Not that ridiculous I dont think. Both Teeny Bopper bands with not alot on offer.
HIM have a massive Emo following everywhere. I admit they have a few catchy hooks dotted throughout their albums but all in all it's just a hell of a good marketing job being swallowed whole by the 3.729 million original, & hella hardcore, bubblegum punx with a long fringe & wristband. Oddly I think "Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights" is their best album but it's generally considered sh*te by the masses. Love Metal I guess wins because it has the prettiest cover & Bam stole the logo... :roll:
Daniel Lioneye goes good though. Would love to see them drive that boat & simply sink HIM for good. Or better yet just watch a7x beat them to a mushy pulp with a spork. Meh, dreams... :lol: