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Nathan Aste's CATCH! BEAUTY!!


Staff member
here we go

Aussie V. Kiwi

got nothing to do with which one was the better catch

every one will come up with reasons why thier's was better


From the sounds of it, a great catch.

The one's that have been logged in the memory bank of being pearlers for me are one from a Shell Cup final where Peter Kennedy caught Martin Crowe, details are sketchy now but it was from the sounds of similar to how Astle's catch was described, one where Martin Crowe caught Phil De Fretias of England in 1991/1992 similar to Hussey's one this year where he ran back, high ball over his shoulder, dived full length and took it inches above the ground, Sinclair's one, and one from Roger Twose in the same series against South Africa off Hansie Cronje I think where he was full stretch in the air to his left out on the boundary. Another good one I don't know if anyone remembers was Craig McMillan catching Murray Goodwin at Eden Park in a test match, stunning catch at backward point/gully, and another one was Gavin Larsen I believe it was catching Tendulkar in India at cover point.


Staff member
The best catch I've ever seen was by Vasbert Drakes, West Indies vs. Canada at the last world cup.

There we go. No bias whatsoever. Go me.



Ahh seing all those cool catches kiwis have done on onenews was cool:)

good times:), even tho i couldnt remember a couple, WHO CARES :p lol


I know it wasn't a ODI, but Adam Dale's screamer in a Mercantile Mutual Cup match in the late 90's was the best I've seen.


First Grade
John Dyson's catch off Sylvestor Clarke is the best I have seen.

There was a freakish catch by a named South Australian Steven Wundke (sp) off Kim Hughes in a one day match in the late 1980's which just about matched it.. Leaping high in the air at mid wicket after Hughes smashed a pull shot.. It deflected off his hand and then when his feet landed on the ground, he dived full length to grab the ball in one hand just inches from the ground. Came second in the classic catches that season, when you use to have to pick the winner of the best 7 of the summmer. Would have won if he had a higher profile.


best catch ive seen was damien martyn diving effort at mid off i think off a stuart macgill full toss to wavell hinds at the adelaide oval.


Post Whore
Best catch would have to be probally Pontings catch. I think it is fractionally better than Astle's only becuase he was moving backwards.


Big Mick © said:
Pontings was better

faaark orf :lol:

the thing that made astles catch look so good was the hang time.

when he caught it, still in mid air he looks down to see where the rope is.

magic catch. best this century ? dunno

Tommy Smith

Timbo said:
The best catch I've ever seen was by Vasbert Drakes, West Indies vs. Canada at the last world cup.

There we go. No bias whatsoever. Go me.

Yeah it was good. But i dont think Vasbert knew what was happening tbh. Abit of a stick your hand up and hope...sort of like Glen McGrath's when he caught Michael Vaughan at the Adelaide Oval off of Warneys bowling.
Thierry Henry said:
For me it's the equal, or perhaps narrowly second best catch I've ever seen, and amazingly enough both were by Astle (sure, NZ bias, whatever- but these are honestly my 2 faves).

Probably still the best catch ever for me was Astle catching Shaun Pollock at long-on in an ODI, I think at Napier, in 1998/99. Infact I can give you exact date, March 26 1999, cos it was my birthday. This catch was like the Sinclair catch but better. It was one-handed, left-handed, and involved full speed sprinting to the left, but if anything Astle was more at full stretch than Sinclair, and also took it only inches from the ground.

remember it like yesterday, to be fair astle had alot more time than sinclair did, hayden hit his pretty hard.

heres a link to where you can see the astles catch. also includes the other catch in napier, dipak patels catch, sinclairs catch and martin seddons non catch in the underarm.

also the american fielding coach that worked with aussies and now new zealand calls it the greatest catch.



First Grade
The Vasbert Drakes one for Windies against Canada was a beauty. Cant remember if it was to dismiss Davidson or Desmond Chumney but it was awesome. He took it one handed, behind him, not even looking was great.

Havent seen Astles catch if someone gets the link please post. And yeah Sinclairs catch was unbelievable.


lockyno1 said:
Best catch would have to be probally Pontings catch. I think it is fractionally better than Astle's only becuase he was moving backwards.

I didn;t think Ponting's was that great to be honest.

IMO Hussey's taken one or two screamers this year that beat Ponting's.

Astle's was better IMO beacuse of the "hang-time", and the was he casually looked down to make sure that he would land fair. But everyone had assumed it was 6, and Astle made it look simple...

Certainly, of the ones I've seen, Astle's two and Sinclair's one are the best Kiwi efforts, a few people have mentioned Crowe catching Houghton, and the one nobody has mentioned (so I will), was Snedden's "no-catch" off Greg Chappell in the under-arm match... stunner. Also, Patel took a simialr one off McDermott a few years back - close to the boundary, more like Ponting's though, not in Astle's league for mine... Greg Dyer took an amazing catch off Andrew Jones too :p

Obviously I haven't seen as many Aussie catches (and am not so inclinded to recall them :D ), but certainly some of the ones Mark Taylor took at first slip left me speechless. Mark Waugh was a much better fielder than Astle, but had the same ability to make the very difficult look very easy.

The likes of Viv Richards and Gus Logie also too some unbelievable ones - but we're all going to have a bias towards matches our countries played in.
Big_Bad_Shark_Fan said:
The Vasbert Drakes one for Windies against Canada was a beauty. Cant remember if it was to dismiss Davidson or Desmond Chumney but it was awesome. He took it one handed, behind him, not even looking was great.

Havent seen Astles catch if someone gets the link please post. And yeah Sinclairs catch was unbelievable.
look in post 32!

Manu Vatuvei

Nice link doug. Good to see someone else (i.e. Nathan himself and TV1) remembered the Pollock catch. Astle himself says the recent one was better so I might have to take his word on it.


Does anyone remember Adam Parore catching I think Chris Lewis at Eden Park in 1991/1992, he's going to the leg side, completely done, last second dive to his right hauls it in on the tip of his glove. In the same test Chris Cairns took a ripper at gully off Willie Watson.


Looking at that though, for share balance having to take into consideration the boundary rope, I'd rate that better than Punter's or Hussey's this year which were staggering catches - that was just about everything all done brilliantly, footwork, balance, timing, and an amazing pluck from nowhere. How he maintained balance like that I'll never know.


douglasallen91 said:
jacob oram in a test match the last two years at gully. sort of like pontings catch where he jumped backwards and caught it.
LOL that wouldna been hard for mr oram, he is the tallest man in world cricket:) , well last time i heard he was.