving the ground and the train ride home to Lidcombe.)

P.S. well done SportsTAB taking money on Willie Tonga even though you damn well knew he wasn't taking the field. Arseholes.

St. Brett

P.S. I forgot to mention one thing.

I met Adam Mogg at the game yesterday.
I've know Adam since I was up at Fortitude Valley a few years back in QLD.


As Raiders supporters watching that on Tv/Fox.....do you continue to watch the game even though you're being smashed by 40?


First Grade
St Brett... while I did not catch the train yesterday, I have done so in the past from Telstra. There is something unique both at the ground and while leaving - there is ALWAYS a tension in the air when the Bulldogs are involved, their club cannot deny it - most people can put two and two together as to the reasons why.


First Grade
St. Brett said:
P.S. I forgot to mention one thing.

I met Adam Mogg at the game yesterday.
I've know Adam since I was up at Fortitude Valley a few years back in QLD.


As Raiders supporters watching that on Tv/Fox.....do you continue to watch the game even though you're being smashed by 40?

:lol: Poor Jed, I feel for you.


The ground announcer went out of his way to thank Raiders supporters for coming (and yes, the trip from Surry Hills was a long one, thanks for asking). I've never noticed as much effort put into that at any other away ground. Yet it still didn't make the atmosphere any better.


St. Brett said:
As Raiders supporters watching that on Tv/Fox.....do you continue to watch the game even though you're being smashed by 40?

I was disappointed to the point that I started catching up on work whilst occasionally looking up at the screen to see the latest f**k up.


i think its a shame that you have to put all the bulldogs supporters into the same boat. i do agree with you when it come to the d!ck head that go to the bulldogs games but i am not sure thay all follow the bulldogs. I was at the game yesterday and where me and my family were sitting there were a group of 16-18 year olds not in bulldog jumpers and all thay did all game was whistle and scream as thay throught it was funny (fools). i agree with you there are alot of d1ck heads that follow the dogs but all i ask is not to put us all in the same boat as these thugs some of us are nice guys.


First Grade
St. Brett said:
I met Adam Mogg at the game yesterday.
I've know Adam since I was up at Fortitude Valley a few years back in QLD.
I seem to recall Adam Mogg as having a lot more hair. France clearly hasn't treated him well.


Mate, in no way do I consider all Bulldogs fans to be w@nkers. Every team has it undesireable supporters - it just seems to be a higher proportion than other teams for the Bulldogs. The majority are fine, just that minority can be pretty intimidating.


First Grade
Agree with reptar. There is an undeniable tension in the air at Dogs games though because of the hooligan element, and compared to other away matches I go to you can definitely feel it.

Like society in general though, most people do the right thing and don't ruin the day for others.

St. Brett

Then that would make you the guy with the bald head with a pig tail yes?
You came with 4 guys two Raiders 2 Bulldogs?
And as soon as you won you raced off and purchased a round of drinks for your pals?

"$120 quid you said!"

I was looking at you man. The sun was far belting down on you but you didn't seem to mind it.
I got all ill.
I was sitting right beside you guys.

So, Panjabi....you went to the game with Dogs fans? You actually mixed it with them?

Look man........A lot of people were well behaved at the ground but it was mainly at the train station afterwards do you see your fans true colors.
You play MLB on a friday night in 2 weeks and I challenge anyone to go on the trains to and fro from the stadium and report the experience.
It's also sad to see your team players actually lecturing your crowd on the big screne at the ground telling them to mind their manners and swearing.


St. Brett said:
Then that would make you the guy with the bald head with a pig tail yes?
You came with 4 guys two Raiders 2 Bulldogs?
And as soon as you won you raced off and purchased a round of drinks for your pals?

"$120 quid you said!"

I was looking at you man. The sun was far belting down on you but you didn't seem to mind it.
I got all ill.
I was sitting right beside you guys.

So, Panjabi....you went to the game with Dogs fans? You actually mixed it with them?
I was there with two other mates, and one happens to be a Dogs supporter. I normally sit with the Army but on this occasion in the interest of fair play we decided to sit elsewhere. I got no idea who the guys sitting behind us, but they seemed to include a mix of Raiders and Dogs fans too, they were good for a laugh.
Yes that was me yahoo-ing down the aisles when Carney went over and then also dashing back to get a round of beers.

Were you the goose that came over to us and mentioned something about, 'us being good value' and something about our 'sister', that was quite perplexing.

St. Brett


Nah, wrong Goose.

I was the Goose with the big number one on his back.
I was sitting over from where you were diagonaly to your right. A breath away I was.
Thanks for offering me a cool one.

At a Bulldogs game talkin' to a stranger about his sister? No thanks. I practically sat in my seat frozen.
Not once did I feel comfortable sitting there the other day.
Oh well.
Wish I had of went to the Roosters Tigers game on Friday night instead.

P.S. it's history now.....but my point is...I hope the Canterbury Bankstown Leagues Club are paying the NSW
police force some kind of financial aid for these security measures!