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My thoughts on Roosters in the Test match.


salivor said:
RoostarGirl said:
salivor said:
RoostarGirl said:
salivor said:
Big poppa pompous - You have about the maturity of a 3 year old with that kind of reaction.

Melon - Flat? He has one bad test and suddenly hes flat, thats about as intelligent as the people who wrote him off after his debut. Its funny how Brisbane only win 30% of their games without him, must just be a coincidence. What an over-rated ponce :lol: .

Sal your taking it way out of proportion :roll: ...Did Pump actually go into the Broncos section of this website and call him a ponce???

I reckon Lockyer is a great guy and a great player...but he didn't have his best game, you would have to admit that...maybe Captaincy doesn't suit him....not all players play well when they Captain a side....who cares.

Get over it the Roosters fans cop heaps more stick than Brisbane.....thank yourselves lucky you weren't very successful this year.

What has the Broncos section got to do with the price of fish? I know you guys like to baricade yourselves within your own Roosters world but it doesn't matter where the comment was made. I don't regard the Broncos forum as a safety net for me to s**g off opposition players just as this place isn't a safety net for Roosters fans.

As for not playing well with the captaincy, I think you might want to rethink that. Lockyer played his best football in the 2001 State of Origin series as a first time Queensland captain. Captaining the Broncos when Tallis has been injured or off the field has never phased him. He didn't have a great game on the weekend and I haven't contested that, I've only contested the stupid over-rated remark which got the ball rolling.

Look Sal I am a respectful Rooster fan....I come in here I do my bit and hang out in the forums 7's and I leave every day and I don't bother visiting other parts of the website footy related because people give the Roosters of all teams the worst time. I don't like reading so I don't bother...maybe you should adopt my attitude.

I don't cause trouble I dont go looking for trouble...and lucky for me when people say things about my team I have learnt to blow them off.

I see Pumps comments as fair and reasonable in light of the game Lockyer had...even you agree he didnt have his best game.

Now OK I am stupid for thinking that maybe the AUSTRALIAN CAPTAINCY got to him.....well I suppose your entitled to that opinion. Maybe I am wrong...so what was it then??? has he lost some spark???

Now as for PUMP he's a good bloke he is part of our Forums Team and if you don't like him then ignore his posts.

We all have to learn to live with each other :roll:

You are a moderator oops correction Administrator...and I expect better behaviour from you....calling him pumpous.....now look who needs to grow up :roll: You should lead by example like Lockyer!!!!!!! ;-)

I hate to tell you RoostarGirl but being an admin I don't have the luxery of isolating myself in the Broncos forum and pretending everything is rosey in the world. I like to visit as many sections as I can and I like a bit of banter with opposition fans, how some of you have managed to stay sane locking yourself up in Roosters matters defies belief.

How is calling Lockyer an overrated ponce reasonble because of one game? Walker and Minichiello had terrible Grand Final performances, have they lost their spark? I don't think so. Lockyer has captained, his club, state and country, I hardly think the bloke is over awed with the captaincy.

As for Pump, if he wants to make stupid comments, I'll pull him up. Its called debate and its what makes forums function. It isn't all nicities on forums, its the debate between contrasting opinions which keeps most interested and coming back.

As for pompous, you might want to see that he called me saliva, but we've already established that you are a very good selective reader ignoring one whole side :lol: . As an admin, I post within the guidelines like every other member should, I've never apologised for my sometimes abrasive posting style and at times have been asked to curb it and have obliged. You are quite welcome to make a complaint about me to another mod or admin as contrary to belief, I'm open to constuctive critism.

Yeah well I am not one to go and rat on others I would rather take them on direct...if thats OK with you???.

I thought Lockyer had a bad game last week....I also thought Mini and Hegarty did also...if you read my response replying to Pumps original post...but you obviously have selective reading problems also....you'd prefer to take on the big boys...

Anyways I wasn't suggesting that don't surf all parts of the site...I am not that stupid I do realise what you need do....I was suggesting that maybe you shouldn't reply to Pump....so your within the guidelines....well good for you!!! DOESNT MEAN YOUR SETTING A GOOD EXAMPLE.

Now Sal I have disagreed with a lot of what you have said over the past months...but I am more respectful than to resort to name calling.

Now we will never see things the same...because we both have selective reading problems.

I have nothing further to say....its all been said....call me stupid if your that way inclined....


First Grade
We've always been posters first and admins/mods second. Thats the way it is, this is the way I post. You need to get things into perspective. Big Poppa Pump called Lockyer and over-rated ponce, I told him that it ruined the credibility of the rest of his post, Big Poppa chose to completely over-react and its all snowballed from there.


salivor said:
We've always been posters first and admins/mods second. Thats the way it is, this is the way I post. You need to get things into perspective. Big Poppa Pump called Lockyer and over-rated ponce, I told him that it ruined the credibility of the rest of his post, Big Poppa chose to completely over-react and its all snowballed from there.

Oh gee thanks for putting into your own perspective......I actually got that from the start. :roll:


First Grade
Yes I can see you got it from the start, thats why I'm the big bad bully in this whole situation :lol: .


salivor said:
We've always been posters first and admins/mods second. Thats the way it is, this is the way I post. You need to get things into perspective. Big Poppa Pump called Lockyer and over-rated ponce, I told him that it ruined the credibility of the rest of his post, Big Poppa chose to completely over-react and its all snowballed from there.

Looking at other posts invloving you and other Roosters supporters over the last little while it seems you have a problem with situations snowballing with other people as well?

Maybe its you :shock: :shock: who has the problem with over-reactins? but hey, dont ask me, ive only been here for 10 seconds, but there does appear to be a trend.


salivor said:
Yes I can see you got it from the start, thats why I'm the big bad bully in this whole situation :lol: .

Where is that I called you a big bad bully???!!!

I suppose your just reading between those lines....those same lines I was reading between about you calling me an idiot :lol: and Hypocrit.. how funny...jumping to conclusions again.....gee I thought it was only me!! :roll:


First Grade
Those lines are wonderful aren't they? I've had all the critism thrown my way and poor ol pump has been left in the cold, hopefully his halo will keep him warm :lol: .


salivor said:
Big poppa pompous - You have about the maturity of a 3 year old with that kind of reaction.

Melon - Flat? He has one bad test and suddenly hes flat, thats about as intelligent as the people who wrote him off after his debut. Its funny how Brisbane only win 30% of their games without him, must just be a coincidence. What an over-rated ponce :lol: .
Failed to read between the ================================

It didnt stop your Shetland friend bagging the crap out of the best fullback return yard runner in 2002 just after his first year in that position.

Over-rated Ponce? YOU said that not me.


First Grade
Theres more to a fullback than just kick returns.

Lockyer is a 5/8 turned into a fullback and Mini is a winger turned into a fullback, its quite evident in their two contrasting styles. At the end of the day I'd take the ball playing fullback over the running fullback every time.

Lockyer may not have the strength and running game of Mini but he brings so much more to a side. He gives you an extra play making option, extra in play kicking option and an extra goal kicking option. Not to mention he has a pretty good kick return game himself and while his defence was a problem in the past, its come a long way where he can hold his own against any of the top line fullbacks.

This is a guy who represented his state and country after only playing a year and a half of first grade. Since those debuts hes only missed one game for Australia and two games for Queensland and currently has played 13 straight Origin matches. Hes also won the Clive Churchall medal, captained a State of Origin winning side and will most likely captain an Ashes winning side. Finally he was selected in the team of the 90's despite only making his debut halfway through 1995 and only really having 2 good seasons in the 90's. He still managed to edge out Mullins, Brasher and Ridge for the fullback spot.

Overrated? :roll:


salivor said:
This is a guy who represented his state and country after only playing a year and a half of first grade. Since those debuts hes only missed one game for Australia and two games for Queensland and currently has played 13 straight Origin matches. Hes also won the Clive Churchall medal, captained a State of Origin winning side and will most likely captain an Ashes winning side. Finally he was selected in the team of the 90's despite only making his debut halfway through 1995 and only really having 2 good seasons in the 90's. He still managed to edge out Mullins, Brasher and Ridge for the fullback spot.

OMG, he's channeling Mike Munro. "Darren Lockyer...This is your life"


Far out.

I posted a reply to Big Poppa Pump as a joke about does he want the Aussie Team to be all Roosters plus Webcke.

Some people mustn't have a funny bone as I posted it in fun, not to cause fights.

Whether I agree or disagree with BPP, that is what he thinks.

We don't need slanging matches that are happening.

Yes I admit I made fun of Mini's game in the GF.

If people don't like what is written in the Roosters section, about their team/players etc.



First Grade
Lockyer is the only player in the game, that could fill in at 5/8, centre, wing and fullback at rep level. That makes him pretty special.

Good to see you people giving to each other for a change instead of poor old Fibro Man. :D


salivor said:
Theres more to a fullback than just kick returns.

Lockyer is a 5/8 turned into a fullback and Mini is a winger turned into a fullback, its quite evident in their two contrasting styles. At the end of the day I'd take the ball playing fullback over the running fullback every time.

Lockyer may not have the strength and running game of Mini but he brings so much more to a side. He gives you an extra play making option, extra in play kicking option and an extra goal kicking option. Not to mention he has a pretty good kick return game himself and while his defence was a problem in the past, its come a long way where he can hold his own against any of the top line fullbacks.

This is a guy who represented his state and country after only playing a year and a half of first grade. Since those debuts hes only missed one game for Australia and two games for Queensland and currently has played 13 straight Origin matches. Hes also won the Clive Churchall medal, captained a State of Origin winning side and will most likely captain an Ashes winning side. Finally he was selected in the team of the 90's despite only making his debut halfway through 1995 and only really having 2 good seasons in the 90's. He still managed to edge out Mullins, Brasher and Ridge for the fullback spot.

Overrated? :roll:
If Goodyear is a 5/8, then Brisbane wouldnt have any problems in the halves. have you seen how well lockyer goes at 5/8...not very. If he was a half decent ball playing 5/8, he'd have kept Ikin out and Brisbane would have made the top 4. Goodyear has shown his brilliance on more occassions than any fullback in the last 5 years. But we're discussing CURRENT FORM, including the recent Test Match debarcle against the Kiwis. Goodyear was flat.

Big Poppa Pump

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Everyone is talking about the Pump! Great way to make your presence felt.

Now, where's that hook................the Administrators are biting.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


First Grade
melon.... said:
salivor said:
Theres more to a fullback than just kick returns.

Lockyer is a 5/8 turned into a fullback and Mini is a winger turned into a fullback, its quite evident in their two contrasting styles. At the end of the day I'd take the ball playing fullback over the running fullback every time.

Lockyer may not have the strength and running game of Mini but he brings so much more to a side. He gives you an extra play making option, extra in play kicking option and an extra goal kicking option. Not to mention he has a pretty good kick return game himself and while his defence was a problem in the past, its come a long way where he can hold his own against any of the top line fullbacks.

This is a guy who represented his state and country after only playing a year and a half of first grade. Since those debuts hes only missed one game for Australia and two games for Queensland and currently has played 13 straight Origin matches. Hes also won the Clive Churchall medal, captained a State of Origin winning side and will most likely captain an Ashes winning side. Finally he was selected in the team of the 90's despite only making his debut halfway through 1995 and only really having 2 good seasons in the 90's. He still managed to edge out Mullins, Brasher and Ridge for the fullback spot.

Overrated? :roll:
If Goodyear is a 5/8, then Brisbane wouldnt have any problems in the halves. have you seen how well lockyer goes at 5/8...not very. If he was a half decent ball playing 5/8, he'd have kept Ikin out and Brisbane would have made the top 4. Goodyear has shown his brilliance on more occassions than any fullback in the last 5 years. But we're discussing CURRENT FORM, including the recent Test Match debarcle against the Kiwis. Goodyear was flat.

He will never play at 5/8 because hes not conditioned for the role. He was a 5/8 all the way through the junior grades and when he came up to first grade Bennett needed a fullback and put Lockyer there, the rest is history. As I said, hes a 5/8 converted into a fullback and its evident in his style. Obviously after 9 years at the back your not conditioned for the front line of defence, the last time he played there was in 2001 and he was buggered by halftime and moved back to fullback. With time he could easily become conditioned to the front line and play at 5/8, the role that got him into first grade.

As for current form, he won the Broncos player of the year for the second year in a row, mainly for his work before his injury which kept him out for a month. He returned for Brisbanes last 4 games but by then the team was playing poorly and Lockyer was being relied on to pull the team out of trouble while he was trying to get over a niggly injury which had hampered him since Origin. He had a poor test but Lockyer is hardly flat, hes had a good year apart from his last 4-5 games.


First Grade
Lockyer is one of the few players I've watch single handedly carve up an opposition side. Yes....he even did it to the mighty Panthers. I will never forget it. He is something special to watch, and I hate the Broncos.


I will still say the SOO flattenned a lot of players - the intensity of the game is equavalent to playing a higher level than test matches...

A lot of players didn't perform well after those games.

Lockyer was one - and he is not the only one

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