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Neil Henry - New coach - Canberra Times


2011? Five years is a long time to wait to compete for another title and we will have discarded Henry by then in favour of some other unproven coach that will have us treading water while Souths get their act together.

Since the NRL started we have had three decent years in 1998, 2000 and 2003. The rest have been sh*te and under Elliott we have had one good year in five but still people support him blindly. I wonder if you were a boss and your employee had one good year in five would you still support him or continue to look for excuses?

Boing Boing

Did I say I supported Elliott? Hell no. It's time for him to go. I've had enough of him.

I will, however, be supporting Henry. He's going to be the head coach of my club and at the beginning of a new tenure. He has a clean sheet and we should all be behind him, whether we agree with the decision to support him or not.


I will at least give the guy a chance. The cowboys have simmilar resources and simmilar junior strength to us so that counts for something. Plus at least with his background he might bring some passion and pride for the club back.

Boing Boing

Yeah, true.

None of the Cowboys players were big names until they started going well, has nobody else noticed this?


Boing Boing said:
Yeah, true.

None of the Cowboys players were big names until they started going well, has nobody else noticed this?

Thurston been the prime example. Playing mostly reggies at the dogs to the form player in the comp in a 18 months would count in his favour.


We have to give him a chance. I think the "big name" coach thing is a little overhyped - I really doubt either Anderson would have been able to attract many big name players to the Raiders. Probably the same with Lang. Unfortunately the perception of Canberra outside of the ACT is that it isn't a nice place to live. Wrong as that may be, we are simply a club that has always drawn its strength from developing our own juniors.

What we need is a coach who can develop those juniors so that they can make the step from PL to First grade and make us a force again. I'm not sure if Henry is the man, but if he can bring through our younger players and coach the team to have a great attacking structure (Elliott has failed on both counts), then I'll be happy. Time will tell, it's all a big unknown at the moment, and probably will be for another season or two.


I think the moment for me when I realised Elliott couldn't do the job was when Matty Johns gave McLinden a few pointers and Marty was quoted in the press as saying "now I know where to stand in attack".

I think Henry is a good choice. Anderson of the Chris variety is not what we need. He may have won premierships in the past, but he tends to leave clubs disunited and his last effort at Cronulla was woeful.


Its worth remembering Henry took Faimu and Jensen with him to the cowboys. If he can bring a couple of unknown players from the cowboys and develop them in the same way he will be doing better then a guy who might get a high profile player coming for cash.


First and foremost i'm so happy that Elliott isn't staying on that I am happy either way. Henry would have been towards the bottom of my list but then again, I don't know a lot about him yet so he will have my full support from day 1.

I'm not sure why Legend was dismissed when he said that Henry was possibly appointed due to being the cheapest, that was my first thought when I heard it was likely to happen.

Boing, 2011 is a long time to wait. Henry is going to spend at least 2 years getting Elliott's mess and style out the door so he has a big job ahead. I accept your apology for wasting my time over the past 2 or so years with your pro-Elliott arguments :D

Boing Boing

I don't remember aplogising mate! After Big Si, you're the person I love pissing off most.

I could send you an email that simply sasy "Elliott", one word, and you would reply in book form. Gold.


Good excuse mate.

Most of us worked out in 2004 that Elliott was hopeless, I would be making excuses if I was 2 years behind as well!

I predict in 2 years time you will come to me and say "Bloody hell that Howell is hopeless, he can't defend at all". That is when I will tell you to stop going to watch Bungendore Bandits matches if he annoys you so much :D


I guess most of us were hoping for a big name coach to attract big name players to bring big time success to the club ASAP. Nothing wrong with that.
What the club has done instead,is bring back a former Raiders player who has somehow made a name for himself as an up and coming coach of the future. Lets not forget Henry is the QLD assistant coach, and thats more than MAtt or Mal got to during their time at the club. This guy does come in as untried at NRL level, but TBH, Graham Murray has written about Neil Henry in his Sunday Mail articles up here in QLD. He has a very high opinion of him, and he will be missed by the club that is currently favourites for the title and undefeated so far this year. The Cows were in a very similar spot to us 3 years ago, so if Mr Neil Henry can bring some of that ability and nouce to the ACT, then we may just have unearthed a piece of magic that nobody knew existed.

I was hoping for a high profile coach. I was not keen on either Andersons. We may just have to wait and see if Neil Henry can add some sparkle to our backs, inspire our troops and select the very best team each week. Thats all we can ask for. (oh, and make us competetive again-regularly).

Boing Boing

Hey 69, I think this is the first thing you and I have ever agreed on.

Besides wanting Robinson to die.

That was great "If I see you touchie I'm going to f**ken kill you!!".


69, why are you so happy with Henry? Hes not really the "big name coach" that they club said they would get for us!


Post Whore
Boing Boing said:
Hey 69, I think this is the first thing you and I have ever agreed on.

Besides wanting Robinson to die.

That was great "If I see you touchie I'm going to f**ken kill you!!".

can take the boy out of the west but ya cant take the west out of the boy :lol:

Henry has a strong reputation in the league community, he is rated the next big thing in coaching, he is an astute bloke who will no doubt have some ver innovative ideas. He has a strong backround of getting good PL players and mould them into First graders, which is EXACTLY what we need

IMO we dont need a big name, we have 3-4 potential big names waiting to have their potential unleashed. Henry is a man that can do that IMo. Plus from what i here he is just as responsible as Murray for the Cowboys current success.

For a long time bellamy was rated the next big thing, and from what i here Henry has bigger raps on him then Bellamy did.